Classic example why Nigeria is fukked up...


Apr 30, 2012
Dar Es Salaam is suppose to be building a world class promenade the stretches along a huge chunk of it's coastline and main public beach that leads into a new bridge that leads into downtown.
it's also being plan to rehabilitate the river that flows in the center of the city
couple that with their brt nd plan metro, although Nairobi is the more modern city now, I think Dar es Salaam will be urban tourist hub of east africa by 2030. so much potential. Zanzibar is only like an 1 hour boat ride away too.

But no city has Dakar's potential though. I think outside the north African and South African cities, it's probably receives the most legit urban tourism. It's not like Senegal has good safaris or geographical futures like east and south african cities(in fact, west africa is the region with the least beautiful geographic features), so people only go there for sunny Dakar and Saint Louis


Feb 16, 2017
Dar Es Salaam is suppose to be building a world class promenade the stretches along a huge chunk of it's coastline and main public beach that leads into a new bridge that leads into downtown.
it's also being plan to rehabilitate the river that flows in the center of the city
couple that with their brt nd plan metro, although Nairobi is the more modern city now, I think Dar es Salaam will be urban tourist hub of east africa by 2030. so much potential. Zanzibar is only like an 1 hour boat ride away too.

But no city has Dakar's potential though. I think outside the north African and South African cities, it's probably receives the most legit urban tourism. It's not like Senegal has good safaris or geographical futures like east and south african cities(in fact, west africa is the region with the least beautiful geographic features), so people only go there for sunny Dakar and Saint Louis

Basically the issue is does TZ really want to blow up? For example even in Mitocheni which is upscale they have random dirt roads some leading to stately Wayne Manor style condos. I didn't understand why that was. Until I read that the first President was all about Africanization. Basically in Africa someone will build a really nice house, or condos or a mall outside the city and kinda demand that infestructure come to them. Nyerere (the first president) wasn't having that. So if you build a place in the cut it stayed in the cut. That way they could plan better.

For example there's way more potholes in Kenya than in TZ because they maintain the roads that they have better than Kenya where they build the roads where people set up shop.

Dar could've been the tourist hub in East Africa if they really wanted it, I mean they want the money and development but they're aren't nearly as corrupt so they wouldn't just make a multi billion dollar deal with loans that are hard to pay back like most African Presidents would.