Darren Wilson Admits In Court Testimony To Killing Mike Brown For No Reason and Using the N Word


Direct from the chocolate milkyway
Nov 19, 2016
Hampton va
Most black people already suspected this.

Media manipulation is a bytch.

Stay safe around these pigs brehs. Avoid them at all costs. And don't give them an inch because they'll turn it into a mile.

And DO NOT call the cops on another black person unless absolutely necessary.
I've been telling family and friends for years don't call them unless life or death. that Texas situation proves the point too. They somehow manage it to be put back on any one black or they will shoot first ask questions later. Doesn't matter if there "good cops" or not the "good ones either try and defend or ignore situations like these


Jun 9, 2012
Here is the story of Michael Brown’s murder that we all believed: One sunny day in Ferguson, Mo., a huge behemoth of a man named Michael Brown walked into a convenience store; committed a strong-arm robbery, escaping with the invaluable loot of a pack of cigarillos; and while he was walking home, Darren Wilson, a brave cop responding to the robbery, stopped him.

When Wilson tried to detain Brown, Brown reached for the cop’s gun and the policeman shot him. But Brown wouldn’t quit, and the officer thought that Brown might have a weapon, so Wilson shot a few more times to stop Brown from harming him.

“What happened in Ferguson is that a man committed a robbery, attempted to a.ssault a police officer, and the police officer—to save his life—shot him. The police officer did his duty. The officer should be commended for what he did.” —Rudy Giuliani on Fox News, March 12, 2015

Except none of that happened.

After a documentarian released video this past weekend that dispels the myth of the Mike Brown corner-store robbery, more information is emerging about the n-word-using patrolman who was accused of racial discrimination and excessive force even before he pumped at least six bullets into Brown on Aug. 9, 2014, k!lling him. New court papers reveal that Brown never tried to take the officer’s gun, never struck the officer and did not initiate any contact with Wilson, who was cleared of wrongdoing by a secret grand jury in November 2014.

As part of a civil suit filed last year against Wilson, a court document reveals some stunning admissions from the former Ferguson police officer. In a court docket filed Dec. 28, the cop who k!lled Brown admitted to using racial slurs, cursing at Brown before he was k!lled and grabbing him without provocation.

According to the document, Wilson acknowledges that he spotted Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson on Canfield Drive on Aug. 9. He will not admit that they were engaged in any criminal activity other than jaywalking. He pulled his police car over, blocking the path of the teenager and his friend.

The officer does not dispute the fact that he didn’t radio anyone before stopping the two pedestrians and telling Brown to “get the fu*k back” after opening the police door. It is disputed whether the door ricocheted back into Wilson or whether Brown closed the door himself, but the policeman goes through the details of the encounter:

33. During this encounter you reached through the window.

RESPONSE: Admitted

34. During this encounter you grabbed for Michael Brown’s body.

RESPONSE: Admitted

35. During this encounter you grab for Michael Brown’s clothing


36. You eventually grabbed Michael Brown’s forearm

RESPONSE: Admitted

37. You eventually grabbed Michael Brown’s t-shirt


Let’s examine this:

Two men are walking down the street. A cop pulls in front of them, blocking their path. Instead of calling for backup or radioing in a traffic stop, he opens his car door and either Brown closes it or it ricochets off of Brown’s body. The officer then chooses to reach through his window and grab the suspect by his arm and body.

The next section of the document contains a stunning admission:

Should we @ all the c00ns in the Ferguson thread years ago who were calling out Mike Brown?



I don't think you're doing this intentionally but this post is misleading. It gives an exert of the very beginning of the confrontation and then leads people to believe that Mike Brown was shot without any other report physical contact. It omits the rest of the confrontation from Wilson's testimony. This is the link to to Darren Wilson's testimony describing the initial stop to the fatal shooting.

Officer Darren Wilson’s Grand Jury Testimony in Ferguson, Mo., Shooting
By DAMIEN CAVE NOV. 25, 2014 Related Article


Officer Wilson's Testimony
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Entire Collection of Evidence and Documents
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Officer Darren Wilson’s testimony before the St. Louis County grand jury stands out both for what he says, and how he describes what happened. He begins by noting his own size – nearly 6-foot-4, weighing around 210 pounds. Then he proceeds to explain why, in his view, the episode with Michael Brown, whom he compares to a demon and Hulk Hogan, became violent.

The Altercation
Officer Wilson's initial description of Mr. Brown focuses on three things: his size, that he was walking in the middle of the street with a friend, Dorian Johnson, and that Mr. Brown was wearing socks with the image of green marijuana leaves. He recalls his first verbal exchange with Mr. Brown in stark terms.
From Page 13 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
I see them walking down the middle of the street. And first thing that struck me was they’re walking in the middle of the street. I had already seen a couple cars trying to pass, but they couldn’t have traffic normal because they were in the middle, so one had to stop to let the car go around and then another car would come. And the next thing I noticed was the size of the individuals because either the first one was really small or the second one was really big.

