DEATH BATTLE! - Goku vs Superman


May 3, 2012
Hasn't stopped him before.

Most of his plans during the series were made on the fly/during a battle.

Vegeta might have done the lionshare of the thinking on how to destroy Buu, but he still came up with the idea to distract him while regained his power due to the draining effect of the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. Not to mention passing on the idea of Fusion to Goten and Trunks and even using Fusion with Vegeta. All done on the fly.

Another plan/adjust on the fly moment was when he was fighting Frieza, and at the same time, helped Kai concoct a plan to send everyone else on the planet to Earth accept for him and Frieza.

And then of course, the weakness that comes with USSJ form...figured it out instantly. Trunks was too naive (chalk that up to age) to figure out that brute strength doesn't win a fight, and Vegeta's arrogance made him think that the "Ascended SSJ" form was enough to get the job done (he even mistook that form for the real SSJ 2)...but Goku was the only one who figured out not only the weakness to the USSJ form, but to figure out how to optimize the base SSJ form by making it "normal", thus setting the groundwork for Gohan's hidden power to manifest itself by going truly beyond SSJ.

Even Vegeta, the so-called combat genius himself was like "Darn, it's so ingenious! :beli: ".

Now :whoa: I know what you're thinking "...he would have teleported him to the wrong star, even if he figured it out. It's a gamble."

Good argument, but consider another part of Goku's history they left out: the fact that he's traveled the cosmos many times least enough to know of random dark satellites and planets away from stars, and enough to know which ones would be inhabitable to him.

Example? The planet where he fought Yakon at the beginning of the Buu saga. No stars in sight. Completely dark. He could breathe there.

The truth is, Goku might not have known the specifics of Superman's abilities as it relates to stars and his abilities, but he would have known enough to just get him into complete darkness and avoid the issue all together.

In the end, had they stuck true to his actual canon intelligence, rather than that dumbass they depicted him as in the video, he might have figured out a way to adjust the battle thusly to his advantage.

The defense rests, your honor.

Possibly and very well thought out.

The problem therein lies that:

A. Superman's powerbar would still be on or near full if instantly transported to a new location that doesn't have a sun, so Goku would still need to defeat him in combat.

B. Superman is faster than Goku. For Goku to instant transmission someone, he needs to be holding them, or they need to be holding him. Goku would have his work cut out for him trying to remain close enough to his faster opponent and restrain his much stronger opponent long enough to transport him.

C. Goku has to breathe, whereas Superman doesn't. I cannot think of any place that a sun would not exist that also has oxygen for Goku to breathe. And even if it exists somewhere, nothing is stopping Superman from just flying away from it

D. Goku even attempting to win a fight due to Battlefield Removal or BFR, would be out of character for him as he is a warrior and fighter by nature and would want to see this fight to the end AND he would want to fight Superman at his best, as clearly stated in the video.

Goku's tenacity is actually a deteriment to him in this fight, its the same problem Vegeta would have in a fight with Superman too.

Now MYSTIC GOHAN...... that might be a different story... :youngsabo:
May 15, 2012
lol there is nothing :mindblown: about this fight it was very tight til goku knocked superman into the sun and then it was pretty much over for goku. goku can withstand power beams couple of destroying planets but i don't think dude could take a direct planet destroying punch.

you wrong,
Goku is strong enough to destroy a planet by powering up before he even turns super saiyan, he showed have destroy the entire city instead of just a building

to minimized all his shyt and gave Superman DBZ like abilities that never displayed in any form of Animation.


Dec 3, 2012
Possibly and very well thought out.

The problem therein lies that:

A. Superman's powerbar would still be on or near full if instantly transported to a new location that doesn't have a sun, so Goku would still need to defeat him in combat.

True, but as stated before, this is Goku we're talking about. He's that dude when it comes to power readings and he can adjust accordingly when he knows he's outmatched.

Pretty much all of his major battles in DBZ highlight this, from Vegeta to Buu (truth be told, I know almost nothing of GT so I'm probably missing a lot that helps and hinders my argument...but f*ck GT :birdman: ).

