Coli Goddis Says BW Wearin Blonde Weave Equal To WW Pretendin To Be Black! HIT DOGS IN THE THREAD!


Nov 19, 2016


Blacks/Africans have the most diverse genotype on the planet ... I do not know why people feel as if whites OWN blonde hair

Those are melanisians :childplease: literally the ONLY group y'all bring up when It comes to black people with blonde hair as if 90% of bw who wear ok new weave could find their the Melanisian Homeland on a map:camby:Their genetic make up is very different from African Americans or even African Europeans. :mjlol:


Dec 13, 2012
Melanesia is Greek for “island of blacks”

Didn’t bother reading the rest ... good day sir
I’m glad you googled that real quick. But that does not make them black or African

Genetically they are not African or of African descent.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
This thread is a great example of how people like to mask their own self hate with "black love and appreciation."

"I love BW that is why I only wanna see them with their own hair and own hair color. If she does anything else she obviously hates herself" - Random pretending to love his people

AA are a people who value UNIQUENESS. We love to stand out and we love having our own sense of style. We can't even stand having on the same gear as each other. We name our children unique names and like having defining characteristics.

I saw an old head today with a black leopard suit, black fur coat and some black work boots. Idk how but pops look fresh. :ehh: That is the type of shyt we do.

I can't even imagine a Black community where we only have one hair color, only allowed to have a few hair styles. That is literally the opposite of our culture and what we value.

People keep referring to "back in the day" like we had the same options hair wise as we do now. We didn't have the products or even half the education. The internet has allowed use to greatly expanded our ability to express ourselves and we both, Black men and women, have taken off with it and become trend setters.

I see both BM & BW with colored hair every single day. I see dreads, afros, weave, braids, relaxers etc. You name it we do it. Really the only thing we aren't rocking now is the curl. lol

It's crazy how folk in here will sit in here and tell you a BW with blonde hair hates herself and wants to be White but can't tell you who she wanna be when her hair is pink, gray or green. The logic fails.

Not that you have to like ever style but to sit here and say you "hate" or don't understand seeing hair unlike what grows out of the scalp on a AA then you really don't understand the culture or love your culture. That plain Jane imma wear the same style for years everyone in the family got the same 3 hair cuts, I don't ever change it up is for non Black people period. We don't do that shyt. We're expressive and we should NOT assimilate into that mindset.

It's like living in a culture where they wear neck rings or expanded earlobes and then publicly shytting on your people for doing it and saying that your people need to take on the say mind set of WP. That's c00n shyt. :deadmanny:

Again, not to say you have to like weave, blond hair or whatever but if you really look down your nose at your people who are trend setters because they they don't operate like WP then you're a straight clown.

If it bothers you that BP like to color their hair, add extensions, have unique styles, etc you're a c00n because you're going directly against your culture especially when you do it in relation to other cultures.

When I see a chick with blonde weave I know she's doing it to stand out, look unique and/or switch it up. I doesn't bother me one bit especially when I know it will be completely different next week.

Anyway a lot of that Black pride "only be natural" is really a disguise for projected self hate. Folks pretend to love their people as a platform to really shyt on them which is funny because it's also another way to "stand out or be unique" just in a very fake and negative way.


Dec 19, 2017
Those are melanisians :childplease: literally the ONLY group y'all bring up when It comes to black people with blonde hair as if 90% of bw who wear ok new weave could find their the Melanisian Homeland on a map:camby:Their genetic make up is very different from African Americans or even African Europeans. :mjlol:
Just like several modern blacks have different genetic makeups in comparison to their pre colonial African ancestors lol ... wtf are you nikkas even saying right now ...:picard:

These are black people ... period ... spare me with all this stupid ass juelzing lmao .... I’m sorry your little armchair psychology session is falling apart :hubie:


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
I’ve always been of the very unpopular opinion that black women should be the last group accusing anyone of cultural appropriation.

Only ones that can throw that around validly are the Earths... Erykah Badu, headwraps, tea and incense types, but they really don’t exist anymore. :mjcry:


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
Why would you accuse a black woman of throwing other black women under the bus just for making an observation tho? The comment in the op isn’t even disrespectful. She didn’t throw black women under the bus.

You’re projecting. This is about black women appropriating other people’s looks while whining about other people appropriating looks associated with them. So the question is, why do black women think that they’re allowed to “experiment” but whine when other women experiment?

histrionics aside, If you prefer wearing your hair straight on a regular basis when your natural hair is kinky then yea, you’ve got self hate issues.

If you like dying your hair blonde on a regular basis and it’s not naturally blonde then yea, you’ve got self issues.

