I will say that I think that the depiction of Goku in the video made him as retarded as his TeamFourStar parody counterpart (coincidence that the dude who voiced him in the video also does the TFS voice as well?

), which I think is a bit unfair, and quite honestly, uncharacteristic of him.
I do think that Toryiama wrote him to be a lot smarter in cannon on the battlefield, and, as such Goku would have put 2+2 together a lot faster than this depiction did. It's a bit unfair to call him a "dumbass" outright.
You all forget that even though the dude let Frieza get to his full power, he still had the foresight to grab a Ginyu ship in time before the planet exploded.
Luck? Yes, but it's still intelligent because he put himself in the right place and the right time. Sometimes luck is a product of one's latent intelligence.
Another thing speaking to Goku's intelligence is the fact that he was the only one to think to train in the time chamber during the fight with Cell/Androids, did any of his alternate counterparts think of that? Nope. His alternate timeline son would even constantly find himself asking, "What would Dad do in this situation"?
...And I know you nikkas ain't about to call Gohan dumb.
Point being, I think they made Goku uncharacteristically retarded on the battlefield in this case...if they stayed true to what Toryiama wrote as it pertains to his genius on the battlefield, he might have put two and two together sooner on certain things (seriously, how often did we hear Goku's internal dialogue where he would slow the pace of the battle down and intellectually break down the battle).
What they had here was the dumbass (turned up to 11) version of himself who pretty much relied on brute strength to fight Superman (yeah, he had his moments of trying to think things through, but he didn't slow the battle down like he usually does to think things through)...not only that it felt like he underestimated Supe's power...which is something that Goku NEVER does.