Coli fav Angel Reese is a divestor?

Hoodoo Child

The Urban Legend
Jul 22, 2017
The Crossroads
A lot of Gen Z black women are c00nish weirdos (and yes that goes for a lot of the dudes too). Its almost like c00nery is embedded in them by a default. I don't get the sisterly mutual respect vibes from them the way I do with older black women. If you've been around black women you know what I'm talking about. Its a mutual sense of understanding and solidarity even if you don't know each other. This new generation of black women may as well be a darker shade of white women. I feel for you young brehs out here.
One of the best feelings in the world, bruh. It's like we knew each other from a different lifetime. I rarely feel that from women my age, or younger. :francis:

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
I finally decided to press play on that video.
Why y'all making a big deal over this.

This looks like some comedy sht. It's corny but shorty seems like she's trying to make a joke.

And angel Reese seems to always be with black people and black men.
Maybe shes going thru a break up or something and she's upset.
Or maybe she interested in craccaz now, idk.

But y'all using this to just sht on shorty like y'all been doing, cause y'all in love with the cracca bytch.

Y'all love white women so wtf do u be talking about on here

no black person should post shyt like this publically who got a big platform. you cant make an excuse for this toxic behavior that continues to split the black community(there aint one anyways but that another story).

to tell the truth i see black men mostly supporting angel in the media. i dont really know a black man who doing anything to her for her to post this. is she mad cause some black men think that mel gibson faced bytch is a better bb player? well she is better in alot of things...defenitely better 3 point shooter, thats

most men cheat. whitemen known to have a different race mistress/prostitute or get them a passport while being married. so who cares. so u get mad cause one black man cheated and dogged u now the whole race is bad. and then they pick the worse black men on purpose then complain. like wasnt she just in the car with g herbo? no offense but has herbo shown any husband or fatherly

i love black people but i call out the bs and our people been doing alot of bs for a while that needs to get checked and exterminated.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
It can’t be irrelevant when her biggest supporters are black men :skip:
Nobody is clit watching little momma
But just like it’s weird how nikkas broadcast their love for exoticals
Black women doing this goofy shyt is just as weird
I don’t understand how you nikkas can’t see the hypocrisy throughout this thread:skip:
Bronny was pictured with a white girl
And goofy nikkas and the femcels that post on this board had a damn near 35 page thread by noon that da
The same nikkas in here with whataboutism and how the black man been disrespecting black women
Called that young man every name under the sun
Bronny never said anything bad about black women or black girls
He was just pictured with one that I think was his prom date and now he’s dating a black girl
Pure crickets now:russ:
My point is this isn’t just a new phenomenon
These old hoes we’re secretly craving white dikk in my day
That’s why Jon B was huge
All the black chicks that were *NSYNC and Backstreet Boy Fans
shyt New Kids On The Block had black women in a choke hold
The narratives in here are bullshyt
That’s why I laugh at any nikka on problack shyt on this website
Problack rhetoric only goes one way
You can’t talk about black women in your family talking crazy to their husbands and sons because that never existed
You can’t talk about black women talking crazy to you when trying to date them
You can’t say anything disparaging to Queen Mother Earth
But let a nikka just be happy and watch the fireworks fly like y’all did in the thread where breh and his white wife start sailing the blue seas over being robots behind a desk

I’ve seen nikkas defend women letting their child wax grown women on here by that fake ass artist and stripper for white dikk
I’ve seen the same nikkas make jokes about a breh losing his life to a white woman
But when a black chick almost had a nikka whole family wiped out and he defended himself
And in an ironic twist of fate got her family killed
The bad faith takes and arguments are what level headed people are pointing out
You can’t say protect me then post some bullshyt like this
You can’t be all in the videos with a black boyfriend
Then turn around and do shyt like this
Call all the shyt out or don’t call it out at all

That’s what black men who aint their mothers sons are pointing out
Date, fukk, love who you want
Other races ain’t trophies
They have demons and trauma too

tell the the truth brotha. and believe it or not if obama had a white partner he wouldnt have got the support from the majority of black women like kamala.