And just for the conversation, I didn’t know this then, but the first one’s name was Dorian Johnson, the second one was Michael Brown. That was discovered, I think, the following day is when I learned the names. I had never seen them before.

He said he noticed at that point that Mr. Brown was carrying cigarillos – potentially tying him to a recent report of theft at a convenience store. He said that he had ordered Mr. Brown to get back, but that Mr. Brown became only more threatening.
From Page 16 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
He then grabs my door again and shuts my door. At that time is when I saw him coming into my vehicle. His head was higher than the top of my car. And I see him ducking and as he is ducking, his hands are up and he is coming in my vehicle.

I had shielded myself in this type of manner and kind of locked away, so I don’t remember seeing him come at me, but I was hit right in the side of the face with a fist. I don’t think it was a full-on swing, I think it was a full-on swing, but not a full shot. I think my arm deflected some of it, but there was still a significant amount of contact that was made to my face.

Officer Wilson said the altercation at the car window continued to escalate.
From Page 18 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
And he said, “Hey man, hold these.” And at that point I tried to hold his right arm because it was like this at my car. This is my car window. I tried to hold his right arm and use my left hand to get out to have some type of control and not be trapped in my car any more. And when I grabbed him, the only way I can describe it is I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.

Prosecutor: Holding onto a what?

Hulk Hogan, that’s just how big he felt and how small I felt just from grasping his arm.

He continued to provide testimony suggesting that he felt afraid for his life. And the prosecutors often did very little to question that sentiment.
From Page 22 of Officer Wilson's Testimony

Prosecutor: And it was your opinion that you needed to pull out your weapon because why did you feel that way, I don't want to put words in your mouth?

I felt that another one of those punches in my face could knock me out or worse. I mean it was, he’s obviously bigger than I was and stronger and the, I’ve already taken two to the face I didn’t think I would, the third one could be fatal if he hit me right.

The Gun
Officer Wilson also revealed details of what he said was an effort by Mr. Brown to grab his gun. He again quotes Mr. Brown insulting him with a common vulgarity, and then describes the specific physicality of the episode.
From Page 29 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
He grabs my gun, says, “You are too much of a p*ssy to shoot me.” The gun goes down into my hip and at that point I thought I was getting shot. I can feel his fingers try to get inside the trigger guard with my finger and I distinctly remember envisioning a bullet going into my leg. I thought that was the next step.

This appears to have been the moment, according to Officer Wilson's account, when he decided he had the right to shoot. But the weapon did not cooperate.
From Page 30 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
Like I said, I was just so focused on getting the gun out of me. When I did get it up to this point, he is still holding onto it and I pulled the trigger and nothing happens, it just clicked. I pull it again, it just clicked again.

At this point I’m like why isn’t this working, this guy is going to kill me if he gets ahold of this gun. I pulled it a third time, it goes off. When it went off, it shot through my door panel and my window was down and glass flew out of my door panel. I think that kind of startled him and me at the same time.

The gunshot startled Mr. Brown, Officer Wilson said. Officer Wilson said Mr. Brown stepped back. And then came forward. He had his hands up, but Officer Wilson did not see this as a sign of surrender – quite the opposite.
From Page 31 of Officer Wilson's Testimony[/B]
The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon, that’s how angry he looked. He comes back towards me again with his hands up.

Officer Wilson said Mr. Brown hit him again, though he admits he could not be sure if he was being punched. Then he pulled the trigger again from inside the car. He remembered firing two shots, then he said Mr. Brown ran. Officer Wilson said he chased him until Mr. Brown stopped by a light pole.
From Page 32 of Officer Wilson's Testimony

When I look up after that, I see him start to run and I see a cloud of dust behind him. I then get out of my car. As I’m getting out of the car I tell dispatch, “shots fired, send me more cars.”

We start running, kind of the same direction that Johnson had pointed. Across the street like a diagonal towards this, kind of like where the parking lot came in for Copper Creek Court and Canfield, right at that intersection. And there is a light pole right there, I remember him running towards the light pole.

The End
For Mr. Brown, these were his final moments. Here is Officer Wilson’s account of those last few seconds, quoted at length.
From Page 33 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
So when he stopped, I stopped. And then he starts to turn around, I tell him to get on the ground, get on the ground.

b]He turns, and when he looked at me, he made like a grunting, like aggravated sound and he starts, he turns and he’s coming back towards me. His first step is coming towards me, he kind of does like a stutter step to start running. When he does that, his left hand goes in a fist and goes to his side, his right one goes under his shirt in his waistband and he starts running at me.[/b]

From Page 34 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
At this point it looked like he was almost bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I’m shooting at him.

And the face that he had was looking straight through me, like I wasn’t even there, I wasn’t even anything in his way.

From Page 35 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
And when he gets about that 8 to 10 feet away, I look down, I remember looking at my sites and firing, all I see is his head and that’s what I shot.

I don’t know how many, I know at least once because I saw the last one go into him. And then when it went into him, the demeanor on his face went blank, the aggression was gone, it was gone, I mean I knew he stopped, the threat was stopped.

Full Measures

All Star
Nov 23, 2013
Because if you think about it. The majority of black people have been other races bytches for over 400 years.

When does it stop? Seriously it's like you can do anything you want to black people without no any consequences. Shoot a black. You get off.

Black people are part of the problem. Too many don't stand up for themselves and allow people to disrespect them. Then they embrace other races when they have a struggle and get used. I'll be god damn if I would be like that.
Soooo what do you suggest that they do?

What are your suggestions that blacks do if someone is shot unjustifiably?

What are your suggestions that blacks do if someone disrespects them?

I'm sure me and the rest of the Coli would love to hear your solutions


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
Soooo what do you suggest that they do?

What are your suggestions that blacks do if someone is shot unjustifiably?

What are your suggestions that blacks do if someone disrespects them?

I'm sure me and the rest of the Coli would love to hear your solutions
The only solution is violence dumb ass. Why tear up your OWN neighborhood in stead of a white one? shyt is retarded.

If you look at history violence is the number one thing that changes things.....QUICKLY.

When a cac disrespects you slap the taste out their mouth. If a crooked cop shoots a black man for no reason. People in that neighborhood should take his life. I guarantee shyt will change.

You see they stopped that bs in NY when those cops got popped. Although I don't believe it should have been them killed. The cops that choked breh to death should have got it.

All this talking and protesting don't do shyt.


All Star
May 10, 2012
I don't think you're doing this intentionally but this post is misleading. It gives an exert of the very beginning of the confrontation and then leads people to believe that Mike Brown was shot without any other report physical contact. It omits the rest of the confrontation from Wilson's testimony. This is the link to to Darren Wilson's testimony describing the initial stop to the fatal shooting.

Officer Darren Wilson’s Grand Jury Testimony in Ferguson, Mo., Shooting
By DAMIEN CAVE NOV. 25, 2014 Related Article


Officer Wilson's Testimony
View Full Document »

Entire Collection of Evidence and Documents
View All »
Officer Darren Wilson’s testimony before the St. Louis County grand jury stands out both for what he says, and how he describes what happened. He begins by noting his own size – nearly 6-foot-4, weighing around 210 pounds. Then he proceeds to explain why, in his view, the episode with Michael Brown, whom he compares to a demon and Hulk Hogan, became violent.

The Altercation
Officer Wilson's initial description of Mr. Brown focuses on three things: his size, that he was walking in the middle of the street with a friend, Dorian Johnson, and that Mr. Brown was wearing socks with the image of green marijuana leaves. He recalls his first verbal exchange with Mr. Brown in stark terms.
From Page 13 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
I see them walking down the middle of the street. And first thing that struck me was they’re walking in the middle of the street. I had already seen a couple cars trying to pass, but they couldn’t have traffic normal because they were in the middle, so one had to stop to let the car go around and then another car would come. And the next thing I noticed was the size of the individuals because either the first one was really small or the second one was really big.

And just for the conversation, I didn’t know this then, but the first one’s name was Dorian Johnson, the second one was Michael Brown. That was discovered, I think, the following day is when I learned the names. I had never seen them before.

He said he noticed at that point that Mr. Brown was carrying cigarillos – potentially tying him to a recent report of theft at a convenience store. He said that he had ordered Mr. Brown to get back, but that Mr. Brown became only more threatening.
From Page 16 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
He then grabs my door again and shuts my door. At that time is when I saw him coming into my vehicle. His head was higher than the top of my car. And I see him ducking and as he is ducking, his hands are up and he is coming in my vehicle.

I had shielded myself in this type of manner and kind of locked away, so I don’t remember seeing him come at me, but I was hit right in the side of the face with a fist. I don’t think it was a full-on swing, I think it was a full-on swing, but not a full shot. I think my arm deflected some of it, but there was still a significant amount of contact that was made to my face.

Officer Wilson said the altercation at the car window continued to escalate.
From Page 18 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
And he said, “Hey man, hold these.” And at that point I tried to hold his right arm because it was like this at my car. This is my car window. I tried to hold his right arm and use my left hand to get out to have some type of control and not be trapped in my car any more. And when I grabbed him, the only way I can describe it is I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.

Prosecutor: Holding onto a what?

Hulk Hogan, that’s just how big he felt and how small I felt just from grasping his arm.

He continued to provide testimony suggesting that he felt afraid for his life. And the prosecutors often did very little to question that sentiment.
From Page 22 of Officer Wilson's Testimony

Prosecutor: And it was your opinion that you needed to pull out your weapon because why did you feel that way, I don't want to put words in your mouth?

I felt that another one of those punches in my face could knock me out or worse. I mean it was, he’s obviously bigger than I was and stronger and the, I’ve already taken two to the face I didn’t think I would, the third one could be fatal if he hit me right.

The Gun
Officer Wilson also revealed details of what he said was an effort by Mr. Brown to grab his gun. He again quotes Mr. Brown insulting him with a common vulgarity, and then describes the specific physicality of the episode.
From Page 29 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
He grabs my gun, says, “You are too much of a p*ssy to shoot me.” The gun goes down into my hip and at that point I thought I was getting shot. I can feel his fingers try to get inside the trigger guard with my finger and I distinctly remember envisioning a bullet going into my leg. I thought that was the next step.

This appears to have been the moment, according to Officer Wilson's account, when he decided he had the right to shoot. But the weapon did not cooperate.
From Page 30 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
Like I said, I was just so focused on getting the gun out of me. When I did get it up to this point, he is still holding onto it and I pulled the trigger and nothing happens, it just clicked. I pull it again, it just clicked again.

At this point I’m like why isn’t this working, this guy is going to kill me if he gets ahold of this gun. I pulled it a third time, it goes off. When it went off, it shot through my door panel and my window was down and glass flew out of my door panel. I think that kind of startled him and me at the same time.

The gunshot startled Mr. Brown, Officer Wilson said. Officer Wilson said Mr. Brown stepped back. And then came forward. He had his hands up, but Officer Wilson did not see this as a sign of surrender – quite the opposite.
From Page 31 of Officer Wilson's Testimony[/B]
The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon, that’s how angry he looked. He comes back towards me again with his hands up.

Officer Wilson said Mr. Brown hit him again, though he admits he could not be sure if he was being punched. Then he pulled the trigger again from inside the car. He remembered firing two shots, then he said Mr. Brown ran. Officer Wilson said he chased him until Mr. Brown stopped by a light pole.
From Page 32 of Officer Wilson's Testimony

When I look up after that, I see him start to run and I see a cloud of dust behind him. I then get out of my car. As I’m getting out of the car I tell dispatch, “shots fired, send me more cars.”

We start running, kind of the same direction that Johnson had pointed. Across the street like a diagonal towards this, kind of like where the parking lot came in for Copper Creek Court and Canfield, right at that intersection. And there is a light pole right there, I remember him running towards the light pole.

The End
For Mr. Brown, these were his final moments. Here is Officer Wilson’s account of those last few seconds, quoted at length.
From Page 33 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
So when he stopped, I stopped. And then he starts to turn around, I tell him to get on the ground, get on the ground.

b]He turns, and when he looked at me, he made like a grunting, like aggravated sound and he starts, he turns and he’s coming back towards me. His first step is coming towards me, he kind of does like a stutter step to start running. When he does that, his left hand goes in a fist and goes to his side, his right one goes under his shirt in his waistband and he starts running at me.[/b]

From Page 34 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
At this point it looked like he was almost bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I’m shooting at him.

And the face that he had was looking straight through me, like I wasn’t even there, I wasn’t even anything in his way.

From Page 35 of Officer Wilson's Testimony
And when he gets about that 8 to 10 feet away, I look down, I remember looking at my sites and firing, all I see is his head and that’s what I shot.

I don’t know how many, I know at least once because I saw the last one go into him. And then when it went into him, the demeanor on his face went blank, the aggression was gone, it was gone, I mean I knew he stopped, the threat was stopped.
Pay attention to what your quoting. That's from Nov 2014. He admitted he lied under oath and killed that poor kid in cold blood. I tell you this if you devils think your going to continuously kill these black babies,mothers bad fathers..its going to get real uncomfortable for you out here..whites love to say how they are getting tired of the blacks shyt..but EVERYONE's tired of white peoples shyt. You frail pussies are on the clock.


Jun 9, 2012
Pay attention to what your quoting. That's from Nov 2014. He admitted he lied under oath and killed that poor kid in cold blood. I tell you this if you devils think your going to continuously kill these black babies,mothers bad fathers..its going to get real uncomfortable for you out here..whites love to say how they are getting tired of the blacks shyt..but EVERYONE's tired of white peoples shyt. You frail pussies are on the clock.

I see that. I'm just saying people should look at ALL the info. If you click the link where the OP got this info from, you'll see the individual it was quoted from has come out to deny the assumptions being taken from these exerts.

this is the reported who discovered this "new info" and has seen the docs in their entirety.