Any credit score aboce 750 is equal in terms of getting best pricing/benefits.
Congrats op on nice score!
As for me my household uses the Amex gold for everything and pay it at end of month. Looked into Plat but it actually has less benefits that I'd use (don't travel).
I got a couple other cards just to keep my available credit high.
Chase - 25000
Amex blue - 25000
Cap 1 - 7000
Discover - 8000.
Good practise is every 6 months hit up the cards 800 # and ask if they can do a line increase WITHOUT hitting your credit. If you are an established member they can do this and it will just bump ur available crefit up without getting a pull on ur report.
Damn, power level Over 9000 here.
Yeah the only reason I ask for a CLI is to lower my credit utilization. I'm not trying to spend beyond my means. Though I did a bit when traveling by accident but I have an AMEX Corporate for work for work stuff and for all my personal the Chase Cards now.
I was tempted to get a Chase Freedom Unlimited the same day I applied for a CSP because it was already a hard pull. The APR I have on my Chase Freedom is the highest (this was because I didn't have established credit). I asked to get it lowered but they won't
I have Wells Fargo, AMEX, and Discover giving me low APRs in the 12-14% range but then again the goal is to pay it off every month.
I got about 5 or 6 simply because there was a good 2 years I got addicted to trying to get my debt to credit ratio up. lol
two of those cards (both Capital One) got 1000+ balances on them because I nearly lost my left eye twice... once for each of those years and wound up putting all the medical expenses on them.
I just got an AMEX in the mail, but I'm only going to use it to try the 3x Credit Limit Increase next month.
You ever set up a Health Savings Account or a FSA for unexpected medical expenses? Glad you're alright man.