DEATH BATTLE! - Goku vs Superman


May 1, 2012
now onto goku

base goku vs frieza

this video is an example of what i want from you when it comes to how superman fights. Notice the speed, tenacity, techniques, the fighters uses. Superman is punch punch throw heat vision rinse and repeat. Goku and Frieza would filet superman on technique alone.

piccolo vs 17

Another great battle here. The shyt superman does pales in comparison to DBZ


[ame=][Japanese] Goku vs Perfect Cell Part 3/8 - HD - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=][Japanese] Goku Vs Perfect Cell Part 5/8 - HD - YouTube[/ame]

I can't say anything ekse this shyt blows superman out the fukking water.
Last edited by a moderator:
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.

here are the videos as promised

superman vs captain marvel

Superman vs Captain Marvel_Justice League - YouTube

not a bad fight here, they destroy some buildings, cause some damage. I don't see superman doing any martial arts, or atomic punches.

Superman vs Captain Atom

Superman Vs Captain Atom (HD) {Best Animated} - YouTube

again same with captain marvel not a bad fight, i don't see much speed in the punches or the flying. Just more punches and captains energy beams. Again i don't see this martial arts or atomic punches by superman

Superman vs Darkside

Superman vs. Darkseid - YouTube

SUPERMAN vs. Darkseid ("Twilight") FULL FIGHT! - YouTube

Nothing special here just some punches and omega beams, no real damage done. Superman get's hit 5-6 times and looks like he's on deaths door. No stamina at all. Again i don't see any martial arts or all these techniques that superman is suppose to have. Don't give me he wasn't fighting to his full potential because he was fighting darkside to kill him in this. LMAO @ superman getting hit with those slow ass punches. Goku would never be touched by darkside.

Superman vs Doomsday

again nothing special here, superman getting his ass whooped by slow ass punches by some no technique having brute. Again doomsday wouldn't lay a finger on goku in any type of fight.

Look at the videos, Superman is a brawler/boxer, he isn't doing all those martial arts techniques he supposedely learned, or atomic punches or whatever. He's fighting slow ass villians getting his ass whooped.

Superman- Just how powerful is he?! - YouTube

this is probably superman's best showing, but this still pales in comparison to what happens in the DBZ world

If you have better videos please show me

That's bc superman does a kryptonian martial arts called "bool chit fu" Throw enough haymaker till ya oponent drops :troll:


May 1, 2012
i mean seriously when has superman ever had a fight like this

[ame=][Japanese] SSJ2 Goku vs Majin Vegeta - HD - YouTube[/ame]


Happy Hour Expert
Jul 20, 2012
That was pretty impressive. Learned a lot about that Dragon Ball too.


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012
Superman: The Animated Series intro - YouTube

Not quite Jap Anime but it was good IMHO!!!!

Yea I remember that joint but IMO I think only a Japanese animator could true show Superman's potential. The fight scenes could be a million times more intense, superman is nerfed to hell on cartoons. Superman can break the light barrier, he should be punching nikkas into a alternate reality


May 12, 2012
Lol @ martial arts being relevant in a fight with Superman it would be like a five year old black belt fighting Tyson while he may know more fighting skills all those fancy kicks and punches won't hurt


May 3, 2012
I'm gonna respond to you because you are clearly the most intelligent defender of Goku in this thread thus far

True, but as stated before, this is Goku we're talking about. He's that dude when it comes to power readings and he can adjust accordingly when he knows he's outmatched.

Pretty much all of his major battles in DBZ highlight this, from Vegeta to Buu (truth be told, I know almost nothing of GT so I'm probably missing a lot that helps and hinders my argument...but f*ck GT :birdman: ).

If you want to get technical, Goku can only sense "power levels" as far as their fighting skill, not someone's full scope of powers. Goku was not able to sense Babadi's power levels nor was he able to do it for Pikhon. There really isn't solid proof he could read Superman and his power levels.

Goku has used tricks in battle to lure his opposition into doing what he wants him to do.

Granted, Superman might have figured out what he was up to, being able to read souls and sh*t, though. :huhldup:

I agree Goku is a very intelligent fighter, but he IS NOT the smartest strategist in the DBZ universe, Piccolo is actually superior to him in this.

Do you know the difference between strategy and tactics? Goku is a great tactician, he is NOT a great strategist. Keep this is mind...

However, in trying to read Superman's mind, Goku would have instnatly figured out that Superman has other-worldly mental faculties and would have tried to be slick about it, as he's done before.

In the video, you will notice Goku TRIED to read Superman's mind, but was not actually able to do it to complition (if he was capable at all). Superman has RIDIC psychic defenses and Goku, who has minimal psychic abilities and no formal training would not be capable of breaking them down. Once again, I CAN get the feats if necessary...