B. Superman is faster than Goku. For Goku to instant transmission someone, he needs to be holding them, or they need to be holding him. Goku would have his work cut out for him trying to remain close enough to his faster opponent and restrain his much stronger opponent long enough to transport him.

Goku has used tricks in battle to lure his opposition into doing what he wants him to do.

Granted, Superman might have figured out what he was up to, being able to read souls and sh*t, though. :huhldup:

However, in trying to read Superman's mind, Goku would have instnatly figured out that Superman has other-worldly mental faculties and would have tried to be slick about it, as he's done before.

C. Goku has to breathe, whereas Superman doesn't. I cannot think of any place that a sun would not exist that also has oxygen for Goku to breathe. And even if it exists somewhere, nothing is stopping Superman from just flying away from it

True. However, that doesn't mean that Goku couldn't buy some time for himself to deplete Supes energy...and there have been many occasions in DBZ where Goku has tried to buy time during a battle for whatever reason. This would have been no different.

D. Goku even attempting to win a fight due to Battlefield Removal or BFR, would be out of character for him as he is a warrior and fighter by nature and would want to see this fight to the end AND he would want to fight Superman at his best, as clearly stated in the video.

I think they focused a little too much on a few instances (like with Frieza) and played this up too much.

Goku has and can play dirty to get what he wants out of a fight...he's a Saiyan, and as we know, Saiyans lose control as they grow stronger and are pushed further and further to their limits. As he loses control, he starts to care more about winning and less about 'a good fight'.

Case in point: the same fight with Frieza. Goku gave the nikka some energy, he turns around and tries to fire on him, and Goku, having had enough, sends him to the Bushes (or so we thought, until that dude Trunks came along :smugbiden: ).

Also, another thing, I know what you're thinking "but what about them numbers?"

Didn't you hear what he said to Raditz in the beignning of the video? If we can acknowledge that power isn't everything in a fight in one instance, how can we then turn around at the end of it all, and rely solely on just that to determine the fight...power.

Seems a little inconsistent, no?

I can't stress enough: I feel like the video made Goku way more one-dimensional than he really is, and played up certain parts of his character too much, while either downplaying or outright ignoring other more crucial elements of his character, which I hope to have shed some light on in this discourse.

Now MYSTIC GOHAN...... that might be a different story... :youngsabo:

True, at least in terms of pure power (he's the strongest non-fused character in the series...:merchant: ).

But for all his raw power, Gohan is the real retard on the battlefield, because he lacks the DBZ equivalent of street smarts. :russ:

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
All I'll say is the whole Goku being dumb argument is moot. The guy was a genius on the battlefield.


Dec 3, 2012
Goku with prep time >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

--- Negrodamus has spoken

You're missing the point.

He doesn't need prep time, and this video depiction of him left out crucial elements of his character on the battlefield which would have proven as such.

They took a lot of the dimension away from Goku and really simplified his character in favor of playing up other parts personality (the tenaciousness, and wanting a fair fight, for example).


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
I am mad, because superman and his fans are straight are dripping in wack sauce.

There's no logic behind superman, everything about his powers are plot devices.
fukk it Lion-O with the sword of omens could beat superman, because every episode the sword had a new power do to a plot device, because it was a children show and didn't have to make sense.

same with superman, dude his lazily written outdated character, and is perceived as corny.

So Superman knows martial arts? This nikka the fist of the north star now, touching pressure points

the wizard got that shyt right, and their comic heads first, and they still had the acknowledge man.

Why didn't he just lobotomize doomsday?
Why doesn't he just infinite punch everybody or whatever that bullshyt is

When Superman is animated, he performs none of these feats, and as trouble scrapping it out with some of the wackest characters. Which is why besides Batman, DC comics ain't about shyt.

This happens when you speak about things you have no knowledge of. Superman is only inconsistent when we take into account the last 70 years. For the last 20 years or since his "death", DC got their shyt together. Again the vid explains why Superman doesnt go ham during every fight. Even the cartoon, which does piss poor job at show casing Superman's power, explains why he doesn't go ham. Yall asking questions to shyt that was answered already.

it's not going to hit goku anyway, he's way to fast for that.

didnt you get banned from NarutoFan forums for this shyt?

