Couples spending on average $27,000 for their weddings


Jun 8, 2012

I believe in traditional roles. I believe that as the man of the house, I should be the bread winner and if I'm not(which in my case for at least 2-3 years I might not be) the pay shouldn't be that significant, which it won't, especially since she has the luxury of working part-time while attending law school.

There should be no 60/30

At worst 60/45



and so on.

The problem with you guys is that you believe in traditional roles only when it's convenient and the same goes for women. Also if your job and career is that goddamn volatile you need to have emergency funds on deck. Again all relationships aren't created equal.
its nothing wrong with you thinking in an old school manner. but its not REALISTIC. this aint the stone age, where the men go out to hunt and the ladies stay at the house holding the kids down. what you also dont know about your history as men and women. is that even women of the bible WORKED and made that doe. yes you won the bread aka went out to get the meat. that dont mean you actually made the most CHANGE. you say i dont know what i'm talking about.

many women had side businesses while their husbands were out there finding the food. they were selling things(oils, jewelry, etc) while still holding the kids down.

so if you do the math imagine day care for a few kids nowadays. so subtract that, and lets say your wife is like one of those mall Booths selling sun glasses, or something people actually want and use) but on the daily. you add that up and yeah bruh she making as much as you the dude are or more. but no one talks about that.

the ladies were also farming. aka bringing home a portion meal (the veggies).

this idea of i get paid while she sits on her butt and holds the kids down and nothing more(thats a lot dont get me wrong) but thats not even old school either. ) its a warped view. its a man's view of us trying to put women in a spot to be completely dependent on us but not us on them. marriage is about dependence on one another. not one to the other and thats it.

sure if you can make that bread by all means , get ya money.

but if by chance you cant. dont cry about it and act like you're not a man because your wifey is bringing home more money then you. for all we know she isnt even working as hard as you are. she could've gotten lucky. and you didnt. thats real life.

as long as you and your wife understand whatever yall make in total is YALLS money together. then its cool. if not. there's a problem.

turn on that girly show celebrity exes. all those chicks made a ton less then their husbands. and i bet their husbands felt like "THE MAN" of the house while they were together. YET, they are not together. so that "THE MAN" stuff isnt what keeps a home happy. its selflessness. not one of the parties trying to put the other in a position of dependence while the other party isnt dependent at all. thats a recipe for disaster as well.

and again, answer my question. what are you going to do if by some chance of life. you end up disabled. where you cant work. so you're getting a disability check while she's making tons of cash. will you wallow in your sorrow forever and stay depressed thinking you're not the man of the house? will your wife clown you for not bringing home the bacon and therefore stripping you of your title of "man of the house" ? you better be in a mindstate where no matter what curve ball life throws at yall. yall can handle it because both of you were always dependent on one another and not one or the other.


Jun 8, 2012
Then his wife ain't shyt.

stop using these bad situations as an example that the dude has to be rich in order for the women to respect him. what if the economy blows up. then that big business you were involved in falls thru. the housing bubble busted on a lot of DUDES out there. if the only reason their wives respected them was because they were making so much $$$ off of flipping homes. and now that their broke and no longer able to flip and have to work at office max. and now she wants to roll out on the dude. she wasnt a good wife to begin with. what part of that dont yall get?
Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa
LOL so what about when she's not with you? Who is there to police her eating habits then? If your wife wants to eat unhealthy shyt, she will you're not showing any "balls" because when you're together you put back some bad food.

That's the thing. That's where you trust yourself and your spouse. That's the faith part. Some people have it, some people don't. Oh and it is a showing of "balls". You can't complain about your wife gaining weight in marriage if you do nothing to stop it.

That's why you get them working out. I don't even have to go to the gym with my wife. Sometimes she motivates me when I'm feeling sluggish after a long day of work and I say aight "imma meet you there". But as a leader and man of the household that is your responsibility.
Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa
its nothing wrong with you thinking in an old school manner. but its not REALISTIC. this aint the stone age, where the men go out to hunt and the ladies stay at the house holding the kids down. what you also dont know about your history as men and women. is that even women of the bible WORKED and made that doe. yes you won the bread aka went out to get the meat. that dont mean you actually made the most CHANGE. you say i dont know what i'm talking about.

many women had side businesses while their husbands were out there finding the food. they were selling things(oils, jewelry, etc) while still holding the kids down.

