BK The Great
I’m active all year around and mostly daily, whether it’s walking biking or basketball.
how old are you?How many other transformations would I have to post before you stopped acting like a little bytch right now?
That’s not true. If you stop you will return to your baseline T production not lower.Are you willing to do it for life? If not, try something else.
buying a bike >>>>>>>>>>>
Today was technically the first day of erg training for cardio conditioning.
I was told some routines that have a significant impact on running stamina and endurance, my first registered 5k is March 1. I'll be fine for that. My first 5k or 10k *race* is April 13th.
I'm gonna complete this training program and see how it affects my run times.
It's not either/orOzempic works way faster than that
5k is a good sprint. It's too short for me though. I can finish in under 19 minutes but then I want to keep running. I do a few 5ks a year for good causes and because it's short enough that I can get some new people to at least try it out.I’ve heard from some runners that a 5k taken serious is tougher than distance running. What time are you going for?
Theres no valid excuse or justification for doing nothing, do something anything. Create consistency.
Pause. But that's a great transformation