they been trying to set the precendent that bw(or mixed) wm couples are okay but bm wm couples are bad. the first interracial court case was a wm and bm if i remember right. thats MALE WS programming in those divestors. its more acceptable for a whiteman to date out or just go smut out black woman but god forbid if a nikka do the same in reverse. thats cause whiteMEN dont want that but they wanna do it to our women...u know. then they act like black men are whitewomen crazy when them whitewomen be tryna get to nikkas hard as hell....but u know u cant tell the truth and super white man look bad. he always has to come out looking

just like i saw a tiktok post with a older 50 years old whiteman with a young black girl in her 20's. all the top comments were women rooting and saying " see this what we talkin when we say we like older men...yasssss!!!!!". but when black men do it, they called pedos.

then u got black men that are either simps, moist or just tryna pander for money get on the bandwagon and talk shyt about other black men. but these divestors stay on code. black men dont got any type of code, especially in the media. simp ass nikkas always tryna look good infront these divestors who really are mentally ill and need serious help.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
Chicks just be trying to make Black men jealous and made. :mjlol: How yall fall for this? She's probably sucking off an old Trick Daddy looking dude now.

might be some truth to this. it crossed my mind but this is not the way to go about it. cause real black men know the truth anyway. blackwomen were meant to be mistress/prostitutes/side pieces for whitemen. they were not meant to be wives/queens and stand in the castle beside whitemen. why u think england is racist against markle and she aint even fully them folks aint going for that. and its gon stay that way cause white men learned the game.

u marry and keep ur race/bloodline rich and strong for generations and use others for whatever u gon use'em for.


Jun 1, 2012
nikkas forget the conditions of the 80s crack era in cities like LA and NY that inspired those lyrics . dudes would see a girl who looked like Zendaya and had straight As in May become crack whore by September blowing dudes for a 20. seeing 12 year old gangbangers smashing grown women, seeing all the girls even the nerdy ones sharing dope boys cuz they drove a Benz and pulled in 100k a week. It fractured the community and we still feeling the effects now

Same way dating apps (including IG) and "hypergamy" is causing a rift between white men and women
Funny how this post got ignored because you're right. When nikkas talk about the crack era they only talk about the crackheads and the celebrity dealers but so many factors remain that have been left out of discourse
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Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
A MALIKA ANDREWS in hiding:scust:

fukk HER.

spot on. and lot of them are. nikkas need to get up on game. same with women.

there is alot black people in hiding that u around everyday or might be sleeping with, that dont like u like that, u just the best option at the moment. its the truth but people dont want the truth.

alot of simp blackmen dont want the truth cause there self esteem is built off "ohh bw love black men...oh they so race loyal" lol its true alot of sistas do love black men BUT not all. is that so hard to grasp?

but see the majority of blackmen wouldnt be like this if they would get on code and pull together as a whole and build something. see a man supposed to conquer to the world. a man never been judged by how many women he had...women are a dime a dozen and wishy washy no matter the race. they will go with who ever got money most times. they physically weak so they will tell u anything to men was always judged by the wars they won. what cities they built. what mililary they headed. the masculinity in these new men are so weak and non existent.

but to blackmen, especially in rap today u judged based on ur money,looks and if the women like u. lol thats all feminine shyt for a real man. real men dont give fukk about half the shyt these nikkas be cryin about or trying to achieve. now u see all these rap nikkas moist, wearing purses and gay. yall gon learn. men DO NOT OPERATE like this current gen.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
I wonder if black women know of all the reddit/ch*n threads of white men who get involved with them and just DOG them after.

Talking bout black women's p*ssy smells the worst, they talk too much, too women really think these white men are their biggest fans.

oh these bedwenches know where they stand with whitemen. notice all the "evil" men who do what the fukk they want get all the women.

simps need to wake up. i aint sayin dog women but i defenitely aint walkin around eggshells with my opinions around a bytch. they will respect u more when straight forward.


Oct 14, 2015
Rise up!
oh these bedwenches know where they stand with whitemen. notice all the "evil" men who do what the fukk they want get all the women.

simps need to wake up. i aint sayin dog women but i defenitely aint walkin around eggshells with my opinions around a bytch. they will respect u more when straight forward.
They sure do. Otherwise they’d be about as bad as Asian women when it comes to reputation of worshipping WM and dating out. Instead they’d rather whine and make BM the devil. That’s why they aren’t being chosen or married. BM and boys are “bringing them down”

They don’t want to have that conversation though :sas2:


Jan 28, 2016