See this is what I'm talking about, when I say separate I'm not talking about physically, I'm talking mentally. Stop worrying about how whites feel when it comes to making moves. A lot of people don't want to hear it because they want whites to accept them with open arms. What we need to do is take the knowledge we learn from them, how they hustle just about everything and flip it to make a profit, then leave business and resources to our children instead of selling out. It's not about having a black utopia in the clouds, it's about taking their power away. Whites are never going to just bust in and start a genocide on us because that opens the door for other countries to come in on some "Oh you committing genocide on your own people? Let me come in and protect them

" Of course it's not to protect us but to have a reason to step in American soil and take over country, whites know this which is why they haven't out right started killing us in our homes.
Blacks could realistically stay in America peacefully if we would just work together. Yeah we could go and win some reparations but do you really expect an economic base to come from that with the mentality blacks have now? It would just funnel right back into the hands of white businesses and we'll be back to where we started. Not saying I disagree and we shouldn't fight for reparations but we need to build a basic economic base before that.
bruh i dont care what whites think. they care what i think. they are monitoring me right now, taking notes. do you understand the difference? i dont make white jokes. they make black racist jokes about me all the time and i'm not even thinking about them. they think about us more than we think about them. even though they are on top and have no reason to. but there is a reason. to keep focus on us to keep us where we are. gotta keep a thumb on a brotha.
you can't have this group economics with no real money. and right now you dont have any real money.
there are a very very small portion of blacks thaat have real cheddar.
the rest of us aint holding any cash, land, property. and we will never be able to because we dont have enough $$$ to do so.
You want to change some laws. you have to change the policies. you need Politics and politicians. you have to Buy them to get what you want. not just vote them in.
example. White middle to poor class whites all over america vote for repubs. and yet repubs dont do ish for them when the rubber meets the road. who do the repubs do their bidding for? Corporations. Why? they pay them. The NRA . why? They pay them.
blacks like to say but but we got obama in office therefore he should do x, y and z. hold on. how many of us BOUGHT obama? not many if any of us. So those who bought him own him so to speak. he therefore owes them favors. this is the game friends. play the game or cry about it later.
you want group economics you first need reparations(use the law against them and embarrass them in front of the entire world). the same reason they wont pull a genocide is the same reason we could possibly embarrass them enough to pay up.
Trillions of dollars infused in blacks alone. would give us enough capital to start buying these politicians. it doesnt mean every single black has to be down with the plan. just enough of us. shoot, there's enough coli bruhs down right now if we had 100 milli between 30 of us. we could BUY a politician or 5 on the local and state levels. Do you understand this?
to perform group economics with the little $$$ we have now. it means more people would have to think on the same level. AINT HAPPENING BRUH. you know how i know it aint happening? You just said yourself, if they gave us all that reparations money most of us wouldnt know what to do with it. if you believe thats the mentality of your current people right now. that will be the same mentality that will hinder a group economics movement RIGHT NOW.
thats why you have to be realistic. you want us to come up. fine. lets get.
get paid first.
then a select few of us will have enough capital to put a dent in it. this is the only way you can see a decent situation for us. or semi-decent. still not fair. but semi decent.
let me give you an example of what i'm talking about in the real world.
there's a black area in cali. a small little pocket within a major city. that black folks with money and working class blacks called home. it had black art, black dance studios. black eateries, black shops around, even had the brothas playing the african drums from time to time. not utopia but OURS if you get my point.
a lot of the store owners in that area did not own the buildings, nor the land. they were leasing.
They were leasing it from a white person/white people. to my knowledge. that owned that land from way back when.
a black woman actress purchased the entire area. and then later attempted to sell it back to the Black owners. You talk about group economics this is it. This is what we've been begging jordan and oprah to do for us from the jump right?
So guess what these store owners did? oh by the way the entire lot was only for a little over a Million at the time. this is a nice prime piece of land too. These idiots couldnt put their pennies together and join one another to get the money. So it ended up going back into the hands of a bunch of white people, probably some asians too. and now guess what is going on in the area? gentrification. and a trainstop. blacks requested the trainstop(idiots). they thought it would bring more business to them. TRUE it would. but they didnt realize. once you do that. the value skyrockets. you idiots dont own shhhh. so what do you think the owners are going to do? Kick your little african wares selling a... up out of there and sell it to the highest bidder thats what. And thats exactly whats goin on. and the same people are crying foul. No nucca You Blew it. You blew your shot. your own sista gave you a chance in hell and you blew that too. this is what we're dealing with my friend. we are that backwards minded.
But guess what. Let that same scenario happen and I(rapbeats) and my wife, and my family on my side and her side have some reparations money. Let that happen again. I would've bought up the spot myself and gone broke doing it because i can see the future. some of us can't. it doesnt take a lot. it takes a select few with the right mindset and FUNDS to pull this thing off.
Now lets be clear. they will come. They being W... folks. and they will come to Eff with us. You know what you do then. you let them gentrified the spot. while your black a... is the owner. let white folks run the shops. Flip it on them like they've done to you forever. sure your black folks dont live around there in droves anymore but at least black folks are still getting paid from it. you get enough money and start developing your own spots. this could work. but even then. They are coming for that too. this is the reality of the situation. They gave the natives stuff, signed treaties and all. and yet they still mess with them more than we know. so what do you think they would do to us if we made a HUGE come up? we've seen this already many times over. the obvious is the one we keep bringing up black wall street.
what happens if they never tear it down? it thrives. and maybe it expands to other states. people see success and they copy it. but its gone. nothing to duplicate. the formula is lost. and here we all are talking about what we should do when it was already done decades ago but was killed off by our cousin the white man.