Coli women would you date a younger dude?


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
There's 40 year olds who act like little 19 year olds out there & even sum living with there parents still in sum cases I can imagine. U said to the other chap "your not not the norm", who's to say wat is Normal eh!?!?!? Society!? the same society / people killing people in wars etc: yeh, like there normal eh. My point being, different strokes for different folks, as long as knw1 is hurting anyone or doing anything terrible to another soul than I think u lot need to chill the fukk out and let people do wat they wanna do. If 2 people like each other and get on a social level, sense of humour level, intellegent level, sexual level, spiritual level etc etc it don't offend me in anyways. I say leave em to it it's totally fine / cools. The main diff wud obv b life experience between 2 people is prob a fairly large gap. But even then there are 19 year olds in sum cases (admittedly rare) that have travelled and seen more action than some 50 year olds. As sum folks r sheltered & shy so ain't seen much. Bottom line is I can't believe in this day and age u lot seem to b concerned or think negatively of 2 people no matter wat the age gap is a bad thing in anyway shape or form!!!! It simply isn't. Unless like I say we talking disgusting pedo people! That's diff story. Also the original question posed was a chill casual affair between 2 people not fukking marriage. U lot so quick to condemn others how they live eh! Who the fukk r u (all of u on ere) to judge. Peace man and enjoy life I say. If any of u r religious a follow a book to live ur life & have opinion based on a book then ur utterly mislead. It's a well written book, a best seller for sure!!!! Money money money, it's made a good mint the bible eh! But it's just a book with thoughts, stories & ideas in it. Coz that book even says gay people are bad haha which is hilarious and terribly pregidist/ wrong. Point being don't form opinion from a single book. I'm not gay btw and my girl is same age as me. I just think u shud all chill out and let people live haha. This site is hilarious. Listen to ya going on bout setting up boundaries with age! That's so funny & placing urself in a narrow minded box, restricting urself & not being open to watever makes u feel good. Bless ya



Mar 23, 2015


Where's ya Capitol and full stop eh ha..

Haha 'twas a most amusing comment by u. My answer is thus, no need for a thread like this dudes. Could construct a lovingly crafted piece of literature if I wanted too. No worries. But no point for such a thread. Shame u fail to notice the positive point I was making nstead of bringing up silly shyt like that ha. Funny tho & it made me smile so alls good. Why not also go round checking peoples spelling next love ha.. Summit for u to do eh...

Take it easy & av a good1


Jun 23, 2012
But the things he talks about..farts, football, and Family Guy?

:russ: He does fart, but he's not immature about it. He will say excuse me I have to fart or something like that and my dumb ass will yell out "Shields" and cross my fingers. :smugfavre:
We don't really talk about sports or television, not to each other. He may have those conversations with his friends. Him and I talk a lot about business. Either things he has coming up that he may need my help with. We have skating in common so we talk about music or gossip about skate people :lolbron: . We talk about future plans like me wanting to buy a house and him wanting to expand his business, paying off debt and shyt like that. We also joke around a lot...probably inappropriate to outsiders but works for us.

I think the biggest issue we have is that we both don't really know how to deal with the opposite sex on something long term and romantic at the same time. He's had countless relationships...I think the longest was 7 months and I've basically had none. He doesn't know how to attend to the emotional needs of a woman and to be truthful I didn't present myself as having value outside of sex. Then you have certain things that you may have to change when you're involved with someone that you don't when you're single and trying to balance all that. It's been very rocky but we are still working on it. With all that said, I think that's something that could happen regardless of the guy's age.


Jun 23, 2012
Another draw back is probably sex. Older guys take the time to teach you how they want to be fukked. Younger guys will just get fukked all wrong and use it as an excuse to justify cheating smh.


Mar 23, 2015
I don't recall asking for your opinion on the matter:francis:

&? So what? Don't give a monkeys if u did or didn't dudes Ha... Doesn't make any diff I can give u my opinion if i want. Just don't listen or read it, that's ur right. No worries, happy for u to ignore what I say. But I can /will still speak my mind if I so desire. U ain't gonna sensor me or try and tell me what I can comment on ha. I would not do that to u either.. Free speech and all. Laters grumpy guts ha..

What I said was just plane facts end of day. Truth & the reality of this wonderful world. I love those facts I pointed out to u. Makes me proud. It's cools.