Breh Obama

First Breh President. Coli Prophet.
Jul 5, 2012
Leader of the righteous Brehs!
You're missing the point.

He doesn't need prep time, and this video depiction of him left out crucial elements of his character on the battlefield which would have proven as such.

They took a lot of the dimension away from Goku and really simplified his character in favor of playing up other parts personality (the tenaciousness, and wanting a fair fight, for example).

:stopitslime: Oh so 10 episodes worth of charging up the spirit bomb isnt prep time?


Dec 3, 2012
:stopitslime: Oh so 10 episodes worth of charging up the spirit bomb isnt prep time?


"Prep time" as it pertains to figuring out the strengths and weaknesses of an opponent (like Superman's reliance on solar energy).

That's not the same thing I've been talking about.

And it was only three. :birdman:

"Trump Card"
"Keep the Chance Alive"
"Power of the Spirit"



May 21, 2012
I am mad, because superman and his fans are straight are dripping in wack sauce.

There's no logic behind superman, everything about his powers are plot devices.
fukk it Lion-O with the sword of omens could beat superman, because every episode the sword had a new power do to a plot device, because it was a children show and didn't have to make sense.

same with superman, dude his lazily written outdated character, and is perceived as corny.

So Superman knows martial arts? This nikka the fist of the north star now, touching pressure points

the wizard got that shyt right, and their comic heads first, and they still had the acknowledge man.

Why didn't he just lobotomize doomsday?
Why doesn't he just infinite punch everybody or whatever that bullshyt is

When Superman is animated, he performs none of these feats, and as trouble scrapping it out with some of the wackest characters. Which is why besides Batman, DC comics ain't about shyt.

OH SH!T !!!!
:dead: :deadmanny: :pachaha:

:dead: @ The thought of Superman yellin like Bruce lee
and tellin mofuggas they only have 30 seconds to live.

Breh Obama

First Breh President. Coli Prophet.
Jul 5, 2012
Leader of the righteous Brehs!

"Prep time" as it pertains to figuring out the strengths and weaknesses of an opponent (like Superman's reliance on solar energy).

That's not the same thing I've been talking about.

And it was only three. :birdman:

"Trump Card"
"Keep the Chance Alive"
"Power of the Spirit"


:comeon:Im a goku advocate but theres no denying hes always needed prep time. I.E. the hyperbolic time chamber, all the training and stalling he always did

and thats 3 episodes too much for something that didnt even work

Negrodamus has spoken


Dec 3, 2012
:comeon:Im a goku advocate but theres no denying hes always needed prep time. I.E. the hyperbolic time chamber, all the training and stalling he always did

Yeah...when he needed to get stronger to prepare for a battle. He needed time.

Charging up the spirit bomb? Yes, on multiple occasions against Buu and Frieza (let's stop acting like he's needed multiple episodes to power up for any other reason than the Spirit Bomb, and it's never been more than three episodes).

He's never needed "time" to prepare when it comes to figuring shyt out on the fly in the middle of the battle, like someone's strengths or weaknesses/divising a strategy.

Which is totally different.

and thats 3 episodes too much for something that didnt even work

Moot point considering he ended up better than Frieza anyway. :win:


Apr 30, 2012
man that was one of the best vids i've seen in a min. The frustrating thing about this fight is that superman is so inconsistent. I've seen him have trouble lifting a falling plane, but now he can survive super novas:comeon:
- at least with goku we have an idea where his limits are. Plus when have u seen goku in the z series just jump into a fight outside of raditz who had his son. He'd be off somewhere training to get stronger than the villain and let krillin and his son get the beats first to see what hes dealing with :heh:
- they also never talked about fusion. If goku really wanted to go in he could've fused with veegeta and gone ss3 or 4 which we know is way stronger than those individual levels.


Jul 1, 2012
Superman would not even beat Vegeta...

Haha I was coming in here to say just that. :pacspit: They should have had Vegeta.

But in all seriousness I love their Death Battle vids, they have a few classics under their belt.
