Combat Core (Created by Black game developer and Coli member MABManZ) (PC, Switch)


Apr 30, 2014
There's no $1 'Thank You' Tier? :ufdup:

A lot of people will come across the Kickstarter and think it looks cool but not want to drop the full $13 :patrice:

Easy money, imo :banderas:


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Welcome, breh.
Best wishes.

I am assuming the character editor also has skin color options?

Not to harp on the subject, but one of the things we have been discussing in general lately (not just in this thread or regarding this game) is the lack of black characters in games even when the design team is black. Thats why its important to us.
We are represented so poorly in entertainment and the effects of it are long reaching.

But don't think I'm some activist who has no interest or intention to play the game though.
I not only owned Powers Stone on dreamcast, I still have an animated dvd of it. So I am 100% your core audience.


Looking foward to the release.
May 15, 2012
Got a bunch of tracking/analytics for my Kickstarter and Website to see where traffic is coming from.

You guys looked like a fun bunch so figured I'd pop in and show some love

Ummm what's your offer? I might be looking for work if this thing fails, lol :feedme:

i don't know enough about games, I'll have to get back with you, just tell me how much you need to complete a game in a reasonable span of time

and also if I come up with an idea or write a videogame script, could you create the game as long it's in the realm of reason concerning the budget


May 21, 2015
Welcome, breh.
Best wishes.

I am assuming the character editor also has skin color options?

Not to harp on the subject, but one of the things we have been discussing in general lately (not just in this thread or regarding this game) is the lack of black characters in games even when the design team is black. Thats why its important to us.
We are represented so poorly in entertainment and the effects of it are long reaching.

But don't think I'm some activist who has no interest or intention to play the game though.
I not only owned Powers Stone on dreamcast, I still have an animated dvd of it. So I am 100% your core audience.

Looking foward to the release.

I know where you are coming from! Even though Bruizer is the poster boy, we made sure there was plenty of love for brown folks too. If I have my way I'll be pushing to feature Squaz in some promo art (he's actually the main antagonist) if we can get funding to keep production going.

As for the character editor/customs, there are no color limitations. You can create purple and blue people if you want, anything goes!
May 17, 2015
You talkin about Squaz? He's an athletic strong build, like an NFL linebacker - not really a hulking or slow giant. On top of that, he's a sort of caricature of me and the things I love. And with Jove, really how many black sumo have you seen in a fighting game? In fact, I'm having trouble even thinking of many "fat lame" black characters in games at all. I can't help you if you don't find large characters appealing, but he's definitely not a stereotype design!


:francis: Squaz? :what:Skatie? You spelled Bruiser wrong :troll:. You basing him off Bane so he got a TRT gimmick right:childplease:?

You seem to have made all the black guys bigger than everyone else, which is what i'm talking about. I mean you haven't noticed how everytime a black dude shows up in media like this, he always some weird gimmicky big slow hulking dude? Using some lame ass grappling style nobody wants, flexing all the time? You defend sumo, but did you notice in fighting games black characters specifically male are actually more likely to get slow ass grappling styles over speed/technical striking ones, ain't like their is any black kung-fu characters how about karate? Nah right, more big apeish black guys:stopitslime:.
Dudes frequently wearing shades/glasses too or have some un-natural colored hair what's up with that:francis:?

I mean is their some kind of law that bans black males that use speed/projectiles/stealth and look the part? Getting tired of these big hulking black dudes.

Oh i didn't know he was the villain. That explains why he's bigger than everyone else.
With everything happening right now with black people being called thugs, treated like crap, being labeled bad people, and getting killed for no reason, I can't support this:yeshrug: Tired of seeing black males promoted in negative light, nonstop.
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I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
I know where you are coming from! Even though Bruizer is the poster boy, we made sure there was plenty of love for brown folks too. If I have my way I'll be pushing to feature Squaz in some promo art (he's actually the main antagonist) if we can get funding to keep production going.

As for the character editor/customs, there are no color limitations. You can create purple and blue people if you want, anything goes!

Thats great to hear.
Wish you the best, and i'll be supporting the kickstarter as well.

Good luck.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
They know he's black. Took him 4 days to get 1800 for a dope ass game yet other people are getting M's the first day.

I also think it's interesting that his game is well put together and high quality. It actually matches the quality of those supposedly million dollar budget games, yet he's only asking for 30K. Funny how that works out.

Only gripe I have is I think the extra effort should have been put in to make the levels actual locations, however basic. The VR thing sorta wears it's welcome past one level.

No it does not, and it's not even close.


May 21, 2015
:francis: Squaz? :what:Skatie? You spelled Bruiser wrong :troll:. You basing him off Bane so he got a TRT gimmick right:childplease:?

