Debate: White Supremacy Vs. Self Accountability/Responsibility


Jul 19, 2014
So basicly we're fukked:sadcam:
Pretty much. And the thing is that there are too many black people who think like this.

There are

A) black people who just don't care and are indirectly supporting white supremacy by having babies they can't afford and never getting educated. Living off of the government. Comitting crimes. The uninformed.

B) pro black people who talk about white supremacy but not black inferiority. Who
Believe that holding us accountable for anything is c00ning. And actually believe that white people are going to stop benefitting from WS

C) successful black people who don't care enough to talk about it because their lives are alright.

D) pro black people who recognize that black inferiority is a problem, and the only solution is self accountability and self respect. But they are often called c00ns.

We need more people like D. But it won't happen.

I've been considering washing my hands with the whole thing. I can't lie , I have. Too many people have died for this shyt for us to still be where we are.

Suleiman Bey

Nov 2, 2015
Doing so has only ever strengthend white supremacy, not weakened it.
Division amongst us will always keep them strong. That does not mean we should coddle the lost.
The only reason I disagree with the rap music argument is because black people are human beings. We are not brain dead dunces or dogs. We are capable of critical thinking. It's more about bad parenting and broken homes then it is about rap music. Poverty, the good etc. is your start, not your ending. It ain't home. It's just where you were born. I can't stress that enough.

Self accountability is the only solution. I don't know why that's so hard to accept.

Self accountability is always key, but we must have positivity constantly reinforced. Simply knowing right from wrong is not enough.

Aug 17, 2013
I've never heard any black person (on this website or outside of it) suggest that "we should let every knucklehead off the hook" because of the existence of white supremacy. Arguing against straw men is no way to begin a serious discussion.

Despite what you think you've learned about Black people, we don't like crime and criminals. But while living under poor conditions many of us have come to gain a nuanced understanding of the factors that create crime and how we might deal with them; these views are very different from the crude suggestions I've heard from people on this website who think it would be a great idea for "good" black people to pick up guns and carry out the mass murder of "bad" black people, as some form of vigilante justice.

Of course, understanding that we have the power to change our situation is of utmost importance, and I don't think any black people actually interested in the issues would deny this.

The major split in opinion typically comes from one party asserting the ridiculous notion that a lack of personal responsibility and accountability is the cause of the social ills in our community, and that with a healthy dose of personal responsibility we can reverse centuries of lack of opportunity and poor social conditions.

This theory completely ignores the long series of events that led to our present state and the current conditions that continue to affect it-- which is exactly what those white supremacists who came up with this propaganda intended. You do a huge favor to the powerful in this country when you ignore their actions and just tell black people to pick their pants up and turn off that damn rap music; it's our job as citizens to challenge systems of power, not strengthen them.

But I do believe change starts with ourselves, and I don't just mean black people, I mean working class people all over. And you are right to point out that waiting around for a savior is wrong and a recipe for disaster.

So, rather than vague notions of personal responsibility, black people need political activity. We need become informed on the issues affecting us, spread this knowledge to our brothers and sisters, and form educated, politically active communities that can take action.

Institutions that have functioned in the past as conduits for working class political organization have been severely weakened. This has had a obvious negative effect on the collective consciousness (of the working class at least; elites are as class conscious as ever). But in recent years there has been a hopeful resurgence of working class activism and I hope it continues to grow.


Oct 26, 2014
We have to go bhousing and job discrimination and other things relegated blacks to ghettos where there were impoverished and it led to mass violence, crime, and drug dealing.

I mean we talk about job applications being thrown out due to names, we talk about mass incarceration and drug arrests, we talk about poor funding for public schools in poorer communities (many of which are black), negative influences (as a result of the aforementioned problems) etc.

Well guess what? It all adds up. These issues add up and are why so many Black Americans (whose grandparents/ancestors were from here) struggle so much.

It's easy to point out that "oh rap music is so bad", but guess what; it's myopic. It's dramatically simplifying the issue to a point where it doesn't even make sense. Do you guys think that rap music randomly brainwashes the minds of black people? You think black people are one big herd that get brainwashed, but that the other groups of people that purchase rap music aren't (white people actually purchase as much as 60% of rap music)?

