Dating white girls...


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
most white women are not overall, the same in most races most people are attracted to their own race, however there is so much white women in north america that are.

there are some white women who only date black men, there aer some white women who date every race and have no preference, there are some white women who would never date a black man then they find one, and there are white women who will never ever date a black man

who cares, ive never had a issue getting a white woman when I wanted one, ive dated white doctors, white models, white retail workers :heh:, white girls with big titties and a big ass

i guarantee i could create a profile in saskatchewan using my photos on okcupid and get like ten unsolicited messages in 5 hours

thats why i know this dude is prob flabby and sick looking or screams rapist
A black man can eat anywhere if he's fairly attractive and carries himself in a respectable manner, I've had females that have liked me everywhere I've been and I'm a self admitted lame :ehh: shyt even in places I haven't been, I've had chicks from Nova Scotia to fukkin India find me attractive :dead:


May 6, 2012
You're probably an overly nice creep. Them broads wanna either fukk or hang you. Deff not date.


Aug 22, 2014
I'm still at work here and won't done for a few hours, I read all your comments and an honestly conflicted. Sometimes I feel that I don't get a fair chance, because some of you are saying ''maybe he's out of shape''. But there are tons of white guys who are out of shape and have girlfriends. Yes, I know, we've got to be better than average to compete with white people. But what about ''love''? Is that just a lie then? And what does be confident mean? Again, lots of white guys without confidence. I can talk to random girls, crack jokes, make them laugh, and can never close the deal on a date. Why? What does it mean to be confident?


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism

I have a very simple question. Obviously there are many factors that play into whether someone like you or not, and physical attraction is a big one despite what people say. But does that not also mean that race play a role? I ask because I am 25 years old, and live in a very white part of Canada with few black people. And my " proper dating" history has been 0 up to this day.

I'm not self pitying about it, because I know there are even white guys without girlfriends. But I'm very confused as to what the problem is with *me*. Everyone always tells me that I'm confident, good looking, funny, honest and a good guy. But I seem to always fail with girls. Now I've had girls come on to me in my life, so I'm not saying that I don't get female attention. But it seems that when I go for girls, I always get rejected. I asked out two girls at work before(I know, I know) and they both said yes, but then quit suddenly and never spoke to me again. I asked out another one recently, and she said no, but kept talking to me and I distanced myself, to the point where she asked if I was angry at her. Anyway this recent girl and I still work together, but it's hard seeing her around and sometimes I still make play at her, and each time she says no. I feel like an idiot.

Now. My overall question to you guys, not girl, because I know that it can be quite different for women. Is whether or not you feel that race has played a negative role in your social life, dating outside your race and or whether it's a "confidence" issue. I am raised by African parents and was taught to never put hands on a woman without her permission. So the only thing I ever do when I'm interested in a girl, is little things like compliment her, put my hand on her back while talking, etc.

Am I doing something wrong? Or am I just not meeting enough people? I have a car(it's a van), go to school, work and stay in shape. So I'm a little puzzled as to why I'm constantly failing. I don't want to become bitter or cynical, but I know that outside of dating, white people still ask me stupid questions and have stereotyped views of me at first too. So I'm wondering why it wouldn't be different in dating. Thanks.
Walk up to white hoes like this...........


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Nukka got a 24 hr job

So you are out of shape?

Confidence is having self respect and being happy in your shoes regardless if you have a chick or not, not needing your status validated by others. Having a good dosage of self esteem To some it may be viewed as being arrogant.

What about love? Breh you haven't even had a relationship one step st a time

Stop overthjnking, women are laughing every night at dudes jokes and antics doesn't mean anything

Take women of the pedestal

I'm still at work here and won't done for a few hours, I read all your comments and an honestly conflicted. Sometimes I feel that I don't get a fair chance, because some of you are saying ''maybe he's out of shape''. But there are tons of white guys who are out of shape and have girlfriends. Yes, I know, we've got to be better than average to compete with white people. But what about ''love''? Is that just a lie then? And what does be confident mean? Again, lots of white guys without confidence. I can talk to random girls, crack jokes, make them laugh, and can never close the deal on a date. Why? What does it mean to be confident?