so if you do the math imagine day care for a few kids nowadays. so subtract that, and lets say your wife is like one of those mall Booths selling sun glasses, or something people actually want and use) but on the daily. you add that up and yeah bruh she making as much as you the dude are or more. but no one talks about that.

the ladies were also farming. aka bringing home a portion meal (the veggies).

this idea of i get paid while she sits on her butt and holds the kids down and nothing more(thats a lot dont get me wrong) but thats not even old school either. ) its a warped view. its a man's view of us trying to put women in a spot to be completely dependent on us but not us on them. marriage is about dependence on one another. not one to the other and thats it.

sure if you can make that bread by all means , get ya money.

but if by chance you cant. dont cry about it and act like you're not a man because your wifey is bringing home more money then you. for all we know she isnt even working as hard as you are. she could've gotten lucky. and you didnt. thats real life.

as long as you and your wife understand whatever yall make in total is YALLS money together. then its cool. if not. there's a problem.

turn on that girly show celebrity exes. all those chicks made a ton less then their husbands. and i bet their husbands felt like "THE MAN" of the house while they were together. YET, they are not together. so that "THE MAN" stuff isnt what keeps a home happy. its selflessness. not one of the parties trying to put the other in a position of dependence while the other party isnt dependent at all. thats a recipe for disaster as well.

and again, answer my question. what are you going to do if by some chance of life. you end up disabled. where you cant work. so you're getting a disability check while she's making tons of cash. will you wallow in your sorrow forever and stay depressed thinking you're not the man of the house? will your wife clown you for not bringing home the bacon and therefore stripping you of your title of "man of the house" ? you better be in a mindstate where no matter what curve ball life throws at yall. yall can handle it because both of you were always dependent on one another and not one or the other.

I can only speak from my experience and say I'm blessed and this isn't a concern of mine so I don't think about.
Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa
stop using these bad situations as an example that the dude has to be rich in order for the women to respect him. what if the economy blows up. then that big business you were involved in falls thru. the housing bubble busted on a lot of DUDES out there. if the only reason their wives respected them was because they were making so much $$$ off of flipping homes. and now that their broke and no longer able to flip and have to work at office max. and now she wants to roll out on the dude. she wasnt a good wife to begin with. what part of that dont yall get?

No one is saying you have to be rich. I put up examples of couples making 60K.

I am saying that the income difference shouldn't be so significant if your wife happens to make more money than you. It's like this. If you a man working outside the house and your wife is a housewife and you been busting your butt all day and you come home and the house is fckin filthy, clothes ain't folded, kids ain't actively engaged in something, no mopping, no food on the stove, as a man you going to be looking at her like :comeon:

Same thing. As a man you can't have your wife making 70K and you bringing 30K to the table. It's not a good look and eventually your word will be responded to with this :mjpls:


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
Ain't nothin wrong with the wOman making more bread than the man. But if the man making like 20k and the woman is making 75k, it's gonna be a problem, cuz that means he's not in the position to cal the shots.


Jun 23, 2012
No one is saying you have to be rich. I put up examples of couples making 60K.

I am saying that the income difference shouldn't be so significant if your wife happens to make more money than you. It's like this. If you a man working outside the house and your wife is a housewife and you been busting your butt all day and you come home and the house is fckin filthy, clothes ain't folded, kids ain't actively engaged in something, no mopping, no food on the stove, as a man you going to be looking at her like :comeon:

Same thing. As a man you can't have your wife making 70K and you bringing 30K to the table. It's not a good look and eventually your word will be responded to with this :mjpls:

Lol you're a couple!! Yall make 100k...Youre a damn team.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Don't matter how much money you make. If you are the man of the house then you are the man of the house. No amount of money either way should change that. If it does you were never really the man of the house.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
My girl plans weddings on the side and to all yall saying you gonna save a lot of money by going to the courthouse and just having a reception, THE RECEPTION IS WHERE ALL THE COSTS ARE!

Fellas let me give you a quick tip that will keep money in YOUR pocket. Most couples decide to go 50/50 on the wedding costs, usually deciding on an arbitrary amount they need saved up. Well whatever you do, dont let that bytch pay for her wedding dress out of that joint sum of money. Thats her dress, and if she wants some super expensive fancy dress then she should pay for it. That has nothing to do with you and the wedding, thats all her. That wont trim down the overall cost of the wedding but it will from your side of things.