DEATH BATTLE! - Goku vs Superman


May 1, 2012
lol there is nothing :mindblown: about this fight it was very tight til goku knocked superman into the sun and then it was pretty much over for goku. goku can withstand power beams couple of destroying planets but i don't think dude could take a direct planet destroying punch.

if he can survive the explosion of a planet (dating back to the saiyan saga against vegeta) then he can take a punch to the gut.


May 3, 2012
iron man is a man in a suit

Tao Pie Pie would rock his shyt.

General Blue, General Red, Korin, mr popo

Repulsor Blast, Shoulder Cannon, Unibean and Plasma Cannon puts an end to their chapter :smugbiden:

Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
if he can survive the explosion of a planet (dating back to the saiyan saga against vegeta) then he can take a punch to the gut.

a explosion of a planet isn't a direct punch. goku punched superman into the sun and as we all know the sun makes superman stronger. if that wasn't enough goku absorbed energy from the sun and then punched superman with it. that's like throwing napalm at a monster made of fire....:manny:


Apr 30, 2012
This dude Jplaya must think Goku is a God or something :usure:

I should make a Goku vs Galactus thread just to see that fukkery :laff:
May 15, 2012

I am mad, because superman and his fans are straight are dripping in wack sauce.

There's no logic behind superman, everything about his powers are plot devices.
fukk it Lion-O with the sword of omens could beat superman, because every episode the sword had a new power do to a plot device, because it was a children show and didn't have to make sense.

same with superman, dude his lazily written outdated character, and is perceived as corny.

So Superman knows martial arts? This nikka the fist of the north star now, touching pressure points

the wizard got that shyt right, and their comic heads first, and they still had the acknowledge man.

Why didn't he just lobotomize doomsday?
Why doesn't he just infinite punch everybody or whatever that bullshyt is

When Superman is animated, he performs none of these feats, and as trouble scrapping it out with some of the wackest characters. Which is why besides Batman, DC comics ain't about shyt.


Dec 3, 2012
I will say that I think that the depiction of Goku in the video made him as retarded as his TeamFourStar parody counterpart (coincidence that the dude who voiced him in the video also does the TFS voice as well? :manny:), which I think is a bit unfair, and quite honestly, uncharacteristic of him.

I do think that Toryiama wrote him to be a lot smarter in cannon on the battlefield, and, as such Goku would have put 2+2 together a lot faster than this depiction did. It's a bit unfair to call him a "dumbass" outright.

You all forget that even though the dude let Frieza get to his full power, he still had the foresight to grab a Ginyu ship in time before the planet exploded.

Luck? Yes, but it's still intelligent because he put himself in the right place and the right time. Sometimes luck is a product of one's latent intelligence.

Another thing speaking to Goku's intelligence is the fact that he was the only one to think to train in the time chamber during the fight with Cell/Androids, did any of his alternate counterparts think of that? Nope. His alternate timeline son would even constantly find himself asking, "What would Dad do in this situation"?

...And I know you nikkas ain't about to call Gohan dumb. :usure: :comeon:

Point being, I think they made Goku uncharacteristically retarded on the battlefield in this case...if they stayed true to what Toryiama wrote as it pertains to his genius on the battlefield, he might have put two and two together sooner on certain things (seriously, how often did we hear Goku's internal dialogue where he would slow the pace of the battle down and intellectually break down the battle).

What they had here was the dumbass (turned up to 11) version of himself who pretty much relied on brute strength to fight Superman (yeah, he had his moments of trying to think things through, but he didn't slow the battle down like he usually does to think things through)...not only that it felt like he underestimated Supe's power...which is something that Goku NEVER does.


May 3, 2012
You have to understand the premise of DBZ, in all fights goku has had help whether it be from the energy of the spirit bomb, people giving him energy, buying him time etc... That's why they're called the Z fighters.

Well maybe that's why he lost here. He ain't have no help and he had to do it solo and it wasn't enough.

That's just how the show goes.

Goku did die against raditz because his heart was caved in i know.

Then why would you even bring that up as an arguement for Goku's toughness. That shot to the chest KILLED him, Superman takes that stuff and keeps on fighting. In a direct comparison, Superman is winning there.

You have to show me feats of superman fighting in battle faster than goku, superman knowing and using more techniques, and superman fighting opponents worth a damn.

Ok 3 things...

1. If you want feats of Superman fighting in battle faster than Goku, I FIRST need you to provide me actual figures of Goku's battle speed. I can give you scans all day of Superman doing after images and racing around the battlefield fighting, but if you just are going to brush them off, I'd rather not waste the time. Give me Goku's battle speed and I can show you how it compares to Superman.

2. I can provide feats of Superman using abilities and martial arts that we haven't seen from Goku, would that be sufficient as far as Superman showing technique? Because I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for here

3. Opponents worth a damn... what does this mean? Characters like Darkseid are more powerful than any character in DBZ history, that I am sure of. However, what type of character do you deem to be impressive? Because in the entirety of DBZ there were only 3 villians that impressed me: Frieza, Cell and Buu.