Feb 2, 2014

Go suck ya muda. All that talk behind a key board. You would not say that shyt in real life you p*ssy bwoy. I love how key board warriors talk shyt, but won't do noting about. Just suck ya muda u skunt. Self hating wastemon. Talk shyt to other black people from the islands, but call yourself pro-black, FOH. :camby:

By the way hold this neg. :umad:


Mane don't listen to that wastemon. Like other members said, you have to be more confident in yourself and be more aggressive. Or move to a populated area with more blacks that's living there or more diverse. If that don't work try online dating.

If thats you in your avi and you actually have an accent, I'd probably holla at you if I saw you IRL :ohlawd:

If your avi is fake and you're a guy then :pacspit:, not my fault most Jamaican guys where I'm at put white skin on a pedestal


Aug 22, 2014
Nukka got a 24 hr job

So you are out of shape?

Confidence is having self respect and being happy in your shoes regardless if you have a chick or not, not needing your status validated by others. Having a good dosage of self esteem To some it may be viewed as being arrogant.

What about love? Breh you haven't even had a relationship one step st a time

Stop overthjnking, women are laughing every night at dudes jokes and antics doesn't mean anything

Take women of the pedestal
I don't have a 24 hour job. I work evenings because I'm a student like I said. Anyways. if that's confidence, then I'll admit that:
A) I often think that I'm not "good enough" compared to white guys. That it's "unfair", childish? Maybe. But it's the truth.
B) I often feel that my inability to get a girlfriend, means that there is something wrong with me and so sometimes I try hard with girls. Perhaps scaring them off?

On the other hand, when I fail with a girl, I usually just say "Back to work and studying" and just do that and hang out with friends. I don't "need" a girlfriend and in the last two years, I've stopped actively looking for one. It's just the companionship with someone that you can do more with than your guy and girl friends would be nice.

You guys might crucify me for this, but I wrote this current girl a poem. I know, I know. "simp". I admit it, it was absolutely embarrassing looking back on it. But I thought it would win her over. God, I'm an idiot sometimes. Look, I don't want to dwell on my failures anymore. It's actively painful thinking about some of the dumb shyt I've done. I just want to know from you guys with experience, be it black, white, asian, whatever girls. How do you approach a girl that you like and get them to go out with you? I realize that even the best of you don't win 100% of the time and that there are many factors, but what is the general advice?

I was raised in a very strict African household and my idea of sex and dating seems to be different from some of you. I like to take things slow and really know a girl before doing anything. The first girl I dated, we didn't kiss or anything for 3 months. I don't care about sex, Tinder, etc. Because I know some girls like me like that, and only for that. But I don't hang with those girls, because I want to be loved, not some toy or a tick for a bunch of white girls to mark as having "done that". I think that's what I failed to get across. I hang out with all sorts of girls, and the talk is often sexual and flirtatious, but a lot of those girls sleep around a lot, and want me just for sex. I know this, because there's been many situations where a girl has been over or I'm at her house or a party, and ended up making out, but with me always bailing. I want something more, that's the problem. I don't want to be a toy for anyone, especially white chicks.

And on second thought, I'm not going to post a picture. Hate if you want, but I'm very selective of tying physical things on the internet. I don't want someone to read this and know this aspect of my life.
Nov 25, 2014
i cant do it they giving brain and u grab the back of they heir its like u grabbing a skeleton head hair 2 stringy creepy AF but go where the paper lead u


Dec 2, 2012
Most white women are not attracted to black men, if that's who you are going after. You're 25, if the area is not working for you in terms of romantic pursuits and that is what's most important to you, you're probably going to need to move. Where do u live?
:what: since when are white woman not into black man? almost all white woman get off on the idea of black dikk. a lot of them might not want to have you meet their parents but they sure as hell are curious what that bbc life is about. some of these cacettes hit you with the :shaq: to the point you feel fetishized :scust: