Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


May 1, 2012
do black people make it "easy" for them or does amerikkka make it hard for black people????:jbhmm:...yesterday i watched american made about the cia and dea letting a cracka smuggle coke into the states and today i see denzel say he dont blame the system for mass incarceration of black folks...

Sadly it's both.

No one put a gun to cats heads to make em trap, but the gubment putting that shyt out there on some :mjgrin: shyt is disgusting as well.

Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
nikka they wanna feel like a man, what you know about being poor and being told you ain't shyt? What you know about taking orders from women all day and nikkas ain' fukking with you cuz you look like a bum? What you know about finally getting right and being told to marry that 35 year old with 3 kids cuz she loves the Lord? nikka you know nothing.

These white dudes are men from birth.

Denzel is speaking mostly nonsense without real evidence but it sounds Good to you nikkas who clear 80k and always dated.

What you think rap music, liquor and hanging with the boys do? Compare that to living with mom and have you order you around all day. If your call you you'll be at the strip club instead of being home with mom.

You know nothing, yall far from dudes who know yall are just suburban kids who watch too much tv and listen to bullshyt.

A man wanna feel like a man. I was 35 making 12 a hour going downtown and being treated like shyt cuz how I look. Middle age darkskin poor man, even these woke sisters were shytting on me. I finally started a career over 40.

And I'm proud of myself cuz I could have easily ran up on you bytch ass nikkas and took you with me to another reality.

I'm rewarded with old bytches criticizing me for not wanting they old ass friends with 20 year old kids, I'm close to grabbing cindy and marrying that bytch and bowing out of this black shyt, you nikkas are as clueless and foolish as they come

You seperate from people who don' look like you, then cry fake tears when trayvon catches a bullet to the chest, 3 weeks later you back criticizing poor folks again.

Yall love white people plain and simple.

You don't know how it feels to be a poor black grown ass man fighting to be respecte and having to battle insecurities of how you turned out.

Praying to GOD to help you get life together.

But you quick to criticize.
Man shut the fukk up you bytch ass nikka. My posts mustve really struck a nerve, cuz heres your hoe ass typing a novel of some poor me, victimhood bullshyt. You talk about wanting to feel like a man, men dont sit around feeling sorry for themselves playing victim when they gotta deal with the results of the dirt they do. Im sick of you hoe ass nikkas out here knowing full well the risks of the lives yall wanna live, then wanna cry victim when it catches up to yall. Now you wanna try to spin this into some city nikka vs burb nikka divisive shyt, like nikkas in the burbs dont deal with racism and disadvantages also. Theres poor people in the burbs too you crybaby fukk nikka. I grew up poor in rural outskirts, I knew racism as long as I could walk, nikka fukk you and your pity party, you get none here. I acknowledged the fact that this system is designed to fukk us over, but stupid fukk nikkas like you overlooked that fact and jumped straight to "but....but...the white man!". bytch who gives a fukk? This nation is racist, water is wet. Handle yours in spite of and dont be out here doing dirt if you dont wanna risk being locked up. Yeah corrupt cops out here setting dudes up and shyt, but at the same time as Denzel mentioned, some nikkas out here make it real easy to pack prisons with blacks. Type another book about how your life is shyt and its all the white mans fault. This is why everyone else is starting to look at black men as p*ssy....nikkas cry too much. Matter fact you gotta be a fukking female cuz its typical of women to deny accountability and personal responsibility.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

And we as black folks seem to forget that...

But we also have So many stupid young folks out here taking PENITENTIARY RISKS cause they DONT wanna live a regular lifestyle (work a job ..raise a family) ....

Cause they so attracted to street life cause it's a life of no accountability


Or no structure period

Then wanna CRY when the "Man's lock they black azz up cause they was too busy thuggingn and drugging

I dated a 39 year old women whose oldest son is in Rahway prison right now in Jersey..and the other one is about to do time in Georgia....

And I BLAME HER...both they daddies was in and out of prison.......

So Denzel is right it starts at home

As parents u need to do everything but can to protect your child from falling victim to the system


Tough love. How a lot of black folk were raised, the street life was romanticized to the point where many of our circles thought that a law abiding black man who is actually clean is "lame" or "fake" because put a very diligent effort into staying away from law enforcement.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Those boys he's talking about went into the streets looking for a father figure because the system took away theirs.

