Coli breh gets pistol whipped in broad daylight in Washington DC

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
I mean. You can look at the formation of japans criminal element as a prime example.

In Japan, in whatever year in the past where all the warlords were forced to integrate into
a centralized government, an entire population of samurai found themselves with no place in society as Japan was trying to create a modern army to counter the centralized armies of European nations.

The samurai were seen as a threat to the power of the centralized government and were forced to step away from their profession and hand in their swords. Those who did were allowed to integrate into society, those who didn’t either had to stay in hiding or be killed.

The samurai who hid, were essentially shunned by society as a whole. Sort of blacklisted. If you are shunned by society, not allowed to integrate, and are forced to still figure out a way to make a living… it’s essentially the main catalyst for the development of a criminal culture.

The samurai and their descendants were given a slur that reflects their existence outside of society. Yakuza means “unlucky hand” from a card game that was popular. It’s like calling them
Losers. And we can see in modern times what that led to.

any community that is not allowed to integrate fully and peacefully will eventually form a culture that shuns being part of society.

That makes sense. And it gives at least one root cause why we have a higher criminal element than other groups.

Sure, individuals can choose the criminal path, but no one explains how that path comes about and becomes even a remotely viable option. So thanks for that.

I personally believe that a lot of the crimes we see are one-off situations caused by a combination of emotions and lack of direction and undiagnosed mental illness. Lifelong career criminals who do everything premeditated are rare.

A lot of black people are in a situation where they have lots of emotional and directionless young people CONCENTRATED in densely populated impoverished areas. It's the reason why so many housing projects are hotbeds of crimes. The same thing would happen to other groups in the same situation.

And of course that goes back to what you said about not being able to integrate fully and peacefully.

So, it is strange to me that some people on here (@Silver Surfer --the reason I began this argument in the first place) would deny that white supremacy doesn't have SOME hand in it and that combating it wouldn't at least fix a big part of the problem.

We should NOT blame white supremacy for someone getting pistol whipped. That's ridiculous. But if we're going to have a discussion about people getting pistol whipped as a WHOLE and stopping it from happening in GENERAL, combating racism is certainly part of of the solution.

We need to do everything at once and cover all of our bases. Maybe it's partly rap music. Maybe it's partly parenting. Maybe it's partly poverty and racism. But it never just one of those things and we definitely cannot exclude any one of them.

Pegasus Jackson

Trump's Amerikkka
Nov 17, 2014
You ever been to Philly? Newark? New Orleans? my tourist ass grew up in neighborhoods with shotgun homes and roosters walking around. In the middle of the city not in the country. Cut it out :comeon:

Been to all the places you just mentioned. No doubt Philly is filthier and so is post Katrina Nawlins.. I'm still very certain you didn't go to the "slums" in DC however.
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High Value Poster
Jul 18, 2018
Visited DC during Covid. Legit one of the most cleanest cities in the USA. Went to the hood part well drove thru it with someone from DC who was showing me around. Wasn't really that bad looking. I don't think its a poverty thing its a culture thing
It’s definitely more cultural. My dad grew up poor in a country town in Mississippi. He lived in a 2 parent 2 bed room house and had 9 other siblings. My dad, an uncle, and 4 aunts went to college. All of them had blue or white collar jobs.

before the 1970’s most black families took pride in being educated and having a family.
Now nikkas are bragging about which city has the highest murder rate, being drug addicts, and claiming college and 9-5 jobs are lame.


Mar 11, 2022
It’s definitely more cultural. My dad grew up poor in a country town in Mississippi. He lived in a 2 parent 2 bed room house and had 9 other siblings. My dad, an uncle, 4 aunts went to college. All of them had blue or white collar jobs.

before the 1970’s most black families took pride in being educated and having a family.
Now nikkas are bragging about which city has the highest murder rate, being drug addicts, and claiming college and 9-5 jobs are lame.
Same here. Pops grew up sharecropping in clay fields of Georgia. Dirt po'....Moved outta there when he was old enough and been working his whole life until retirement never been a thug or criminal a day in his life. People wanna bury their heads in the sand but its not poverty causing this.


Sep 12, 2015
That is certainly true. And I like that you separated the normal black people from the criminals. I thought it was strange for people to lump them together as one culture.

