Private Investigation from Notre Dame my ass!
Notre Dame's Lennay Kekua "Investigation" Basically Consisted Of A Few Guys Using Google And LexisNexis
Private Investigation from Notre Dame my ass!
Notre Dame's Lennay Kekua "Investigation" Basically Consisted Of A Few Guys Using Google And LexisNexis
It's becoming clear that Te'o is gonna get off easy on this one. I just hope the Steelers don't draft him. I want no part of someone who could potentially one day be in charge of getting guys in the right position on defense yet is supposedly naive enough to believe in/carry on an online/telephone relationship with a made up girlfriend when this is walking around his campus daily
Anyone paying attention can see the difference between the real journalists and dudes just collecting a check to print what they're being told to... this excludes sports players using personal experience to report on the game
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now thats just fukked up