No one is perfect but it's unfortunate to hear Denzel make such an ignorant statement.

These dudes are c00ns to the highest order. I remember when i. First started posting one lady came here and told me I'm too real for this shyt and to leave.

She was a very popular poster but in real life she wasn't living well, she lived rough and was scrapping by for ends meat, she took off years ago. We spoke on the phone and she's mad cool.

These dudes are really some c00ns man with no experience to us who know how stuff works, I remember bzille saying something simular before he left, amazing how many house nikkas post on here.

I'm literally proud of myself for foghting, keep in mind I'm not sick, no kids outta wedlock, non criminal record but i was looked down upon for being poor, yes poor. And mostly by other blacks who did better.

Hell, honestly white people Treated me better back then.

These are the same nikkas making all these poor black threads and literally walk past poor black men who they can help all day lol.

My boy always told me blacks are too judgemental, scared of being labeled, scared to be judged and that's why we act how we act. The middle class is scared of poverty and the poor can't talk to the middle class and the rich c00n to keep what they have. You're uncomfortable in your own skin so you shake and bake your whole life, critical of whites all day while you accept their paychecks, love by them, sleep with them.

Afraid to get too close to your own people based of appearance and perception.



Sep 11, 2015
You do know that Denzel is the official spokesperson for the boys and girls club across the country right? And has been since the early 90’s right?

You'll predictably say “so what!” to that, but don’t act like Denzel is just some actor flapping his gums, he’s put in the leg work.


Breh, that does nothing to rectify the system. That's just like him saying if black ppl stop wearing certain clothes we won't be killed

If I get stop in my car and given a ticket and I'm asking the cop why he stopped me and giving me this ticket and he hauls me off to jail, gives me 3 or 4 charges for me just asking, how is my parents that's raised me in a good environment going to help me in that moment while I'm heading my ass off to jail??

Breh it's bigger than what he's saying. Ppl have evil hearts and it starts at black ppl in most cases not having a fair playing field. Come to New Orleans and I'll show you some areas and I'll ask you how good parenting that's living in those areas will keep ppl out of jail/prison.

Fall back breh, it's bigger than him being the head of some boys and girls club, Tell him to come to the 7th/3rd ward and other areas around New Orleans and lead those boys and girls

Everything aint roses and dandy everywhere

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
But NOT every black person in jail has been the victim of a corrupt cop

Thier is a subculture of black people who simply see jail as a right of passage

I use to oversee a group of temp workers on a job site...

And during lunch heard them all share Thier street heists and jail stories ...

It was sad....cause not only they took delight in what they did

They all shared one common factor


Cause most of Thier antics and behaviour was co-signed by Thier MAMA

Corey Holcomb said it best...

"It's the OFFSPRING OF RATCHET CLUB BYATCHES FROM THE 90s that are causing HAVOC on the streets of CHICAGO!!"

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Alright so it’s been a couple hours and I still everyone of you conservatives have ignored that black parents spend more money on their kids education than whites :pachaha:

Like fukk we do...

How many black parents spend six to ten thousand dollars for science or math summer camps?

The money we spend is on bullshyt like clothes or field trips.


Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Man shut the fukk up you bytch ass nikka. My posts mustve really struck a nerve, cuz heres your hoe ass typing a novel of some poor me, victimhood bullshyt. You talk about wanting to feel like a man, men dont sit around feeling sorry for themselves playing victim when they gotta deal with the results of the dirt they do. Im sick of you hoe ass nikkas out here knowing full well the risks of the lives yall wanna live, then wanna cry victim when it catches up to yall. Now you wanna try to spin this into some city nikka vs burb nikka divisive shyt, like nikkas in the burbs dont deal with racism and disadvantages also. Theres poor people in the burbs too you crybaby fukk nikka. I grew up poor in rural outskirts, I knew racism as long as I could walk, nikka fukk you and your pity party, you get none here. I acknowledged the fact that this system is designed to fukk us over, but stupid fukk nikkas like you overlooked that fact and jumped straight to "but....but...the white man!". bytch who gives a fukk? This nation is racist, water is wet. Handle yours in spite of and dont be out here doing dirt if you dont wanna risk being locked up. Yeah corrupt cops out here setting dudes up and shyt, but at the same time as Denzel mentioned, some nikkas out here make it real easy to pack prisons with blacks. Type another book about how your life is shyt and its all the white mans fault. This is why everyone else is starting to look at black men as p*ssy....nikkas cry too much. Matter fact you gotta be a fukking female cuz its typical of women to deny accountability and personal responsibility.

Naw buddy, you a bytch nikka....

But I'm not knocking you cuz you can't relate. Do you.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Man shut the fukk up you bytch ass nikka. My posts mustve really struck a nerve, cuz heres your hoe ass typing a novel of some poor me, victimhood bullshyt. You talk about wanting to feel like a man, men dont sit around feeling sorry for themselves playing victim when they gotta deal with the results of the dirt they do. Im sick of you hoe ass nikkas out here knowing full well the risks of the lives yall wanna live, then wanna cry victim when it catches up to yall. Now you wanna try to spin this into some city nikka vs burb nikka divisive shyt, like nikkas in the burbs dont deal with racism and disadvantages also. Theres poor people in the burbs too you crybaby fukk nikka. I grew up poor in rural outskirts, I knew racism as long as I could walk, nikka fukk you and your pity party, you get none here. I acknowledged the fact that this system is designed to fukk us over, but stupid fukk nikkas like you overlooked that fact and jumped straight to "but....but...the white man!". bytch who gives a fukk? This nation is racist, water is wet. Handle yours in spite of and dont be out here doing dirt if you dont wanna risk being locked up. Yeah corrupt cops out here setting dudes up and shyt, but at the same time as Denzel mentioned, some nikkas out here make it real easy to pack prisons with blacks. Type another book about how your life is shyt and its all the white mans fault. This is why everyone else is starting to look at black men as p*ssy....nikkas cry too much. Matter fact you gotta be a fukking female cuz its typical of women to deny accountability and personal responsibility.

Im. Respond to this.

So let me ask you a question.

If you grew up min a single parent home and seen your mother handle everything, how would you come out?

Let's say she babied you and paid all your bills would you grew up to be a responsible man when you never had too? Would you have perfect. Credit when you never needed it?

Now let's say you got a 30 year old man who never left home, he's tired of his mom but he's poor and can't leave. Day the phone rings and his boys are going to the strip club to drink some Benny and smoke, is he gonna go or stay with his momma?

I'm not gonna address your made for tv drama shyt I'm addressing the mind of a man and masculinity.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Yes and no. As a minority you're a target but I'm a minority and I've never been arrested and plenty of others have never been arrested. This is a system that tries to push certain people down a path but you don't have to go down that path.

You're right, a person doesn't have to go down that path.

Us talented black people, who are excellent at turning shyt to sugar, have become quite efficient at the "I had no other choice but to live the thug life or sell dope".

We got so good at spreading that, it became popular, so popular nikkas was getting caught up in the lie. In otherwords, nikkas from good households were using that shyt (Biggie, Jadakiss, etc).

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
You're right, a person doesn't have to go down that path.

Us talented black people, who are excellent at turning shyt to sugar, have become quite efficient at the "I had no other choice but to live the thug life or sell dope".

We got so good at spreading that, it became popular, so popular nikkas was getting caught up in the lie. In otherwords, nikkas from good households were using that shyt (Biggie, Jadakiss, etc).

:wow: I need to build an army of black men to change the entire paradigm shift of the black community with people like you.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Boy stop :stopitslime:

That's the biggest MYTH promoted by these feminists ..and SLUTWALK advocates...

They're plenty of MATURE BLACK MEN they are just not desired by the plethora of Sistas who spent thier lives FUKKING WHO THEY WANTED TO FUKK Instead of who they SHOULD HAVE FUKKED...


POF is full of single black women 30 and above who first love or babydaddy or ex husband WASN'T SHYT...but wasn't BORING like the mature dude

You should run this forum.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012