Combat Core (Created by Black game developer and Coli member MABManZ) (PC, Switch)


May 21, 2015
Do you need any music for the game? I been looking to get my foot in the door with some audio production for video games. I did some work on a project for some students out of Virginia tech but the team fell apart and the project fell through. I did a ton of music for an rpg. Ambient tracks, themes, boss battles, etc.

Sorry, we already got music taken care of! At least if we get funded, anyway


May 3, 2012
:francis: Squaz? :what:Skatie? You spelled Bruiser wrong :troll:. You basing him off Bane so he got a TRT gimmick right:childplease:?

You seem to have made all the black guys bigger than everyone else, which is what i'm talking about. I mean you haven't noticed how everytime a black dude shows up in media like this, he always some weird gimmicky big slow hulking dude? Using some lame ass grappling style nobody wants, flexing all the time? You defend sumo, but did you notice in fighting games black characters specifically male are actually more likely to get slow ass grappling styles over speed/technical striking ones, ain't like their is any black kung-fu characters how about karate? Nah right, more big apeish black guys:stopitslime:.
Dudes frequently wearing shades/glasses too or have some un-natural colored hair what's up with that:francis:?

I mean is their some kind of law that bans black males that use speed/projectiles/stealth and look the part? Getting tired of these big hulking black dudes.

Oh i didn't know he was the villain. That explains why he's bigger than everyone else.
With everything happening right now with black people being called thugs, treated like crap, being labeled bad people, and getting killed for no reason, I can't support this:yeshrug: Tired of seeing black males promoted in negative light, nonstop.

dude, the way you develop your point is genius and I whole heartedly agree. I can certainly see how others may disagree but this debate needs to had. I hope Complex or someone picks up this debate.

May 10, 2012
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Update 2 - 25% Passed! Character Stat System Details
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On Saturday we reached the 25% base funding mark! Thank you again to everyone for your generous support and believing in Combat Core, we have to keep pushing!

I'm sure a lot of you have been tried the demo out, here are some combat tips to help learn some of the basics!

Character Stats

Every character has a spread of different stats that will change various aspects of their abilities.


This stat affects your character's move speed (not attack speed). Speed can be important for evading attacks or quickly navigating the arena to grab pickup, energy orbs, or weapons. Larger sized characters will have a negative effect on their speed rating, and smaller characters will inherently receive a boost!


Here you can see the clear difference of speed between Ember and Skatie

Determines the maximum health that your character will have per stock, and can range from 1000 points up to 1500 depending on the character and core you pick. As with the speed rating, large characters have an inherent health stat boost, whereas smaller character receive less or no boost.


Skatie has a very low base health compared to Ember, but with the "Fortress" core she can get more HP

The energy rating determines the maximum amount your character's core can hold. Energy is used for executing "Core Attacks" or other special skills such as most projectile attacks. Your core shield (guard) also shares the same energy pool. Having more energy means you can utilize these skills more often, or be able to guard stronger attacks for longer.


Weirdo Dude is going to have trouble w/ guarding or using core attacks!

In Combat Core, all attacks have a base damage which is then increased (multiplied) depending on the character and core's damage rating.


Bruizer's air punch has a base damage of 44 (using the basic core), but when you equip the “Money Shot” core, the damage is increased to 51.

A Beam Uppercut core attack from Pugi will do 406 damage while equipped with “Skyland”, but will do 462 damage with “Money Shot”.

Likely the most obscured stat, the Charge stat determines your energy regeneration rate. However, it's not a flat value. It's actually directly linked to the number of energy orbs you hold. During matches, there will be 20 orbs available for players to possess, and each orb will increase the player's energy regeneration. A player with a high charge will regenerate energy VERY quickly when they are holding many orbs. However, orbs will be dropped when players take damage! A player who focuses on picking up loose orbs will hold the advantage!


Picking up orbs give you more energy regeneration, depending on your charge stat
That's it for today's update! We'll continue to expand on game mechanics in the future and hopefully some new surprises soon!

Mr. Manhattan

May 3, 2012
:francis: Squaz? :what:Skatie? You spelled Bruiser wrong :troll:. You basing him off Bane so he got a TRT gimmick right:childplease:?

You seem to have made all the black guys bigger than everyone else, which is what i'm talking about. I mean you haven't noticed how everytime a black dude shows up in media like this, he always some weird gimmicky big slow hulking dude? Using some lame ass grappling style nobody wants, flexing all the time? You defend sumo, but did you notice in fighting games black characters specifically male are actually more likely to get slow ass grappling styles over speed/technical striking ones, ain't like their is any black kung-fu characters how about karate? Nah right, more big apeish black guys:stopitslime:.
Dudes frequently wearing shades/glasses too or have some un-natural colored hair what's up with that:francis:?

I mean is their some kind of law that bans black males that use speed/projectiles/stealth and look the part? Getting tired of these big hulking black dudes.