Not to mention that you have African immigrants that are actually as successful as Asian immigrants (whom many call the model minority).

So it shows you that the issue that native Black Americans face aren't as simple as "pull up your bootstraps", because they've fallen into a very unique cycle that others haven't.

So no, as it easy as it seems to be, self accountability simply isn't the issue, because it's barely accessible to a lot of blacks. If by white supremacy, you mean the system that previously created a lot of these troubles, than yeah I guess so. Obviously that isn't to say that any random white person is responsible; it's just that many of the politicians and the press and the news media - who unfortunately just happen to be white - justify these problems, and by virtue, allow them to continue.
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May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
Self accountability is always key, but we must have positivity constantly reinforced. Simply knowing right from wrong is not enough.

Thank u. Thats my point. Hiphop originally was a tool to uplift, educate, motivate and inspire to fight against the system

I dont even have to give examples of what it has turned into. And this is by design. Media propaganda is currently one of the most effective tools of systemic oppression.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida

Thanks for the tag...

It's not solely about damning members of the bc, though that will be a part of it. The damning is to let the positive members know what behavior isn't acceptable and to end the glorification of such behavior.

It can also be seen as giving notice to the negative members that they're outabounds and the bc doesn't cosign them and their behavior.

It's important to establish boundaries, to let the young know who's who. Somehow in the became cool to be viewed as an illiterate, savage. To the point where the derelict have the audacity to ridicule decent people with titles such as "lame".

Take away these urban code words for bad behavior and bad parenting and call it what it is. For example: I jumped off the porch early. Was doing all this thug shyt at a young age.

This is code for, "My parents aren't bout shyt" to be blunt. We made it cool and appropriate to tell the world your momma ain't shyt :mjlol:

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
Unsuccessful people will blame white supremacy. Successful people will acknowledge it but, ultimately realize they have complete control over their lives and how they respond to things.
ironically most successful black people get theirs and forget where they came from.

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
Then I'm against you. I disagree. Wholeheartedly. It's not about stopping white supremacy, it's about stopping black inferiority. It is about respectability politics. But not respect for ourselves to "earn" respect for them. They are going to hate us regardless. It's about self respectability because we deserve to respect ourselves. This is the most opportunity that black people have ever had in this country. Ever. And the truth is we don't know what to do with it. We're so concerned about making the game fair for all, that we never even end up playing it at all. It's about self respect and self accountability. We're complaining to the refs and they're on a fast break. This is the problem. Stop worrying about white people. Worry about blacks. Worry about us. First. We have to come first.
What is black inferiority?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Let it....I can't blame the white man all day. I can acknowledge the game is rigged but, I have bills to pay. There's black immigrants who come over here with $1,000, bust their azz and end up living good 10 years in the future yet nikkas born here will stay in the projects all their lives. It's alot easier to complain about the bad hand you were given than to get up and do something :wow:

Yep. My family from Jamaica and they know that a determined mind can overcome white supremacy. They never begged, they never complained, and they never passed over accountability. It worked wonders for me n my brother and not one of us ever went to jail or did anything reckless.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Thank u. Thats my point. Hiphop originally was a tool to uplift, educate, motivate and inspire to fight against the system

I dont even have to give examples of what it has turned into. And this is by design. Media propaganda is currently one of the most effective tools of systemic oppression.

Some people will go as far as trying to erase Public Enemy from black history. :smh:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Thanks for the tag...

It's not solely about damning members of the bc, though that will be a part of it. The damning is to let the positive members know what behavior isn't acceptable and to end the glorification of such behavior.

It can also be seen as giving notice to the negative members that they're outabounds and the bc doesn't cosign them and their behavior.

It's important to establish boundaries, to let the young know who's who. Somehow in the became cool to be viewed as an illiterate, savage. To the point where the derelict have the audacity to ridicule decent people with titles such as "lame".

Take away these urban code words for bad behavior and bad parenting and call it what it is. For example: I jumped off the porch early. Was doing all this thug shyt at a young age.

This is code for, "My parents aren't bout shyt" to be blunt. We made it cool and appropriate to tell the world your momma ain't shyt :mjlol:

Yep. How we made self destruction cool these last 25 years Is disgusting. Previous generations saw blatant racism and turned out to be outstanding people for sacrificing for future generations.