What is it that causes us to have higher percentage of those elements? We apparently have more people in our version of criminal subculture, but why? Maybe it's certain environmental factors like another guy pointed out?
Obviously environment plays a role, but I truly do believe its ATLEAST 50/50 between culture and environment. Realistically closer to 60/40. We are both from Brooklyn, so Ill use that as a refrence. Ive stated on here I grew up in the Canarsie, East Flatbush (the middle class part around like Ave D and Utica area) and Flatlands. All those areas I named are middle class, yet despite that gangs, shootings, robberies, etc were still not uncommon. Obviously its not Brownsville/ East New York level but it still happens in those areas FAR more than say Bergen Beach or Bensonhurst (primarily middle class White and Asian neighborhoods). Why do you think it is? It cant be poverty because most people in those areas aren't poor. It obviously cant be genetics because thats just laughable. The reality of it is its the "real nikka" culture that has poisoned the minds of many black people. Keep in mind im talking black people in general. As you know the three areas i listed are primarily of Caribbean descent not AAs. Which you can then argue that maybe "Caribbean culture" is just violent, but there are many AA neighborhoods throughout the country that go through the same thing; middle class black area but the kids/ young adults want to be "real nikkas" so they throw away all their parents hard work. Its a "street culture" primarily pushed by the media to black people in the WEST that eventually black people actually started to believe themselves.

TLDR. its not "Black culture", its "Gangster culture" pushed onto black people in the western world that black people eventually started to hang onto themselves. This goes back to the 70s with the Blaxploitation movies and those being pushed as the epitome of what it means to be "black".
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Sep 12, 2015
Obviously environment plays a role, but I truly do believe its ATLEAST 50/50 between culture and environment. Realistically closer to 60/40. We are both from Brooklyn, so Ill use that as a refrence. Ive stated on here I grew up in the Canarsie, East Flatbush (the middle class part around like Ave D and Utica area) and Flatlands. All those areas I named are middle class, yet despite that gangs, shootings, robberies, etc were still not uncommon. Obviously its not Brownsville/ East New York level but it still happens in those areas FAR more than say Bergen Beach or Bensonhurst (primarily middle class White and Asian neighborhoods). Why do you think it is? It cant be poverty because most people in those areas aren't poor. It obviously cant be genetics because thats just laughable. The reality of it is its the "real nikka" culture that has poisoned the minds of many black people. Keep in mind im talking black people in general. As you know the three areas i listed are primarily of Caribbean descent not AAs. Which you can then argue that maybe "Caribbean culture" is just violent, but there are many AA neighborhoods throughout the country that go through the same thing; middle class black area but the kids/ young adults want to be "real nikkas" so they throw away all their parents hard work. Its a "street culture" primarily pushed by the media to black people in the WEST that eventually black people actually started to believe themselves.

TLDR. its not "Black culture", its "Gangster culture" pushed onto black people in the western world that black people eventually started to hang onto themselves.
To add on to this, this same exact phenomenon can be seen in Canada and Britain aswell, where the poverty there isnt even as bad as it is in America, generally speaking.


Mar 11, 2022
'Cuse, New York
Obviously environment plays a role, but I truly do believe its ATLEAST 50/50 between culture and environment. Realistically closer to 60/40. We are both from Brooklyn, so Ill use that as a refrence. Ive stated on here I grew up in the Canarsie, East Flatbush (the middle class part around like Ave D and Utica area) and Flatlands. All those areas I named are middle class, yet despite that gangs, shootings, robberies, etc were still not uncommon. Obviously its not Brownsville/ East New York level but it still happens in those areas FAR more than say Bergen Beach or Bensonhurst (primarily middle class White and Asian neighborhoods). Why do you think it is? It cant be poverty because most people in those areas aren't poor. It obviously cant be genetics because thats just laughable. The reality of it is its the "real nikka" culture that has poisoned the minds of many black people. Keep in mind im talking black people in general. As you know the three areas i listed are primarily of Caribbean descent not AAs. Which you can then argue that maybe "Caribbean culture" is just violent, but there are many AA neighborhoods throughout the country that go through the same thing; middle class black area but the kids/ young adults want to be "real nikkas" so they throw away all their parents hard work. Its a "street culture" primarily pushed by the media to black people in the WEST that eventually black people actually started to believe themselves.

TLDR. its not "Black culture", its "Gangster culture" pushed onto black people in the western world that black people eventually started to hang onto themselves. This goes back to the 70s with the Blaxploitation movies and those being pushed as the epitome of what it means to be "black".
The problem with your comment is that you're using the lifestyles of middle class Black people as the barometer. Most Black people aren't nor have grown up middle class, who cares about some kid living a sweet life in a financially stable home in a gated wealthy community pretending to be something they're not, that person is irrelevant and doesn't need support because they already have it.