Oh i didn't know he was the villain. That explains why he's bigger than everyone else.
With everything happening right now with black people being called thugs, treated like crap, being labeled bad people, and getting killed for no reason, I can't support this:yeshrug: Tired of seeing black males promoted in negative light, nonstop.
:why: mods get this motherfukker outta here :camby:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I stand corrected as far as that goes, but the rest of my point still stands.
Kickstarters do not get millions in a day bruh. Not the average. A game that is from a known developer could. Like that Megaman spinoff. That shyt got bread quick. But to say it just happens like that is 99% false
They made a thread for this on Neogaf and the developer is posting in there:

We need him posting in The Coli though :birdman:
:patrice: Everyone knows Neogaf ain't even like Black people. And if you didn't know that, now you do

I had Powerstone on Dreamcast AND I got an animated dvd of that shyt around here somewhere.
This is exactly in the same vein. You just salty.

You can see the inspiration for the characters he made if you go back and look at old pics of Rouge amd Falc.

Even the poses.

Which makes me think you are just a hater.
Bruh, this shyt is NOTHING like Powerstone. That is the only comment I came in this thread to make
Its more like a 3D Smash bros, and I don't like that. I don't really like Smash Bros that much. Its cool, but overrated imo. Power Stone was hardcore fun just because of the levels being a part of the chaos

Oh, and where are all the black people? Kickstarter or not, how you have ZERO black people? What they calling this game? Powerc00n or c00nStone :wow:


May 21, 2015
Kickstarters do not get millions in a day bruh. Not the average. A game that is from a known developer could. Like that Megaman spinoff. That shyt got bread quick. But to say it just happens like that is 99% false

:patrice: Everyone knows Neogaf ain't even like Black people. And if you didn't know that, now you do

Bruh, this shyt is NOTHING like Powerstone. That is the only comment I came in this thread to make
Its more like a 3D Smash bros, and I don't like that. I don't really like Smash Bros that much. Its cool, but overrated imo. Power Stone was hardcore fun just because of the levels being a part of the chaos

Oh, and where are all the black people? Kickstarter or not, how you have ZERO black people? What they calling this game? Powerc00n or c00nStone :wow:

Have you even read the thread bro?

Is the taper fade a hairstyle option in the create a player?


Not yet but I'm adding a bunch of different hair before I release


Feb 19, 2014
Kickstarters do not get millions in a day bruh. Not the average. A game that is from a known developer could. Like that Megaman spinoff. That shyt got bread quick. But to say it just happens like that is 99% false

What are you talking about? I never said Kickstarters get millions in a day. I was commenting on the quality of his game relative to his Kickstarter asking price.


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Bruh, this shyt is NOTHING like Powerstone. That is the only comment I came in this thread to make
Its more like a 3D Smash bros, and I don't like that. I don't really like Smash Bros that much. Its cool, but overrated imo. Power Stone was hardcore fun just because of the levels being a part of the chaos

Oh, and where are all the black people? Kickstarter or not, how you have ZERO black people? What they calling this game? Powerc00n or c00nStone :wow:

I can tell you haven't played much Smash Bros. I have it on 64, GameCube, and Wii... so a couple things.

Smash is not truly a fighting game. Its premise is closer to king of the hill with the combat being used to facilitate pushing your enemy out of the contested area.
Thus, a skilled player can win entire matches without landing a blow. By out manuevering an unskilled opponent or using the terrain you can simply coerce your opponent (especially the ai) into falling outside the scope of the board (the objective).
The amount of damage taken decreases the characters density increasing the likelyhood with each blow that they will 'bounce' out of the desired zone into the outskirts of the board, losing the contest. Losing the contest results in immediate respawn until stock lives are exhausted or kill goal is reached. There is never a break in gameplay. And of course, as pointed out, its 2D.

This is not that.

In this you are required to batter your opponent in order to win in a round. Even when the time runs out, it only alters the stage... so you still have to finsh your oppoment.
It is a 3D battlefield with full range of motion (akin to Bushido Blade, not 8-way 2.5D like Tekken) and the camera is set isometric. These are in line with Powerstone, not Smash.

The character hud is placed similarly to smash I suppose, but little else.
I am sure there is some inspiration drawn from Smash, as it is the high water mark of arena combat games, but it is much more in the vein of Powerstone than Smash from what I have seen.


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Hey MAB, do you think you can add hud options?

Like, alot of people are used to the life/lives hud being bottom as opposed to top, so maybe a top/bottom option... :lupe:
Or, I don't know if you are targeting an e-sports audience... but the twitch crowd likes to share clips with the hud turned off completely.

Also, have you given any thought to the mod community?
In terms of adding skins and stuff on the PC.

Games that are mod friendly develop cult followings and stay relevent years after heavily asset-protected AAA releases fall into obsurity.
Something to consider.


May 21, 2015
Hey MAB, do you think you can add hud options?

Like, alot of people are used to the life/lives hud being bottom as opposed to top, so maybe a top/bottom option... :lupe:
Or, I don't know if you are targeting an e-sports audience... but the twitch crowd likes to share clips with the hud turned off completely.

Also, have you given any thought to the mod community?
In terms of adding skins and stuff on the PC.

Games that are mod friendly develop cult followings and stay relevent years after heavily asset-protected AAA releases fall into obsurity.
Something to consider.

Hadn't thought about HUD options really, the UI is still unfinished! But having options for changing placement/hiding it should not be difficult, so hopefully I'll get around to it!

As for modding, the game is built in Unity and doesn't have much native modding features in the engine, I'd have to write it all myself. Unfortunately I really don't have the expertise or time to invest in adding real mod support