Combat Core (Created by Black game developer and Coli member MABManZ) (PC, Switch)

Detroit Wave

Feb 9, 2014
The D
:francis: Squaz? :what:Skatie? You spelled Bruiser wrong :troll:. You basing him off Bane so he got a TRT gimmick right:childplease:?

You seem to have made all the black guys bigger than everyone else, which is what i'm talking about. I mean you haven't noticed how everytime a black dude shows up in media like this, he always some weird gimmicky big slow hulking dude? Using some lame ass grappling style nobody wants, flexing all the time? You defend sumo, but did you notice in fighting games black characters specifically male are actually more likely to get slow ass grappling styles over speed/technical striking ones, ain't like their is any black kung-fu characters how about karate? Nah right, more big apeish black guys:stopitslime:.
Dudes frequently wearing shades/glasses too or have some un-natural colored hair what's up with that:francis:?

I mean is their some kind of law that bans black males that use speed/projectiles/stealth and look the part? Getting tired of these big hulking black dudes.

Oh i didn't know he was the villain. That explains why he's bigger than everyone else.
With everything happening right now with black people being called thugs, treated like crap, being labeled bad people, and getting killed for no reason, I can't support this:yeshrug: Tired of seeing black males promoted in negative light, nonstop.








May 21, 2015
@TryObsidian? Sorry guess can't please everyone, rather than appreciate Squaz essentially having a bigger role in the story than every other character, you decide to hate on him being an antogonist. :rudy:

Also Jove (Sumo guy) is a super GOOD guy described as a "hero of children"

I dunno how you came to the conclusion that being swole is a bad thing :shaq2:

There's plenty of not-big black dudes in games so even if Combat Core has big black dudes it certainly doesn't seem as common as you are making it out to be
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May 17, 2015
Obsidian if it makes you feel better you can believe Jondo and Xtra are black :yeshrug:I can only make so many characters and I much as I love black folks, I'm trying to make a game that can appeal to everyone.

You pointed out a bunch of other issues w/ the characters, I was just pointing out that most of them aren't "super muscley" brute dudes.

This is for reference because i forgot to do it
Armor King(Tekken)
Craig Marduk(Tekken)
Gigas(Tekken) appearently
Jeffry Mcwild(VF)
Rock(SC) worth mentioning
Duke (Kof)
All the black characters from your game

I have more but there just dark skinned characters like Rock and Duke which have to be explained. I mean it's not simple, the East associates dark skin with physical work and In the West body builders tend to Tan when showing off there form, further associating dark skin with strength. Now despite strength being dominated by europeans, the trait seems to be mostly associated with dark skin people. Now if you pay attention you'll notice strength is also mostly associated with bad/evil the villain must always be huge i don't know why. I also noticed your protagonist? bruiser? is normal looking same as kayo. Then look at the dark skin guys... see what i mean?

I noticed that others are starting to partake in our discussion so i'm gonna bow out, because i don't won't to derail the thread. Rather just send PMs. I'm gonna just make my own thread about this subject matter.
May 17, 2015
@TryObsidian? Sorry guess can't please everyone, rather than appreciate Squaz essentially having a bigger role in the story than every other character, you decide to hate on him being an antogonist. :rudy:

There's plenty of not-big black dudes in games so even if Combat Core has big black dudes it certainly doesn't seem as common as you are making it out to be
Never said i hated Squaz did i:whoo:? I said he had a TRT gimmick which is ok if he's a villain:manny:. The only character that's really bad is Skatie and no her being a reference doesn't make it better. Also the generic stages huge cripple. Your also screwed if Capcom re-releases PowerStone.


May 21, 2015
This is for reference because i forgot to do it
Armor King(Tekken)
Craig Marduk(Tekken)
Gigas(Tekken) appearently
Jeffry Mcwild(VF)
Rock(SC) worth mentioning
Duke (Kof)
All the black characters from your game

I have more but there just dark skinned characters like Rock and Duke which have to be explained. I mean it's not simple, the East associates dark skin with physical work and In the West body builders tend to Tan when showing off there form, further associating dark skin with strength. Now despite strength being dominated by europeans, the trait seems to be mostly associated with dark skin people. Now if you pay attention you'll notice strength is also mostly associated with bad/evil the villain must always be huge i don't know why. I also noticed your protagonist? bruiser? is normal looking same as kayo. Then look at the dark skin guys... see what i mean?

I noticed that others are starting to partake in our discussion so i'm gonna bow out, because i don't won't to derail the thread. Rather just send PMs. I'm gonna just make my own thread about this subject matter.

You've kept the discussion respectful so I don't mind it so much :yeshrug:

Posting a list doesn't negate all the other not-big black dudes, though.

Bruizer is the "normal" guy because he's supposed to be the safe jack-of-all trades guy. Kayo isn't "normal" - he's skinny and small.

"All the black characters from your game" is wrong too, unless you think Flaire (rocket pants girl) is too big for your taste. We were aiming to have a variety of body types in the roster, it would be boring to have too many "normal" characters - and it's even a stretch to call Squaz a giant brute when he's a similar physique to pro fighters and other athletes in a game themed around sports/arena fighting.

Also Ember has by far been the most popular character from what I call tell from reactions online - and (physically) strong black females are also a rarity in games so why hate? :comeon:
May 17, 2015
You've kept the discussion respectful so I don't mind it so much :yeshrug:

Posting a list doesn't negate all the other not-big black dudes, though.

Bruizer is the "normal" guy because he's supposed to be the safe jack-of-all trades guy. Kayo isn't "normal" - he's skinny and small.

"All the black characters from your game" is wrong too, unless you think Flaire (rocket pants girl) is too big for your taste. We were aiming to have a variety of body types in the roster, it would be boring to have too many "normal" characters - and it's even a stretch to call Squaz a giant brute when he's a similar physique to pro fighters and other athletes in a game themed around sports/arena fighting.

Also Ember has by far been the most popular character from what I call tell from reactions online - and (physically) strong black females are also a rarity in games so why hate? :comeon:

I mean't just the males, Ember is Rule 34 And you know this:comeon:people was going to like her by default. It's pretty hard to mess up females in general, is Skatie a girl?
People rather target black males when it comes to racism. Which is why i didn't bring up black female issues, their on cruise control so their good, feminism got their back as well as SJW's and of course black people. Even the media is in full support of them right now you didn't notice they bring in the ratings?

It's a good thing though because that means we can focus on other things. The problem is people are still bullying black males the young ones and nobody is really defending them. Young dudes are being set up for failure being killed for no reason being blamed for everything at age 12:what: really thugs? Yeah let's walk around in circle with signs OR/AND we can counter the negative evil thug drug addict idiot Black male propaganda(that everyone seems to be obsessed with) with Cool positive entertaining Swag Black male propaganda. But nah right? I mean it doesn't have to be perfect.

I'm not telling you to change your product, i'm just calling out what i see in the media. Its ok if you like big dudes/whatever but people can be influenced.

Mr Bubbles

May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
Like the idea and while I probably wont play it too much I'll probably support it just to throw some money your way. We need to support each other more. As far as the race debate goes expect a ton of people to claim your females are "ambiguously brown" instead of black. But maybe that is what you were going for to appeal to more people. I for one can't rock with that shyt. Nothing in the anime fandom or gaming pisses me off more than that shyt.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Like the idea and while I probably wont play it too much I'll probably support it just to throw some money your way. We need to support each other more. As far as the race debate goes expect a ton of people to claim your females are "ambiguously brown" instead of black. But maybe that is what you were going for to appeal to more people. I for one can't rock with that shyt. Nothing in the anime fandom or gaming pisses me off more than that shyt.

You see that shyt so much on gaf lol


May 21, 2015
Like the idea and while I probably wont play it too much I'll probably support it just to throw some money your way. We need to support each other more. As far as the race debate goes expect a ton of people to claim your females are "ambiguously brown" instead of black. But maybe that is what you were going for to appeal to more people. I for one can't rock with that shyt. Nothing in the anime fandom or gaming pisses me off more than that shyt.

Appreciate the support, and yeah I'll admit there is a certain amount of ambiguity with some designs but it extends even to the "white" characters too. A lot of these characters do not have distinctive features of any real race- the designs are exaggerated and intended to have them look different beyond just hair and skin color.

Ultimately I developed a full character editor too w/ no color limits, make any body type you want and will have plenty of natural hair options so you can do as you please with that.

@TryObsidian? I feel you on the issues man but I really wasn't tryin to make a political statement w/ this game, just making characters that are appealing to me and hopefully a wide variety of other people! If black youth want to be inspired by the game perhaps they should look at the developers (3 of which are POC) who educated/trained themselves and had the discipline and drive to make something like this, and not some fictional characters in a space fighting game.
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