You seem to have made all the black guys bigger than everyone else, which is what i'm talking about. I mean you haven't noticed how everytime a black dude shows up in media like this, he always some weird gimmicky big slow hulking dude? Using some lame ass grappling style nobody wants, flexing all the time? You defend sumo, but did you notice in fighting games black characters specifically male are actually more likely to get slow ass grappling styles over speed/technical striking ones, ain't like their is any black kung-fu characters how about karate? Nah right, more big apeish black guys:stopitslime:.
Dudes frequently wearing shades/glasses too or have some un-natural colored hair what's up with that:francis:?

I mean is their some kind of law that bans black males that use speed/projectiles/stealth and look the part? Getting tired of these big hulking black dudes.​

Not gonna get into character names - that's all on Rob and I'll say we haven't always agreed on them, haha. If it helps any, "Squaz" is a spinoff of Squash - based off the vegetable Saiyan names in DBZ, since I pretty much asked for Broly with an afro. The costume/arm gauntlets are inspired by Capcom's Captain Commando character, not so much Bane.

And Skatie is a spin on Streets of Rage's Skates - I even gave her a similar idle animation​

Without any examples for the stereotype you are referencing I think you're kinda caught up imaging something that isn't really so common. From a quick look up of black fighting game/brawler characters I see:

- Dee Jay (SF)
- Balrog (SF)
- Jax (MK)
- Zasalamel (SC)
- Eddy Gordo (Tekken)
- Raven (Tekken)
- Bruce (Tekken)
- Zack (DOA)
- Gunrock (Power Stone)

Of these the only characters I'd qualify as "large brutes" would be Jax and Gunrock, possibly Balrog. And none of these characters are sumo/super sized like Jove (well, maybe Gunrock). Seems like this is really just your personal preference and not a trend in black character designs. Personally I'm a fan of "large brutes" anyway, so it doesn't bother me in the least

FYI there's only 6 male characters planned - 2 of them are robots/don't even show skin or their face, 2 of them are brown, and 2 are "not-brown"

and the "unnatural" hair colors - did you not notice the pink haired ninja, green haired boxer, and purple-haired football lady? There's no reason to be picky about realism here


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012

I had Powerstone on Dreamcast AND I got an animated dvd of that shyt around here somewhere.
This is exactly in the same vein. You just salty.

You can see the inspiration for the characters he made if you go back and look at old pics of Rouge amd Falc.

Even the poses.

Which makes me think you are just a hater.

It looks more like smash/PS All stars than powerstone


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
It looks more like smash/PS All stars than powerstone

I can kinda see some of that in there.
PowerStone, Smash... I'd say Fusion Frenzy, and JSRF also. But alot of games like Space Channel 5 and other dreamcast games had the same character vibe back then.
Also games that would come later like Phantom Crash or even the marvel vs series in terms of the stylization of Megaman (large arms/feet) exagerated proportions.
I love that he mentioned the old AKI/Yuki games like 'No Mercy' when discussing the character editor on the kickstarter page. :leon:

He is pulling from very strong foundations. So fingers crossed.
May 17, 2015

Without any examples for the stereotype you are referencing I think you're kinda caught up imaging something that isn't really so common. From a quick look up of black fighting game/brawler characters I see:

- Dee Jay (SF)
- Balrog (SF)
- Jax (MK)
- Zasalamel (SC)
- Eddy Gordo (Tekken)
- Raven (Tekken)
- Bruce (Tekken)
- Zack (DOA)
- Gunrock (Power Stone)

Of these the only characters I'd qualify as "large brutes" would be Jax and Gunrock, possibly Balrog. And none of these characters are sumo/super sized like Jove (well, maybe Gunrock). Seems like this is really just your personal preference and not a trend in black character designs. Personally I'm a fan of "large brutes" anyway, so it doesn't bother me in the least

FYI there's only 6 male characters planned - 2 of them are robots/don't even show skin or their face, 2 of them are brown, and 2 are "not-brown"

and the "unnatural" hair colors - did you not notice the pink haired ninja, green haired boxer, and purple-haired football lady? There's no reason to be picky about realism here

Dee Jay is "weird" as he's an obvious political character. He was created by Capcom USA who weren't the devs, most likely to ward racism accusations at the time, and he seems to be stuck in stereotypical mode. This means he doesn't do anything else but show how stereotypical his design is.
They don't do anything with him, and with his design there not suppose too... although he's not a big burly black guy he still retarded:yeshrug:

Balrog is an obvious jab at Mike Tyson people did not like him and i could see why. He's also a big burly black guy, he flexes and everything also a horrible depiction of boxing with him cheating.

Jax fell off the deep end they shat on his character in the reboot. All he does is get his ass kicked and gets scarred. He's also a big burly black grappler guy with artificial popularity to boot, his ass is lame. Remember Special Forces :mjlol::russ:. Notice how Cyrax is more popular than him.