I’m telling you that as a black woman who has not a self hate cell in my body these generalizations y’all place on Black women are harmful.
Well as a black man who’s only being critical out of love, I think the way that blacks like you constantly deflect from real problems in our community is very very harmful. Again, this was a comment that was originally made by a black woman. You’re trying to discredit her and all those who agree with her instead of just acknowledging the truth in what she said and dealing with it. Your whole argument here seems to be “not all of us tho”. Even if you want to say not all black women wearing weave have self hate issues, most do. That’s what you’re deflecting from.

I think you’re telling on yourself here. You’re basically saying that straight hair is superior to kinky hair. I’m not even entertaining that “it ain’t that we think straight hair looks better, it’s just for logistical purposes” excuse. That’s laughable. We know good and we’ll that when 95% of black women get ready to look their best(to them), they’re wearing straight hair in some form or fashion. The overwhelming majority of black women think that straight hair looks better than kinky hair. I don’t even know what you’re blatantly lying. Like the term “good hair” hasn’t been a thing in our community for centuries.

White people tan naturally in the sun. Tanning beds are used to replicate what happens to them naturally in the sun. A tanned white woman doesn’t look like a black woman. You cant equate white woman tanning to black women wearing European/Asian textured weave. The white chics on social media with skin bronzer and African textured wigs/weave are tryna look black but not just white girls who tan. You’re just trying to deflect from valid criticisms by whining about black men.

I didn’t even mention IR dating. I made a point about black women longing for white male validation and how that correlates to y’alls insecurity about hair and other phenotypical features. Black women DO secretly lust after white men and seek their acceptance/validation. I don’t need to studies to tell me about black women when I’ve been around them all of my life.

I used Viola Davis as an example because she recently made comments proving my point. She’s been in movies for years but until recently she’s never appeared on screen without a weave/wig. She’s clearly a black woman who has insecurity issues with her hair and appearance but if you would’ve questioned her on it before, she would’ve denied it like you’re doing now. Of course, most black women aren’t going to readily admit that they wear weave because they have insecurity and self hate issues.

I’m not caping for anyone and I don’t give a fukk about white girls. I’m talking to black women. Again, this thread is based on a comment posted by a black woman. She’s the one who called y’all out for being hypocrites. I was reiterating the point of the thread because the person I was responding to was deflecting.

Now, my point here is that y’all are full of shyt for even denying that the weave/wig/perm issue is rooted in self hate. We can’t even deal with the issue because y’all won’t even cop to it being a problem.

Yes, there are lot of black men on the colorism shyt who put light skin women on a pedestal over darker skinned women. I would never deny that. Here’s the thing tho, black women are just as colorist as black men. Black women put lighter skinned black women on pedestals above darker skinned black women too.

This is a deflection tho because that’s not what this topic is about.

This is a damn lie. Why do you think that white women spend so much on tanning and all that? White boys don’t generally like that pale shyt and white women know that. Black men are a lot more lenient on black women than white men are on white women(to our detriment). Now part of that is because we have less power/control, but it’s still true.

You’re just telling on yourself here. You’ve clearly got white men on some kind of pedestal.

Ok, now you’re just in full bedwench troll mode lashing out at black men because your feelings are hurt. I’m not going to do the gender war thing and start dissing black women in general just to get back at you.

You know what? You’re right. You’re anecdotal experiences are vastly superior to my lived experiences as a BW. I thought of a response but at this point it’s clear you have no actual interest in understanding, you just want to project your thoughts and feelings and dig your heels deeper in these wrong ass convictions

But do you. :yeshrug:
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lil baby
Nov 14, 2012
Puerta Medusa.
The first girl is not wearing her real hair and her foundation shade is a good 2 to 3 shades lighter than her skin tone. Not a good example if you have an issue with whites tanning. Most of the blackfishers look Hispanic or middle eastern so I don’t understand why you assume whites are tanning to be black considering that tan skin and kinky hair is not exclusive to black women. They look more like a cardi b than a Rihanna.

Wow, you’re a dumb ass bytch. The first woman is clearly black no matter what you try to say, the last two have transformed themselves into black women. Don’t quote me with this bushyt.


Here she is with no makeup, the bottom half of her face has severe hyperpigmentation.

Here with a full face. Still a dark skinned black woman, face still matches her body.

HERE is the lily white woman you’re defending, she does NOT have a tan you dumb broad. fukk outta my mentions.


Aug 30, 2013
Do coli nikkas go outside? :dahell:

No seriously do coli nikkas go outside at all in the United States and encounter other human beings? :dahell:

Do the dummies here even understand what 80% means? :dahell:

For the remedial nikkas, 80% means 80/100 or 8/10

So for the nikkas that encounter black women, 80/100 of black women wear blonde weaves?

For the nikkas that see at least 10 black women a day, 8 of them are wearing blonde weaves?



The fact that "nikkas" here agreeing with ol'girl's statement tells me all I need to know about the demographic that posts here.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013

Not a kink in sight. Looks like y’all coveted hoteptress hates herself as much as the women she’s trying to judge.

pandering to Black men who hate Black women is big business, as long as she's saying the right things, she could be fukking a white nationalist and nikkas would overlook it. It's no different than what white people do when they prop up Candace Owens who's just a Black face for white talking points. The common denominator is Black women being used for their labor by men who don't give a fukk about them beyond them being a mouthpiece for trash opinions.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
This thread is a great example of how people like to mask their own self hate with "black love and appreciation."

"I love BW that is why I only wanna see them with their own hair and own hair color. If she does anything else she obviously hates herself" - Random pretending to love his people

AA are a people who value UNIQUENESS. We love to stand out and we love having our own sense of style. We can't even stand having on the same gear as each other. We name our children unique names and like having defining characteristics.

I saw an old head today with a black leopard suit, black fur coat and some black work boots. Idk how but pops look fresh. :ehh: That is the type of shyt we do.

I can't even imagine a Black community where we only have one hair color, only allowed to have a few hair styles. That is literally the opposite of our culture and what we value.

People keep referring to "back in the day" like we had the same options hair wise as we do now. We didn't have the products or even half the education. The internet has allowed use to greatly expanded our ability to express ourselves and we both, Black men and women, have taken off with it and become trend setters.

I see both BM & BW with colored hair every single day. I see dreads, afros, weave, braids, relaxers etc. You name it we do it. Really the only thing we aren't rocking now is the curl. lol

It's crazy how folk in here will sit in here and tell you a BW with blonde hair hates herself and wants to be White but can't tell you who she wanna be when her hair is pink, gray or green. The logic fails.

Not that you have to like ever style but to sit here and say you "hate" or don't understand seeing hair unlike what grows out of the scalp on a AA then you really don't understand the culture or love your culture. That plain Jane imma wear the same style for years everyone in the family got the same 3 hair cuts, I don't ever change it up is for non Black people period. We don't do that shyt. We're expressive and we should NOT assimilate into that mindset.

It's like living in a culture where they wear neck rings or expanded earlobes and then publicly shytting on your people for doing it and saying that your people need to take on the say mind set of WP. That's c00n shyt. :deadmanny:

Again, not to say you have to like weave, blond hair or whatever but if you really look down your nose at your people who are trend setters because they they don't operate like WP then you're a straight clown.

If it bothers you that BP like to color their hair, add extensions, have unique styles, etc you're a c00n because you're going directly against your culture especially when you do it in relation to other cultures.

When I see a chick with blonde weave I know she's doing it to stand out, look unique and/or switch it up. I doesn't bother me one bit especially when I know it will be completely different next week.

Anyway a lot of that Black pride "only be natural" is really a disguise for projected self hate. Folks pretend to love their people as a platform to really shyt on them which is funny because it's also another way to "stand out or be unique" just in a very fake and negative way.
This thread is a direct answer to that Nigerian whore's "n*ggerfishing" twitter thread that was turned into a black man bashfest by foreign trash imitating AA women, gay ass nikkas, and "gotcha guys" like @Matt504
I say let shorty cook...the same people popping shyt in that type thread, same people wearing blonde helmets.
I just want the collective bytch chorus to shut the fukk up, personally.
Mirrors are for everybody, and so is criticism.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)

Not a kink in sight. Looks like y’all coveted hoteptress hates herself as much as the women she’s trying to judge.

What's "hoteptress"?
What would the opposite be?
Do you use words like "pick me" and "misogynoir"?
If so...
Oh, and "I don't know you" so spare me all the extras.


KasGoinJail 💀
Mar 10, 2017
lololol did people in here say Melanesians are not black?


Literally have the word MELANIN in their name some how they are not black
They have almost no mitochondrial dna from Europe but somehow they are not black. :laff:

And pawgset come get your white girls that are sleeping in braids over night to get those coveted curls because that’s how it starts, struggle braids then struggle locs, then they try and infiltrate the Rasta community en masse and you know anything they touch turns to shyt,

Act now before it’s too late :laugh: please save us pawgset brothers
tell them you hate locs or something I don’t know