Coli breh gets pistol whipped in broad daylight in Washington DC


The 100s LochNess
Dec 31, 2014
These kids in DC are demonic I don’t see anything like this happening in NY

From the Uber driver to this 64 year old man with Lupus and LIL GIRLS at that doing this shyt in both incidents

:mjcry: Girls doing stuff films now, sound like them videos from the 00s

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018

How did that culture develop though? Why don't other groups have that same culture?

Which forces came together to form what you're calling "black culture"?

But at the same time why don't the non-criminal black people take part in that culture? Because you specifically called it BLACK culture.

Unless you mean to call it something else?

I think I need to reiterate, black culture isn't inherently bad. Going back to your previous post of what causes those things, would it be safe to assume it's the parents?

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
Let's say focused. You implied (which you said you never did any implication) that I implied genetics AFTER in my response I clearly laid out that other BLACK PEOPLE did no resort to these acts. Therefore your implication or what you thought I was going to say after I clearly said it wasn't the case by citing examples of other BLACK PEOPLE who don't do the same shyt despite being from the same environment.

Genetics isn't the only thing that binds a people together there is this other big thing called CULTURE, shared or acceptance norms etc... that have nothing to do with physiology. The fact that you were leaning with that AFTER I responded that other Black ppl from the environment are actually victims of this type of behavior and not actors in it shows you had an angle and you were not just "merely asking questions". We agree to disagree.

Staying focused means sticking the original point -- the CAUSE of black criminality.

Let's get away from the genetics thing, since neither of us agree with it. I simply asked if you felt a certain way about it and you answered. I accept that you think it's about genetics.

Ok, let's focus on culture. Another guy brought that up, so I'll ask the same thing.

I agree with you that the majority of black people in the hood do not commit crimes, as is the case of every group of people.

How is black culture the reason for black criminals? And if the non-criminal black people share the same culture, why are they not also committing crimes? What exactly is the thing that makes some black people pistol whip guys on the street and the rest NOT pistol whip guys on the street, if they are part of the same culture?

Or maybe do you think black criminals have their own culture?


All Star
Aug 5, 2013
The Chi
What do you mean you didn't imply anything by your questions? You literally asked whether this phenomenon was genetic when I clearly stated in my response that the majority of other BLACK people who live in these environments do not resort to these anti social terrorizing criminal acts

You asked for the sources I gave you plenty (broken households, lack of empathy toward the lives of others, low conflict conflict resolution skills) and now you are asking for the sources of the sources? LACK OF MORALITY/GOOD VALUES.

And yes you did bring up white supremacy in the form of institutional racism in your response to the other user. Yes, institutional racism causes a lot of things: racial wealth gap, lack of agricultural land for Black farmers, high mortality rates for pregnant Black mothers during child birth due to insufficient access to prenatal care etc..., high rate of underemployment for qualified Black professionals, redlining, low home values because of race etc...

Killing, pistol whipping with a draco disproportionately your own and having a sound track to it, IT DOES NOT .


Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Staying focused means sticking the original point -- the CAUSE of black criminality.

Let's get away from the genetics thing, since neither of us agree with it. I simply asked if you felt a certain way about it and you answered. I accept that you think it's about genetics.

Ok, let's focus on culture. Another guy brought that up, so I'll ask the same thing.

I agree with you that the majority of black people in the hood do not commit crimes, as is the case of every group of people.

How is black culture the reason for black criminals? And if the non-criminal black people share the same culture, why are they not also committing crimes? What exactly is the thing that makes some black people pistol whip guys on the street and the rest NOT pistol whip guys on the street, if they are part of the same culture?

Or maybe do you think black criminals have their own culture?

Do parents play a major role in how their kids develop?

I can't speak for everyone, but even when we were low income, my parents didn't let me consume certain media, they made sure I got home before dark, made sure I got good grades, and any disobedience was met with punishment

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
I think I need to reiterate, black culture isn't inherently bad. Going back to your previous post of what causes those things, would it be safe to assume it's the parents?

It very well could be the parents. But then we'd be going in circles because I'd ask you what is the cause of the type of parenting that would lead to so many criminals in the black community.

See, the reason why I'm trying to get to the ROOT cause of this is because the notion that "black criminality" is somehow special compared to other types of criminals. So, I simply want to know if there's a reason for that. Their blackness is what is focused on the most.

But from the responses I'm getting, it sounds like black criminality has just about the same causes as other races. We just have more of them and the reason for that is stated to be culture. The thing is, no one can really say exactly what about the culture makes it that way.

Even if you say it's about the values of the culture, you have to ask why do only SOME black people commit crimes. What is the fundamental difference between black people who commit crimes and black people who abide by the law?

So that to me suggests that it might be some other external factor.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
It very well could be the parents. But then we'd be going in circles because I'd ask you what is the cause of the type of parenting that would lead to so many criminals in the black community.

See, the reason why I'm trying to get to the ROOT cause of this is because the notion that "black criminality" is somehow special compared to other types of criminals. So, I simply want to know if there's a reason for that. Their blackness is what is focused on the most.

But from the responses I'm getting, it sounds like black criminality has just about the same causes as other races. We just have more of them and the reason for that is stated to be culture. The thing is, no one can really say exactly what about the culture makes it that way.

Even if you say it's about the values of the culture, you have to ask why do only SOME black people commit crimes.

So that to me suggests that it might be some other external factor.

There are low income parents who do good and others who do bad. There are also environmental influences

Is it therefore safe to assume that individuals choose at their own will good vs. bad?

It cannot be an external factor simply because not all low income blacks resort to crime.

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
There are low income parents who do good and others who do bad. There are also environmental influences

Is it therefore safe to assume that individuals choose at their own will good vs. bad?

Which environmental influences do you speak of?

I think you're on to something. It might be safe to assume that people choose their own destiny.

But why do we have more criminals than the other groups? Could that be the environmental influences you mentioned?


Oct 8, 2014

How did that culture develop though? Why don't other groups have that same culture?
EVERY group has that culture... it's just a smaller subset of their community

Asian, European, South Americans etc. all have criminal elements within their community/society who act just like the criminal elements in our community...

the difference is that their criminal elements represent a lower percentage compared to the rest of their community than ours...

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
EVERY group has that culture... it's just a smaller subset of their community

Asian, European, South Americans etc. all have criminal elements within their community/society who act just like the criminal elements in our community...

the difference is that their criminal elements represent a lower percentage compared to the rest of their community than ours...

That is certainly true. And I like that you separated the normal black people from the criminals. I thought it was strange for people to lump them together as one culture.

What is it that causes us to have higher percentage of those elements? We apparently have more people in our version of criminal subculture, but why? Maybe it's certain environmental factors like another guy pointed out?

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Which environmental influences do you speak of?

I think you're on to something. It might be safe to assume that people choose their own destiny.

But why do we have more criminals than the other groups? Could that be the environmental influences you mentioned?

Environmental influences? We have to look at what can most influence a person. In most cases it seems to be the people you grew up with and hang around. And considering there are low income blacks who do good, I think it's safe to assume it's the individual that chooses their path.

I won't say we have more criminals than other groups, because I don't know that. But we have to go up the chain to see what causes criminal behavior. A lot of it points to parenting and environmental influences.

And considering there are low income blacks living in the same situation but living righteous, it largely points to individuals choosing to resort to crime on their own accord. Can there be real external factors to blame for crime if you have good individuals living in the same situation ?