Demon talking out of teenage girl describes hell

Fiji Water

Every moment is an opportunity
Dec 12, 2019
Lucid Dreaming is a talent I seem to have been born with or acquired very early in life. My first lucid dream, that I can remember, was at the age of 6. I was on a path between two lines of very tall bushes. There was a light at the end of the path, but only darkness behind me and on the other-sides of the bushes. I thought to myself, as a child mind you, "I wish those bushes were beautiful women". Just like that, the bushes turned into two lines of beautiful women on either side of me. Unfortunately for me, I also noticed the women had sinister smiles. So, I turned them back into bushes. I walked to the light, saw there was only darkness outside of it. Looked up at the light, and flew up into it. I immediately woke up after that.

In that dream, I had two epiphanies as a 6 year old. The first was that I was dreaming. When I was able to change the bushes into women, I knew at that moment it was a dream. The second was that fear of the unknown is not as important as fear of the known. When the bushes were there, there was an unknown sinister feeling coming from them. When the bushes were turned into humans, grown women, the unknown became known via the sinister smiles on the women's faces.

So age 6 seems to be the start of when I became lucid in my dreams. My lucidity ratio grew until around my teenage years, where I became lucid in all of my dreams I remember. From then on I tested what abilities I have via my lucidity, and have learned that how powerful I am in my dreams is based on one attribute. That attribute being how much faith I have in myself. The more faith I have in my abilities, the more I am able to do. The apex of my personal faith in my abilities has allowed me to create whole realities of people, places, etc. out of what seemed to be the Astral Plane.

So to answer your question @Fiji Water, lucidity is not something I practice, it is just something that seems to be inherent in my existence. I am always aware at a certain level that I am dreaming. I just may decide at the beginning of a dream to go with the flow, allowing it to proceed naturally. Taking control of my dreams can be tiring, because I end up waking up feeling like I never got any sleep. Allowing them to proceed naturally gives me a more restful sleep, but I always have the ability to take control if things in the dream are starting to go dark (like leading into a nightmare).
That's so contrasting to my experience. I learned to trigger it physically through a half sleep stae of fasting/stress. ie telling myself to drink a glass of water mid sleep, but refusing to physically do it. That way my cosmic body would wake up to perform the act due to stress.

Once I realized this was ethereal, I focused on LD. Very sacred practice. Crazy because it's almost vestigial. God bless.


Lv 100 Bold natured
Sep 2, 2014
So here’s the thing- every race has ppl who dabble in/acknowledge this stuff- including the higher ups in religious orders. There is a branch of “Mysticism” in all 3 of the Abrahamic faiths. There are religious texts that they read/use that we have no knowledge of. There are ppl dedicating their careers and lives to translate ancient religious and spiritual texts that we will never hear about.

The issue with some of us is that we make it bigger than what it is.

Meaning- you’re still a physical being in a material world. The less you pay attention to shyt like this the less it affects you.

Multiple ppl in my family have “sight” and have gotten messages and protected ppl/done things that were told to them to help or protect our family or others. Ppl do get messages, ppl do see spirits, ppl do have visions, etc. Shyt isn’t fake.

I’ve known staunch Catholics who can see/communicate with the dead and could even describe what happened when someone was murdered. And they weren’t devil worshippers. They were believers who were kind and were at mass every week.

These ppl have always existed. But even those ppl will tell you that they still have to go to work, pay bills, keep the lights on, put food on the table and gas in the car. Ppl delve too deeply into this shyt and forget they are human and gotta live life.

Also why we have to fully appreciate this life and time on this planet. A lot of these things bug you because you in fact are human, on the physical plane and they want to affect the physical or interact with it through you.
Long story short humans when faced with things they don't understand turn it into magical spiritual stuff to explain it and make them feel comfortable. A lot of us are sorely ill-equipped to live in reality. It's sad.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
That's so contrasting to my experience. I learned to trigger it physically through a half sleep stae of fasting/stress. ie telling myself to drink a glass of water mid sleep, but refusing to physically do it. That way my cosmic body would wake up to perform the act due to stress.

Once I realized this was ethereal, I focused on LD. Very sacred practice. Crazy because it's almost vestigial. God bless.
A lot of people do not believe in reincarnation, but I suspect it may be true. If it is, then it easily explains why It is so easy for me to Lucid Dream. I learned how to do it in a previous life. It also explains why as a 6 year old, I was able to recognize what was happening immediately.

Now I am not saying reincarnation is a fact, I am just speculating on the benefits it may have given me if it is a reality. So, if it is a reality, and you do reincarnate, I suspect you would find all that hard work you did in this life acquiring the skill to Lucid Dream carried on into your later incarnations. Again, that is if reincarnation is actually a reality of our existence.
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All Star
Nov 10, 2015
You’re what I assume is a grown ass man and you’re spending time on this silly shyt. Your time would be better spent worrying about all the real fukked up and evil shyt in this world. There is no devil or evil demons waiting in the dark to jump on you, there are just regular evil ass people. Grow up
Stfu loser


Sep 24, 2014
The International Scene
Crazy that rick james smashed got her pregnant and made a song about her because she got an abortion on the low without telling rick:wow:
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That nikka
May 28, 2012
Tampa Florida
Lucid Dreaming is a talent I seem to have been born with or acquired very early in life. My first lucid dream, that I can remember, was at the age of 6. I was on a path between two lines of very tall bushes. There was a light at the end of the path, but only darkness behind me and on the other-sides of the bushes. I thought to myself, as a child mind you, "I wish those bushes were beautiful women". Just like that, the bushes turned into two lines of beautiful women on either side of me. Unfortunately for me, I also noticed the women had sinister smiles. So, I turned them back into bushes. I walked to the light, saw there was only darkness outside of it. Looked up at the light, and flew up into it. I immediately woke up after that.