True. However, that doesn't mean that Goku couldn't buy some time for himself to deplete Supes energy...and there have been many occasions in DBZ where Goku has tried to buy time during a battle for whatever reason. This would have been no different.

Buy some time.... against two guys that both move faster than light speed?!? :comeon:

I think they focused a little too much on a few instances (like with Frieza) and played this up too much.

Not saying you are wrong, but this is opinion here. And keep in mind, in DEATH BATTLE, both fighters are fighting with intention to KILL, which is FAR outside the mindset of both Goku and Superman. They both only kill when they have too.

Goku has and can play dirty to get what he wants out of a fight...he's a Saiyan, and as we know, Saiyans lose control as they grow stronger and are pushed further and further to their limits. As he loses control, he starts to care more about winning and less about 'a good fight'.

I disagree with this assersion. Granted its POSSIBLE, but its not likely. Goku is not Vegeta or some rabid Sayjin.

Case in point: the same fight with Frieza. Goku gave the nikka some energy, he turns around and tries to fire on him, and Goku, having had enough, sends him to the Bushes (or so we thought, until that dude Trunks came along :smugbiden: ).

Also, another thing, I know what you're thinking "but what about them numbers?"

Didn't you hear what he said to Raditz in the beignning of the video? If we can acknowledge that power isn't everything in a fight in one instance, how can we then turn around at the end of it all, and rely solely on just that to determine the fight...power.

Seems a little inconsistent, no?

Not really because its all about the context.

Goku and Superman's levels of power are so massive that they are somewhat incalculable. However in discussion, you can really only debate based off of what they have accomplished. Based on what both have achieved Superman has the crazier and more difficult feats across the board.

I can't stress enough: I feel like the video made Goku way more one-dimensional than he really is, and played up certain parts of his character too much, while either downplaying or outright ignoring other more crucial elements of his character, which I hope to have shed some light on in this discourse.

Which may be true, but the visual battle itself is purely for show and entertainment. The actual outcome was decided by the numbers and analysis themselves. NEITHER character was portrayed greatly, but neither was so wildly out of character that you couldn't imagine it being truthful.

True, at least in terms of pure power (he's the strongest non-fused character in the series...:merchant: ).

But for all his raw power, Gohan is the real retard on the battlefield, because he lacks the DBZ equivalent of street smarts. :russ:

Yeah pretty much.... :sadbron:


May 3, 2012
who has iron man traded blows with stronger than goku?

Thor, Hulk, Wonder Man, Fing Fang Foom and an amped Silver Sufer and Magneto.

But Goku would beat Iron Man if they fought, but Goku is not winning because of strength


May 3, 2012

here are the videos as promised

superman vs captain marvel

Superman vs Captain Marvel_Justice League - YouTube

not a bad fight here, they destroy some buildings, cause some damage. I don't see superman doing any martial arts, or atomic punches.

Superman vs Captain Atom

Superman Vs Captain Atom (HD) {Best Animated} - YouTube

again same with captain marvel not a bad fight, i don't see much speed in the punches or the flying. Just more punches and captains energy beams. Again i don't see this martial arts or atomic punches by superman

Superman vs Darkside

Superman vs. Darkseid - YouTube

SUPERMAN vs. Darkseid ("Twilight") FULL FIGHT! - YouTube

Nothing special here just some punches and omega beams, no real damage done. Superman get's hit 5-6 times and looks like he's on deaths door. No stamina at all. Again i don't see any martial arts or all these techniques that superman is suppose to have. Don't give me he wasn't fighting to his full potential because he was fighting darkside to kill him in this. LMAO @ superman getting hit with those slow ass punches. Goku would never be touched by darkside.

Superman vs Doomsday

again nothing special here, superman getting his ass whooped by slow ass punches by some no technique having brute. Again doomsday wouldn't lay a finger on goku in any type of fight.

Look at the videos, Superman is a brawler/boxer, he isn't doing all those martial arts techniques he supposedely learned, or atomic punches or whatever. He's fighting slow ass villians getting his ass whooped.

Superman- Just how powerful is he?! - YouTube

this is probably superman's best showing, but this still pales in comparison to what happens in the DBZ world

If you have better videos please show me


Man... you DO know we are talking about comic book Superman, right?

Actually to be exact, they were using a COMPREHENSIVE Superman and a COMPREHENSIVE Goku. Which means any and all feats count for both, so long as they don't contridict anything already established from the original sources the comics/mangas. ANYTHING you see in the cartoon is watered down.

However I can show you comic scans if you'd prefer