Doomsday is just someone who punches people, what else can he do? He's big and slow, yet tags superman all the time. Goku would have a field day with either.

Doomsday is actually not big and slow, he has Super Speed and healing stronger than Wolverine. Understand that when Doomsday "killed" Superman (when he didn't actually die, he went into a coma) it was a severly drained Superman and the weakest Doomsday we have seen at this point. Doomsday constantly evolves to be stronger and stronger. He's like Cell in that if you kill him, he can just regen back and that attack isn't effective anymore.


May 3, 2012
I will say that I think that the depiction of Goku in the video made him as retarded as his TeamFourStar parody counterpart (coincidence that the dude who voiced him in the video also does the TFS voice as well? :manny:), which I think is a bit unfair, and quite honestly, uncharacteristic of him.

I do think that Toryiama wrote him to be a lot smarter in cannon on the battlefield, and, as such Goku would have put 2+2 together a lot faster than this depiction did. It's a bit unfair to call him a "dumbass" outright.

You all forget that even though the dude let Frieza get to his full power, he still had the foresight to grab a Ginyu ship in time before the planet exploded.

Luck? Yes, but it's still intelligent because he put himself in the right place and the right time. Sometimes luck is a product of one's latent intelligence.

Another thing speaking to Goku's intelligence is the fact that he was the only one to think to train in the time chamber during the fight with Cell/Androids, did any of his alternate counterparts think of that? Nope. His alternate timeline son would even constantly find himself asking, "What would Dad do in this situation"?

...And I know you nikkas ain't about to call Gohan dumb. :usure: :comeon:

Point being, I think they made Goku uncharacteristically retarded on the battlefield in this case...if they stayed true to what Toryiama wrote as it pertains to his genius on the battlefield, he might have put two and two together sooner on certain things (seriously, how often did we hear Goku's internal dialogue where he would slow the pace of the battle down and intellectually break down the battle).

What they had here was the dumbass (turned up to 11) version of himself who pretty much relied on brute strength to fight Superman (yeah, he had his moments of trying to think things through, but he didn't slow the battle down like he usually does to think things through)...not only that it felt like he underestimated Supe's power...which is something that Goku NEVER does.

Which might be true but there would be no reason for Goku to think Superman is solar powered until he SAW how the sun effects Suprman. He wouldn't know any of that without prep time.


May 1, 2012
nikka said Tony Stark is seeing Goku....:russ:

Even Krillin would give that nikka the beats.




Dec 3, 2012
Which might be true but there would be no reason for Goku to think Superman is solar powered until he SAW how the sun effects Suprman. He wouldn't know any of that without prep time.

Hasn't stopped him before.

Most of his plans during the series were made on the fly/during a battle.

Vegeta might have done the lionshare of the thinking on how to destroy Buu, but he still came up with the idea to distract him while regained his power due to the draining effect of the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. Not to mention passing on the idea of Fusion to Goten and Trunks and even using Fusion with Vegeta. All done on the fly.

Another plan/adjust on the fly moment was when he was fighting Frieza, and at the same time, helped Kai concoct a plan to send everyone else on the planet to Earth accept for him and Frieza.

And then of course, the weakness that comes with USSJ form...figured it out instantly. Trunks was too naive (chalk that up to age) to figure out that brute strength doesn't win a fight, and Vegeta's arrogance made him think that the "Ascended SSJ" form was enough to get the job done (he even mistook that form for the real SSJ 2)...but Goku was the only one who figured out not only the weakness to the USSJ form, but to figure out how to optimize the base SSJ form by making it "normal", thus setting the groundwork for Gohan's hidden power to manifest itself by going truly beyond SSJ.

Even Vegeta, the so-called combat genius himself was like "Darn, it's so ingenious! :beli: ".

Now :whoa: I know what you're thinking "...he would have teleported him to the wrong star, even if he figured it out. It's a gamble."

Good argument, but consider another part of Goku's history they left out: the fact that he's traveled the cosmos many times. least enough to know of random dark satellites and planets away from stars, and enough to know which ones would be inhabitable to him.

Example? The planet where he fought Yakon at the beginning of the Buu saga. No stars in sight. Completely dark. He could breathe there.

The truth is, Goku might not have known the specifics of Superman's abilities as it relates to stars and his abilities, but he would have known enough to just get him into complete darkness and avoid the issue all together.

His actual canon counterpart would have figured out instantly, that Supes gains power from going to the sun (Supe's equivalent to his powerlevel would have rose...and Goku is that dude when it comes to reading powers. He'd put that together instantly). He would have taken that time to scan the cosmos, lure supes back to Earth in his powered up form, latched onto him and dragged him to a distant planet with little/no visible light via instant transmission. Now tell me, is that REALLY that much of a stretch knowing what we know about Goku?

In the end, had they stuck true to his actual canon intelligence, rather than that dumbass they depicted him as in the video, he would have figured out a way to adjust the battle thusly to his advantage.

The defense rests, your honor.