Demon talking out of teenage girl describes hell

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
People will share a video of somebody pranking someone by slapping a drink out of her hand, and dozens of people will show up to call it fake.

somebody says demons are speaking through them and people go "fascinating, lets have a genuine discussion about this."

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May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
That started a whole sub series of dreams that ended in a way that left me feeling... disturbed? Like I'd bothered the gods? I was confused because, while I can control my dreams,
The part above is a similar experience I had. In the sense of feeling like messing with things in a dream was wrong, because I was actually messing with people.

What I can point out is I have met others in the dreamscape that seemed to be just as sentient and aware they were dreaming as I am. One was far more advanced than I am and she told me somethings about reality that I felt so true to my being, but could not fully remember once I woke up.

The full kicker was me seeking out my wife in a lucid dream and finding her waiting in a line in a dream about her High School years. I whispered to her, "Do you know that you are dreaming?" She looked at me with an upset expression, like I was intruding in her dreamscape. That was also another time when beings who seemed to be some sort of enforcers arrived and I have to admit I ran. We moved through dream locations, at speeds that made everything a blur. Once I got ahead of them enough to concentrate, I woke myself up.

Now, the interesting part about that experience was I asked my wife about it the next day. Since she fell asleep in our loft watching a movie and I fell asleep in our bedroom, I felt there was no chance of me speaking in my sleep and her hearing it. She looked with shock at the question, and then told me exactly what I said to her. Not only that, she remembered being upset that I was intruding into her dream. She is not the only person I have done this too, but she was the last one. I came to the conclusion that intruding on the dreams of others without their permission is an invasion of privacy, and maybe against some collective understanding we have as humans have with each other.

Now, how do I explain it all seems to be the collective unconscious we all share as Human beings. Our consciousness may just be the tip of a wave on top of a vast sea of unconsciousness that is actually shared among us all, according the the theory of Carl Jung. So being able to move into other dreams, which are in that vast unconsciousness may also allow us to move into each others dreamscapes. A theory, and so can not be proven by me or anyone else, but like I said before, I have checked in my waking life to confirm things and surprising results have been found. I Just have not found enough conclusive evidence that would allow me to outright state it is all true.
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Fill Collins

I didn't mean to verge!
Jun 19, 2019
So here’s the thing- every race has ppl who dabble in/acknowledge this stuff- including the higher ups in religious orders. There is a branch of “Mysticism” in all 3 of the Abrahamic faiths. There are religious texts that they read/use that we have no knowledge of. There are ppl dedicating their careers and lives to translate ancient religious and spiritual texts that we will never hear about.

The issue with some of us is that we make it bigger than what it is.

Meaning- you’re still a physical being in a material world. The less you pay attention to shyt like this the less it affects you.

Multiple ppl in my family have “sight” and have gotten messages and protected ppl/done things that were told to them to help or protect our family or others. Ppl do get messages, ppl do see spirits, ppl do have visions, etc. Shyt isn’t fake.

I’ve known staunch Catholics who can see/communicate with the dead and could even describe what happened when someone was murdered. And they weren’t devil worshippers. They were believers who were kind and were at mass every week.

These ppl have always existed. But even those ppl will tell you that they still have to go to work, pay bills, keep the lights on, put food on the table and gas in the car. Ppl delve too deeply into this shyt and forget they are human and gotta live life.

Also why we have to fully appreciate this life and time on this planet. A lot of these things bug you because you in fact are human, on the physical plane and they want to affect the physical or interact with it through you.
Up until recently, I was a Mass goer, went to a Black Catholic church after being told they were idol worshippers and evil as a holy roller jit, never gave Christianity a real chance until that

I don't doubt there's benefits from religion, I've benefited mentally, socially, and materially going to church but I can't say I believe there's a spiritual benefit, that stuff just ain't real for me.

Maybe I'm saying the same thing in different terms, but a lot of people are very routine, people follow patterns and some subconsciously notice disruption in other's routines. I feel like it's an instinctual thing, like how you hear about mothers suddenly gaining strength to lift a car off of her kid or sumn, people are strange like that

Ultimately, I see no harm unless ppl act like the bolded, I've worked with young brehs who threw their lives away believing they were gonna be able to fly, levitate, etc. all cuz they read a random translation of the Book of Enoch or whatever:mjlol:

Just ain't for me


Jun 11, 2012
The coli man

Pictures of the planets in our solar system = fake news oh it’s AI it’s not real

Something totally fake, made up bro science = super real you gotta watch this omg

Anti intelligence is a spreading disease

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
The part above is a similar experience I had. In the sense of feeling like messing with things in a dream was wrong, because I was actually messing with people.

What I can point out is I have met others in the dreamscape that seemed to be just as sentient and aware they were dreaming as I am. One was far more advanced than I am and she told me somethings about reality that I felt so true to my being, but could not fully remember once I woke up.

The full kicker was me seeking out my wife in a lucid dream and finding her waiting in a line in a dream about her High School years. I whispered to her, "Do you know that you are dreaming?" She looked at me with an upset expression, like I was intruding in her dreamscape. That was also another time when beings who seemed to be some sort of enforcers arrived and I have to admit I ran. We moved through dream locations, at speeds that made everything a blur. Once I got ahead of them enough to concentrate, I woke myself up.

