Kyle C. Barker
Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Guise he doesn’t have the discipline to eat one meal a day or 1.5 meals. Why do y’all keep suggesting this?
These suggestions make zero sense
This is the thing I hate. In the random thoughts thread I got labeled a fasting hater because I said people need to stop suggesting these extreme measures right out the gate to people. OP my suggestion would be to first start walking 30 minutes a day and increase your water intake while cutting back on juices/sodas.
You 2 are right. The advice you give to a 300+ pound man will be different than the advice you give to a guy trying to cut 10-20 lbs will be vastly different.
OP needs to start being active everyday and stop drinking his calories. From there he can tweak his meals little by little as he goes on. It'll be a marathon but it's possible