The Picasso of the Ghetto
He ate more than a few
I'd never. Ramen Lime Chilli Shrimp is a comfortable spicy and a hell of a tangy flavor. Best ramen flavor by far. I be smashing them bytches. I make county jail cook ups at home so it's lunch meat or actual shrimp, crackers crunched up or toasted bread torn in pieces, shredded cheese, hot pickle slices, ect. Them bytches slap on some lazy shyt.Im a spice head and did this and the Korean noodles. Just say I was running to the toilet the Next day l day after both.
Man at what point do these corporations start to be held liable for shyt ? All this buyer beware, read the label to cover their ass is bullshyt. everything shouldn’t have to be well you didn’t read the fine print oh well.
i’ve never watched a video where someone wasn’t damn near crying at the end. shyt probably painful as fukk. probably have a upset stomach all day
Habaneros have a Scoville level if 100,000 to 350,000..
One chip is 1 to 2 million
They did that for reaction, dont get me wrong its hot af but me and my girl were at a park and did that and while she was freaking out I just sat and focused on breathing while continuously taking sips of water. After 10 minutes its basically gone, she was mad I showed no reaction but I told her I wasn't gonna make a fool of myself in public lol. Its the abdominal pain that happens later that makes this a dreadful experience. My girl wanted to go to the hospital and I did too lowkey but I told her that no, we aren't paying a huge hospital bill when all they're gonna tell us to do is wait for it to subside. It was agonizing. Chip shouldn't be legal
These stupid ass challengesim more surprised at some of the adults in here who tried that chip. Be mindless sheep follower brehs
This is so fukked up. How do u get away with knowingly selling poison to a child?
Brehs sitting in prison over weed as we speak but i would bet my bottom dollar no consequences will come of this shyt.
Rest in peace. But this could have been prevented.
I used to love hot/spicy chips as a youngin breh(should i sayI like hot foods. Scotch bonnets all in my jerk chicken. I ate a raw scorpion pepper once, was told it was a scotch bonnet. Immediately knew it wasn't. Didn't do all those viral reactions, but I was sweating profusely. Mouth was on fire. It's the oil that gets you. The mouth burn hurt, swelled my lips, tongue, roof of my mouth, gums and shyt up. But that oil, that's what made it hurt in my stomach. The hot was gone after 20 minutes but that oil sitting in the stomach took a couple of hours. Didn't drink milk or water. Just had to let it burn, and let the body process the oil. Best part about it was my tolerance for heat afterward. Nothing's hot after that.
A white boy in hs ate 10 pepperoncinis and had to go to the hospital. You get those at Papa John's..mare those even hot?
Low key these are the best chips ever made. Eat thru the pain, cheese dip or salsa is godly but these mfs were so good you didn't need anything, but your mouth and lips would be swelled up from the salt and the heat. You'd still be eatin them bytches too. Stomach hurtin for days but worth it. Some real fat boy shyt.![]()
I used to love hot/spicy chips as a youngin breh(should i say? This feels like a
moment). Those Herr's red hot chips. The 25 cent bags with the ruffle ones. The big bag with the regular chips never hit the same. Then u got one that was saturated in the hot spices, like a deep blood red
Then those andy cap hot fries! Crush those shyts up and eat the powder with a spoon.
We used to have whole heated ass debates about who had the best wings. And saying they all the same was like a cardinal sin. Hands have been thrown over lesser blashphemous declarations!
But if its too hot to enjoy, where u literally in pain, it defeats the whole purpose. Takes all the fun out of it.
If i was gone try it i would just cheat my ass off. Crumble it to a fine powder and sprinkle it over a plate of nachos. Im still eating the whole chip right?With the paqui chip (I've done it twice). The heat ain't a problem, there's no salt, or garlic or onion, any type of flavor. It's just hot and crunchy....if it actually had a flavor like nacho cheese or Buffalo wing or anything more people would try it.
Speak for yourself
NopeWe All Know We Did Dumber, And More Dangerous Shiit And It Wasn’t Even A Challenge, We Were Just Young And Dumb
I'd never. Ramen Lime Chilli Shrimp is a comfortable spicy and a hell of a tangy flavor. Best ramen flavor by far. I be smashing them bytches. I make county jail cook ups at home so it's lunch meat or actual shrimp, crackers crunched up or toasted bread torn in pieces, shredded cheese, hot pickle slices, ect. Them bytches slap on some lazy shyt.
Most of the guys who were outside outside in that era/location are dead or just came home.Boy I Was OUTSIDE Outside, In NYC In The 90’s You’re Right I Can’t Assume The Same For Some Of Y’all
Most of the guys who were outside outside in that era/location are dead or just came home.
You seem go be part of that small number who survived doing all that dumb shyt. Be proud of that, not that you were running around taking penitentiary chances for Avirex money.