Zasalamel was suppose to be an big evil black guy not really burly though, not a grappler but they threw him in the bushes. He's stoic and dull i don't think he was suppose to be popular. :manny: i give him a pass his sycthe is what makes him cool and alot of characters are :demonic: in Soul Calibur so. I don't use him though

Eddy Gordo Was Never meant to be popular he was the breakout star of Tekken 3 everyone was using him:banderas: and you know what Namco did? They threw his ass in the bushes:mindblown: and replaced him with Christie. They came out and actually said he was never meant to be popular you know like Steve or Lars.... that's why he never showed up until TDR and never got his own ending. Oh and he was this || close to being Tiger Jackson. He was supposed to be Christie in T3 but they didn't have the resources. so rather than make him a normal Capoeira guy they were going to make him a stereotype, but i'm pretty the Mestre had an opinion on his character.... dude saved Eddy. Think about that next time you parade Eddy Gordo as diversity... He was an accident.
Raven was supposed to be a blade clone but they wouldn't commit to it so his final design was:flabbynsick:. Ganguro does not look good on him. and he's a burly black guy, but not big. His design is all over the place too much for me to comment. But he's one of the "has more muscle than he needs" black characters. Yoshi and Kuni have more strength moves than him and their lean in comparison.

Bruce is legit his design blends in with what he does with no racism holding him back. He's was originally meant to be evil but Namco changed their mind. They don't know what to do with him, but yeah he legit.

Zack is just a stupid joke and not suppose to be a defense to anything:snoop: the fact that you even drew him is bittersweet dude is retarded.
I Don't know Gunrock and he seems to be another big burly black guy so i don't care.

How come their are no big burly white people? Yeah i should've got a list for reference ready.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Messed around in the demo. This looks like it can be a great game. I like the selecting your core gimmick after you pick your character. Cant really say much else cause without playing with people as I cant say whether or not the blocking is good among many other things

Since its a demo wasnt many items at all I think just one. Like a white shield? Kinda reminded me of Capt. America throwing it around like a boomerang.

Someone earlier said the controls were clunky or something like that. I didnt really see that at all. Used a 360 pad and it was real smooth and responsive.

Make sure you dont fukk up the netcode. While Ill prob mostly play it locally with friends, most people as we all know nowadays dont. So at the end of the day if that aspect is messed up, all your hard work dont mean nada :mjcry:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Also not gonna sit and argue cause I agree for the most part but theres a few dope characters that come to mind that fit the archetypes you think are missing


Straight counter puncher and a highly technical character overall.

and as far as a karate master who shoots projectiles there is

A little more obscure but :manny:


May 21, 2015
Obsidian if it makes you feel better you can believe Jondo and Xtra are black :yeshrug:I can only make so many characters and I much as I love black folks, I'm trying to make a game that can appeal to everyone.

You pointed out a bunch of other issues w/ the characters, I was just pointing out that most of them aren't "super muscley" brute dudes.

Messed around in the demo. This looks like it can be a great game. I like the selecting your core gimmick after you pick your character. Cant really say much else cause without playing with people as I cant say whether or not the blocking is good among many other things

Since its a demo wasnt many items at all I think just one. Like a white shield? Kinda reminded me of Capt. America throwing it around like a boomerang.

Someone earlier said the controls were clunky or something like that. I didnt really see that at all. Used a 360 pad and it was real smooth and responsive.

Make sure you dont fukk up the netcode. While Ill prob mostly play it locally with friends, most people as we all know nowadays dont. So at the end of the day if that aspect is messed up, all your hard work dont mean nada :mjcry:

Thanks for trying out the game!

Weapons are spawned randomly - currently there's 3:

- Flash Blade - a lazer sword, the attacks are stronger if you have more energy orbs, can be used for melee attacks or thrown
- Chrome Blaster - shoots grenade-type projectiles or straight-shot lazers (attack 1 and heavy attack), if you throw it down (attack 2) it becomes a mine and will explode if enemy get near it. Still working on the visuals for this.
- Core Shield - Blocking with the shield reduces damage to 50% on all attacks, and if you withstand the attack (guard doesn't break) you will regain any lost energy within about 1 second. Also enables auto-guard except vs knockback attacks. Can be thrown like a boomerang Capt. America style, or use w/ a relatively weak melee strike.
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Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
Jax fell off the deep end they shat on his character in the reboot. All he does is get his ass kicked and gets scarred. He's also a big burly black grappler guy with artificial popularity to boot, his ass is lame. Remember Special Forces :mjlol::russ:. Notice how Cyrax is more popular than him.
Nikka have you played the new MKX?:dahell:

NRS basically buffed him up in the game in story and gameplay.

He is far from getting shyted on.

And :comeon: at Cyrax being more popular than Jax.