Now, the interesting part about that experience was I asked my wife about it the next day. Since she fell asleep in our loft watching a movie and I fell asleep in our bedroom, I felt there was no chance of me speaking in my sleep and her hearing it. She looked with shock at the question, and then told me exactly what I said to her. Not only that, she remembered being upset that I was intruding into her dream. She is not the only person I have done this too, but she was the last one. I came to the conclusion that intruding on the dreams of others without their permission is an invasion of privacy, and maybe against some collective understanding we has humans have with each other.

Now, how do I explain it all is seems to be the collective unconscious we all share as Human beings. Our consciousness may just be the tip of a wave on top of a vast sea of unconsciousness that is actually shared among us all, according the the theory of Carl Jung. So being able to move into other dreams, which are in that vast unconsciousness may also allow us to move into each others dreamscapes. A theory, and so can not be proven by me or anyone else, but like I said before, I have checked in my waking life to confirm things and surprising results have been found. I Just have not found enough conclusive evidence that would allow me to outright state it is all true.
Sounds like you’re aware of awareness
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Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
It’s sad that people still don’t believe in Christ. There’s so much proof out there and yet you still scoff and deny the existence of proof. Mercy on your souls. 🙏🏽

Objectively speaking can you name the proof of existence. Im more spiritual than spitting psalms on a sunday but when i ask for elaboration its more faith based.

Im always curious about spirits and is there an afterlife

Ty Daniels

Dec 13, 2019
In the Bible there is a Difference between "Hell/Sheol/Hades/Grave" and the "Lake Of Fire".

The "Firey Hell" most people believe in isn't even suppose to happen UNTIL AFTER "Judgement", SMH.

NOBODY currently (according to the Bible) is supposed to be in "Firey Hell/Lake Of Fire".

And "The Lake Of Fire" according to the Bible is ALSO for "Demons/Satan", as final punishment.

This all is supposed to happen after Judgement, Tribulations, "Rapture" etc...


Did this work
Jun 21, 2012
Earth is a sphere, but not a perfect one. It bulges out in the equator area because of its spin. My Lucid Dreams in space seems to align with what science states it is. Though remember, I did state the dreamscape could be in my mind or outside of it. I do not know, and can not state for certain which it is. So what I see in my Lucid Dream could be just my mind using the same representation of what the Earth looks like, based on my scientific knowledge of what the Earth is suppose to look like. Or, it could be I am really outside and am seeing what it looks like.

Even when it comes to my personal experiences in this aspect of my life, I do not assume what I experience is the truth. I instead seek to find evidence in my waking life that may support the experience I had in my Lucid Dream. My research a lot of times have had some surprising results that support the idea that what I saw was true, but are not enough for me to make the claim that it is true with certainty. So I always remain skeptical even with my own personal experiences.
Did you ever try to consciously get out of your body or locate the "silver cord" ?


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
This video makes NO SENSE!!!!!!!

She was in heaven then satan tricked her?
That means she a human, so why are we calling her a demon????

Secondly, be good go to heaven or be bad and go to hell...
See the thing is that this is so impossible to be true because there is really no clear line showing exactly what is evil and what is good.
Every religion has so many contradictions within themselves, there is absolutely no clear set rule.
Also it looks like various degrees of bad all have the same outcome, hell.
Imagine everything you did that was even slightly bad resulted in the death penalty.

This is why reincarnation makes way more sense, it fits the crime.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Did you ever try to consciously get out of your body or locate the "silver cord" ?
Yes and I have experienced something surprising concerning that. My experience seems to indicate that I do not leave my body, but instead split myself into multiple instances of me. So, many times I have experienced what it is like to be in multiple places at once. After doing that quite a few times, I went searching to see if anyone else had experienced the same. What I found was a whole theory about OBEs that aligns with my own experiences on it.

Now, what may be me having an OBE is a lot harder to accomplish for me than Lucid Dreams that come naturally. Because of both, I strongly suspect there is far more to our existence than what can be found in any earthly religion. I am still skeptical about outright claims of having the truth, and even of my own experiences. So I again can not say with certainty that any of it is real, I can only tell you what I have experienced and later researched.

I suspect that I will not know the truth of it all until I pass on. Which could be total oblivion, which may be possible but seems less likely based on my personal experiences, or full remembrance of what I truly am outside of Space & Time. Until then, I will keep having my experiences until this life has ended.


May 1, 2012
Now, how do I explain it all seems to be the collective unconscious we all share as Human beings. Our consciousness may just be the tip of a wave on top of a vast sea of unconsciousness that is actually shared among us all, according the the theory of Carl Jung. So being able to move into other dreams, which are in that vast unconsciousness may also allow us to move into each others dreamscapes. A theory, and so can not be proven by me or anyone else, but like I said before, I have checked in my waking life to confirm things and surprising results have been found. I Just have not found enough conclusive evidence that would allow me to outright state it is all true.
I can vouch for this ...
And add that not just the dream world but also the material world can be "altered" by dipping/sinking into that "unconsciousness"