In that dream, I had two epiphanies as a 6 year old. The first was that I was dreaming. When I was able to change the bushes into women, I knew at that moment it was a dream. The second was that fear of the unknown is not as important as fear of the known. When the bushes were there, there was an unknown sinister feeling coming from them. When the bushes were turned into humans, grown women, the unknown became known via the sinister smiles on the women's faces.

So age 6 seems to be the start of when I became lucid in my dreams. My lucidity ratio grew until around my teenage years, where I became lucid in all of my dreams I remember. From then on I tested what abilities I have via my lucidity, and have learned that how powerful I am in my dreams is based on one attribute. That attribute being how much faith I have in myself. The more faith I have in my abilities, the more I am able to do. The apex of my personal faith in my abilities has allowed me to create whole realities of people, places, etc. out of what seemed to be the Astral Plane.

So to answer your question @Fiji Water, lucidity is not something I practice, it is just something that seems to be inherent in my existence. I am always aware at a certain level that I am dreaming. I just may decide at the beginning of a dream to go with the flow, allowing it to proceed naturally. Taking control of my dreams can be tiring, because I end up waking up feeling like I never got any sleep. Allowing them to proceed naturally gives me a more restful sleep, but I always have the ability to take control if things in the dream are starting to go dark (like leading into a nightmare).
I always wanted to ask one of your Types...

What shape is the Earth Really?

I know y'all be Flying and seeing things from other points of view ...

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May 1, 2012

We have biblical accounts of hell that lets us know that even for the worst of the worst people on planet Earth, you wouldn't wanna wish them to hell but most people simply do not care. All the things on Earth that can inflict pain(and things that aren't meant to be used as a weapon but if thrown or used it can cause pain) combined wouldn't even be 1 percent hell(no pun intended) even half of 1 percent of how hot hell is but people still are basically saying I don't fukking care

I liked this better as the exorcist

Also go back to the root


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
I always wanted to ask one of your Types...

What shape is the Earth Really?

I know y'all be Flying and seeing things from other points of being things ...

Earth is a sphere, but not a perfect one. It bulges out in the equator area because of its spin. My Lucid Dreams in space seems to align with what science states it is. Though remember, I did state the dreamscape could be in my mind or outside of it. I do not know, and can not state for certain which it is. So what I see in my Lucid Dream could be just my mind using the same representation of what the Earth looks like, based on my scientific knowledge of what the Earth is suppose to look like. Or, it could be I am really outside and am seeing what it looks like.

Even when it comes to my personal experiences in this aspect of my life, I do not assume what I experience is the truth. I instead seek to find evidence in my waking life that may support the experience I had in my Lucid Dream. My research a lot of times have had some surprising results that support the idea that what I saw was true, but are not enough for me to make the claim that it is true with certainty. So I always remain skeptical even with my own personal experiences.


Tall & Handsome in ATL
Nov 25, 2013
Some of yall sound looney as hell.

How you supposed to “burn” when there’s no body?

So the soul burns? Why not freeze? :what:


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
Mmhmm all this.

That shyt is real (spirits, entities, etc), but FEAR is what opens the door. And sadness/mourning (at least in my case. My first REAL REAL experience was when I was mourning my grandmother’s death, and there was a another spirit around that I could not sense because it couldn’t get to me until I was literally in emotional pain/mourning).

Fear is the gateway.

And I ain’t listening to that shyt cuz I’m not activating that shyt in my mind or personal space lol

It’s real, but if you’re spiritually and emotionally sound you will find that thru faith you are stronger than most of the shyt that goes bump in the night.

Actual entities are different:whoa::hubie: but that happens to so few people, or if it does it only happens like once or twice in a lifetime. Unless you’re actually into other “practices” on a consistent basis.
Interesting take and i never thought of it like that. Fear is what makes these things manifest in our minds and that can effect u physically. Not deep in the bible but hell not being here yet would mean the earth is the demons playground and would explain all the demonic ahyt


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
lucidity is not something I practice, it is just something that seems to be inherent in my existence. I am always aware at a certain level that I am dreaming. I just may decide at the beginning of a dream to go with the flow, allowing it to proceed naturally. Taking control of my dreams can be tiring, because I end up waking up feeling like I never got any sleep. Allowing them to proceed naturally gives me a more restful sleep, but I always have the ability to take control if things in the dream are starting to go dark (like leading into a nightmare).
Yep. Lucid dreamer as long as I can remember. It's exhausting living a whole life at night when you're supposed to be recovering from, you know, actual life. We got a dog and I'm allergic so I started taking benedryl- best sleeps ever!

I do think it has something to do with reincarnation too. Until I was about 6 or 7, I returned to a former lifetime every night, sometimes at will. I was a married woman with children and a husband. I think it was real because, though I don't recall every dream obviously, I understood certain adult situations very clearly, VERY young. I was never abused or was exposed to anything inappropriate, but I knew things I wasn't supposed to know and actually got in trouble for it a few times.

After that series ended, I started really lucid dreaming, not just re-living a former life. I had several locations I'd return to, this continued through to adulthood. I had a dream where I was reading tarot cards (I'd never touched them irl) and stumbled cross the same deck the next day. That started a whole sub series of dreams that ended in a way that left me feeling... disturbed? Like I'd bothered the gods? I was confused because, while I can control my dreams, I often don't. As an adult, I'd learned to kinda just wait and see what happens, it's more interesting that way. I say all that to say, it's not like I put myself in that place with those cards, so why be mad at my presence?

So I get to googling and find a thread on a conspiracy site. Posters in that thread described each and every location I'd been dreaming about for decades. I was flabbergasted, we all were, how could this be?? Was there a higher power directing us? And while we're at it, why us?

I've been weirded out every since. :hubie: