Kill Dat Noize
if that is what the creator of a made up story say's it is why is it hard to believe?
because it undermines and negates what came before it.
if that is what the creator of a made up story say's it is why is it hard to believe?
doesn't matter. the final scene purposely spends an inordinate amount of time on a suspicious looking guido type dude who keeps lookin in tony's direction.
you can't tell me the "he was there to kill tony" camp doesn't have validation.
because it undermines and negates what came before it.
Unless they follow AJ's rise to power.
I'm sure if he already said he died then this question would have been dead by now (no pun). And I have been following as many of these articles as possible since Sopranos ended and I never seen him say he died. I remember him saying it was up to the viewer to decide once way back, but if he is now saying he didn't die and he CREATED the damn show then that's the answer. Point blank. This debate is as stupid as the Inception movie ending debate. Ya'll prolly thought Leo was dreaming the whole time too I bet.
One argument for the former points to a conversation that Tony had in the midseason premiere episode "Soprano Home Movies" with his brother-in-law Bobby, in which Bobby comments on how suddenly and without sound death can happen in their lives as gangsters: "You probably don't even hear it when it happens, right?" A flashback to this scene also appears in the final minutes of "The Blue Comet", the episode preceding "Made in America". When questioned on the theory, HBO spokesman Quentin Schaffer stated that the conversation is a "legitimate" hint.
Actor Matt Servitto told Entertainment Weekly that in the script, the scene continued with the man in the Members Only jacket emerging from the bathroom and starting to walk towards Tony's table before the screen cuts to black, but he preferred the ending that made the final cut of the episode.
David Chase: There are no esoteric clues in there. No Da Vinci Code. Everything that pertains to that episode was in that episode. And it was in the episode before that and the one before that and seasons before this one and so on. There had been indications of what the end is like. Remember when Gerry Torciano was killed? Silvio was not aware that the gun had been fired until after Gerry was on his way down to the floor. That's the way things happen: It's already going on by the time you even notice it. I'm not saying anything. And I'm not trying to be coy. It's just that I think that to explain it would diminish it.
Been saying it for fukking years that if you watch the ending it's all about the camera angles... every time the bell rang when someone came in the restaurant you were looking through tony's eyes at the door... in the last part when meadow finally parked the fukking car after 45 minutes of trying to park the god damn thing you hear the bell and were seeing tony which meant you were seeing through AJ's eyes since he was right across the table and then it went black which meant AJ got that work!