This debate was had after Columbine :smugobama: look who won. You can't stop video games or violence in them.Lol. Some of you dudes are fukking illiterate.
I play violent video games, I'm about to beat far cry 3 right now which is pretty damn bloody.
I'm not laying the blame of every massacre in this country at the feet of the video game industry, I'm just being honest when I say that games that don't seem to think twice about letting you mow down pedestrians and pump old ladies full of bullets outside the frame of the plotline rub me the wrong way, and those feelings are amplified when some disturbed nut decides to turn that shyt into reality. Is it really irrational for me and others to feel that way?I understand you dudes wanna defend this hobby at all costs, but you won't lose cool points for recognizing what's obvious, I promise.
I played Counter-Strike when I was 10 years old, I played all types of violent shyt. I grew up playing Mortal Kombat and fatalities. I'm sorry, its NOT HARD to separate REALITY from a GAME. They're two completely different things! They're not even remotely the same.
Again, we're talking about censoring things from the masses because of a few insane people.
You're just scared.
What exactly is "obvious"? games have a rating system. Mature is for 18+. They have a rating system. Not our fault parents don't give a fukk. :smugobama: