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Shut your monkey ass up. I dont even know where to begin with your ignorant ass. Go read a book faggitAfrica ain't ever gonna be shyt til they do right by the diaspora. Dysfunctional from selling off their countryman.
Shut your monkey ass up. I dont even know where to begin with your ignorant ass. Go read a book faggitAfrica ain't ever gonna be shyt til they do right by the diaspora. Dysfunctional from selling off their countryman.
How we supposed to do that when y'all keep giving them guns to oppress us?Then go, and fix it.![]()
Tanzaniawhat are the African countries with non-corrupt or less corrupt leaders who are SERIOUS about development of ALL their people not just their tribe?
Yea.... WHICH ONES?I wanna know cuz it seems you been in the loop.
Not really interested in Kenya. But being near the coast and plenty of beaches should make that bearable in my opinion. I prefer cities near beaches. And I know cats who been to Dar and said that the communication was doable.
And yea I heard Dar is very conservative.
Again don't really have much of an interest in Kenya/Nairobi.Well If you want to hit up the beach go to the Ramada past oyster bay, You don't have to be at the Hotel to swim there, Or either they assume that you're staying there. Don't go to Coco Beach (the public beach) it's not really maintained there's mad seaweed and it's rocky. What I mean by that is it's extremely low tide, I don't know what they do on western beaches maybe they add tons of sand but if you swim at the average African public beach there's tons of seaweed and even in the water you could stand up 100 meters out and you might scrape you foot on those rocks.
Another thing is although Dar is way cheaper than even Mombasa the Kenyan Beach town in Dar most places use tokens for electricity. Crank the AC up and you'll run out of electricity in the middle of the night and you'll be pissed. In Mombasa it's hot there too but most places are postpaid electricity so you can crank the AC up like you would in the states. But make sure the spot you stay at has a backup generator you'll need it.
Nairobi (even though Africa has a reputation of being hot) is actually cool, You don't need AC in Nairobi at all you don't even need a fan most times, That would save you tons on electricity right there.
The venture capitalist that I was refering to is based here. Kenya is a bit easier to navigate because of the UN and diplomatic communities. You just need to really be liquid if you want to set up shop. You need a minimum of $100,000 in cash flow unless you intend to partner with a local.
On the low, I've been thinking of setting up a company that assists AfrAms with getting safe investments on the continent. Someone reached out to me about this.![]()
Keep talking. We might just invade that bytchGhana>>>
Yup...eminent domain is pretty much a watch word in Kenya.You better partner with a local. This is where corruption comes in. You can't buy land in Kenya just like that. I mean legally you can but chances are good that you'll get a janky land title. There was an local Indian who brought a mall on some land that had poor drainage he built it there anyway and ten years later the government said that land was illegal (because of the drainage situation) and bulldozed the whole mall and put a road there.
That would almost defenitely happen to a foreigner you'd better have some political connects there. Again that's how it works in any non european country.
Correct but an example of this is Magafuli G checked the Gold mining companies saying that the old president signed a fukked up deal and that they were cheating the Government. He was right and he got his money. But people look at him funny for going back on the deal so people are not really investing there heavy because they think he might just change the deal on them.
Take heed.
Shut your monkey ass up. I dont even know where to begin with your ignorant ass. Go read a book faggit
He did he also G checked the Chinese.
Yup...eminent domain is pretty much a watch word in Kenya.
On another note, investing in land can even be tricky for a local. That is why most foreign companies will invest in land only with government support. Land rights in Africa is it's own separate discussion entirely.
I have no problem with the diaspora and think bridges should be built with those who want to connect with Africa.Actually homie has a point I don't understand why there's no actual "right of return" policy in any African country. Ghana made a fortune last year. There needs to be a jewish style right of return policy for every disaporan. It's fukked up how Indians Chinese and White people can just come and set up shop but there's no matchmaking agency for specifically ADOS people in Africa.
Just think if they could encourage young retirees to move to Africa like how French people retire to Senegal or the Ivory Coast.
I think the reason they don't have a true right of return is for two reasons.
1# the US government doesn't want Black people to move to Africa. As much as cacs say Go Back To Africa they always stopped large numbers of Black people from doing so.
Just Imagine if Garvey was successful and say Micheal Jackson was from Ghana instead of Gary. Think of Jamaica, there's 700 islands in the Carribean and Jamaica is the most famous one mainly because of Bob Marley. Think of Micheal Jordan if he was born in Benin instead of Brookyn he'd put Benin on the map. Even if you opened every cell in Attica and sent them to Africa america wouldn't want all that potential talent to leave.
2.# If say 25 thousand ADOS people went to any African country they'd economically and politically dominate it. There's around 5000 white born Kenyans in Kenya and they're not a political factor but they have essentially they're own community. They've killed people and managed to bribe their way out of jail.
Africans look up to ADOS people Chinese people can and do have their own communities in Africa but they can't take over because at the end of the day Africans would never accept an Chinese born or even a Chinese local as President. Let Leroy Jackson born in Lagos become a lawyer and he could at least be the Vice President because they would accept a African born ADOS as their own. There's a bunch of Africans with full foreign names in Africa now.
I mean who wants to be controlled by outsiders? Plus they still have Chinese and many other foreign investors pouring in. They are also doing a good job with infrastructure at least in the Dar area.That too. Again good for Tanzania but low key bad for investment. But That's move TZ moves they'd rather be poor and control their economy than be poor and have outsiders be running things.