These conversations need to be had and strictly based on Black people who are apart of the working class and low income residential communities which is how most Black people (currently or at a different point in time) grew up.

Poverty does play a role. Money and lack of financial (along with educational) opportunities more often than not is the root of most people in general commiting crime. Yes, other influences such as street culture, parenting, etc have a role in it as well but when some people say poverty doesn't have much to do with these things, they usually say that to absolve themselves of any social responsibility because it makes them believe that everybody has a fair chance to live a positive and successful life, and if they don't it's their fault or own doing.
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Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
Obviously environment plays a role, but I truly do believe its ATLEAST 50/50 between culture and environment. Realistically closer to 60/40. We are both from Brooklyn, so Ill use that as a refrence. Ive stated on here I grew up in the Canarsie, East Flatbush (the middle class part around like Ave D and Utica area) and Flatlands. All those areas I named are middle class, yet despite that gangs, shootings, robberies, etc were still not uncommon. Obviously its not Brownsville/ East New York level but it still happens in those areas FAR more than say Bergen Beach or Bensonhurst (primarily middle class White and Asian neighborhoods). Why do you think it is? It cant be poverty because most people in those areas aren't poor. It obviously cant be genetics because thats just laughable. The reality of it is its the "real nikka" culture that has poisoned the minds of many black people. Keep in mind im talking black people in general. As you know the three areas i listed are primarily of Caribbean descent not AAs. Which you can then argue that maybe "Caribbean culture" is just violent, but there are many AA neighborhoods throughout the country that go through the same thing; middle class black area but the kids/ young adults want to be "real nikkas" so they throw away all their parents hard work. Its a "street culture" primarily pushed by the media to black people in the WEST that eventually black people actually started to believe themselves.

TLDR. its not "Black culture", its "Gangster culture" pushed onto black people in the western world that black people eventually started to hang onto themselves. This goes back to the 70s with the Blaxploitation movies and those being pushed as the epitome of what it means to be "black".

I absolutely feel you on that. I've said it before that some of the "toughest" dudes I know are from two parent households and were NOT poor.

Now to be fair, the people doing the shootings in the parts we're from aren't always from that particular area. Also, not everyone in those areas are "well-off". A lot of people in Canarsie are renting those houses and are barely getting by. I live in Bensonhurst now and I can tell you that the cacs out here get into fukkery every single day. I have videos on my phone of them pulling out guns and shyt. The police is just nowhere to be found for some reason.

But yeah, it's not black culture and it's not inherent blackness like some of these guys allude to. It really is a separate "gangster culture". I was trying to get to the bottom of why we have so many our people taking part in that gangster culture compared to other groups. That part I explained in my response to @Savvir


Mar 11, 2022
No I am not suggesting it is genetic because I literally said that there are people who grow up in the same environments and do not resort to that type of behavior. So therefore that genetic question does not make sense

it is 'Black criminality" because we are over represented in the most violent crime which is homicides/murders at a disproportionate rates compared to other groups if you adjust for population size (i.e per 100,000) so much so it has become a public health issue. In addition, we are the only group in which its members celebrated in pop culture and songs as a badge of honor. Don't be obtuse bro. so much so you have shyt like "woooK" or insert something Killer under your username K being killer. That shyt was made popular from the garbage genocidal music of the past 15-20 years.

If you are trying to make the argument that choosing a life long partner to have children with is somehow impeded by white supremacy then there is no hope and we have no agency therefore perpetually doomed, that goes for the other causes I laid out. You are basically implying that Black people have no agency in their most intimate and personal life choices such as picking the right life partner or choosing to have children with someone, or understanding that YOU DON'T KILL someone or resort to deadly force for any little disagreement or misunderstanding.
We have more control than folks want to admit.

The incredibly negative elements in hiphop culture have been pushed to the forefront for decades and are ABSOLUTELY influencing the young.
Hiphop culture= drill, drugs, get the bag, fast money, hoe, guns, live fast/die young culture

Tommy Sheppard

Apr 30, 2012
Do parents play a major role in how their kids develop?

I can't speak for everyone, but even when we were low income, my parents didn't let me consume certain media, they made sure I got home before dark, made sure I got good grades, and any disobedience was met with punishment
they do of course especially in the early development years, but eventually those years are behind and adolescents come and then your kids are exposed to more detrimental influences because of there peers (school, sports, friends, social media) and in most instances that’s where kids really find themselves.

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
Edited for clarity:

I used to think DC was safe because that's where the White House is. Seems risky for a President to live in a high crime environment, but It's been this way for a long time.
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