dude if he attacked daniel bryan that's a heel turn right there, stop reaching like he "had to attack the rock" c'mon now. shyt, if he attacks aj, that's a heel turn.
Daniel Bryan who was still a douchebag heel at the time? He was feuding with him for two months prior so why exactly would the crowd boo him for attacking DB?
AJ? How often does a wrestler attack a female these days? The last one was Y2J hitting Shawn's wife in 08, Orton RKO Steph in 09, and Big Show accidentally pushing AJ earlier. Intergender attacks are pretty much a no-no these days.
If he GTS'd Cena that night it woulda been business as usual and a regular RAW. They were having a match that night. Who would've cared? the Rock swooping in and getting an automatic title shot at RR was the reason Punk attacked him. The logic was there.