Clap For The Puppet Show - 2018 Dallas Cowboys Off-Season Thread


Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV
People in here saying Dez needs to play better but the difference in him having 2 catches for whatever yardage he had and 4 catches for over 100 yards and 2 touchdowns was because Dak threw him a terrible pass on that slant in the redzone where he beat Jenkins and flat out didn't see him when Jenkins fell and he was open...

All these other teams find all types of creative ways to get the ball to their best receiver and the cowboys...don't...

T Rex gets this perfectly called and perfectly blocked bubble screen that turns 3rd and forever into a first come Dez never gets plays like that?

Witten gets this perfectly thrown pass out of play action up the come Dez never gets plays like that?

We are still just throwing him jump balls that the corners can see coming a mile away and telling Dez "go get it"...thats how people used number 1 receivers years ago...NOBODY uses number 1 receivers like that now

You line up 7 yards off of Brown or off of Odell...Ben and Eli will say fukk whatever play was called and just throw them the ball and let them can line up 10 yards off of Dez and it be 3rd and 3 and you can rest assure the cowboys are NOT going to do the same thing...

I agree wholeheartedly!

Nothing wrong with throwing up one or two for him, but the bulk of his receptions should be in space, quick hitters where he can out-muscle guys. Digs, slants, out n ups

Give him the ball like that Jacksonville game in 2014, right across the middle bout 5-7 yards, and let him just out-muscle or outrun cats. He should be touching the ball at least 10 times a game, targeted like a true #1

It's like we just follow this mold, go outside of it every once in a blue, it works then go right back to the mold. We have to be innovative, willing to take calculated risks. Put guys in position to win their battles, beat their man.

Get Twill, Bease, Switz, Butler more involved. I'd love to see some of those "rub" routes NE tries (not necessarily "pick" plays, but delayed takeoffs) man-busters. Put 3 WRs out there with Zeke, make em have to decide what they wanna cover. Butler and Twill block. Fake screens and hit backside receivers. Keep em off balance with draws, Zeke already getting 4-5 a pop. We should be cutting teams up and pounding them into submission every week. We have the offense to be potentially great, I'm looking at QBs like Stafford, Rodgers, etc, they'd KILL for a solid run game, not even all that we got. Could you imagine how they'd be picking teams apart? Running all over em? We got that but we bottle it up damn near every week. Maybe it was just first game, against a tough opponent, but this is a non-divisional, non-conference game, let's take it to them.

Make Von have to play backwards. Keep sending runs with multiple WRs on the field. Force them DBs to tackle and play up. Maybe even have Dak run a couple of times, keep em honest as well. We should be punching opponents from all types of directions and distances. We have the horses, question is are they gonna be able to come out the barn?


Future GOAT
Aug 20, 2012
Groveside, TX
I just thought about one play during the game that was deigned to be a screen on the right side. Dez was lined up on the left and it looked like man coverage. Dak looked at the screen and wanted to go to Dez but I think Dez took the play off, he was still at the LOS. Dak got sacked but it would have been the perfect "go get it" situation :laugh:


May 2, 2012
What's the name of the dude on our defense that has dreads that was lighting nikkas up in the preseason is he hurt ?

Just hitting muthafukkas

Forgot his name

Denver scary I thought they would suck on O

I took the charges thank god that 3.5 saved me

Answer my question b

I know y'all nikkas know


May 2, 2012
He looked like Wilcox or Carr

Did Wilcox play preseason

He might not have mad the cut I just know he was hitting nikkas in the preseason games

Might have been a rookie


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
He looked like Wilcox or Carr

Did Wilcox play preseason

He might not have mad the cut I just know he was hitting nikkas in the preseason games

Might have been a rookie

Xavier Woods was knocking heads off in preseason but he doesn't have dreads...


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
It's almost like they'll have a series when they dedicate getting the ball to Dez too. It'll be a couple plays during a drive where Dez is covered well and the ball goes to him anyway. Then there will be plays where Dez beats his man, i.e shaking Jenkins up, but the playcall was Dez being a decoy to get the ball underneath. Dez will get his as Dak becomes better at seeing the whole field but you're right, we don't use Dez properly at all.

This is also true. We hardly ever seem to use him in the flow of the offense. I don't know how to explain it. There are times in the game where I can just tell Dez is about to get 3 targets in 5 plays. And there are times in the game where I can tell Dez is about to get 0 targets in 11 plays.

I have no doubt that Dez will put up good, probably elite numbers this year. But it's :grippingafrancis: watching a team like the Falcons play, or even the Giants play, and you KNOW you are NOT ducking Julio and Odell in that game. They are going to get a lot of targets all over the field. They are going to get different type of screens, slants, double moves, even a reverse here or there. But it is entirely possible to duck Dez if you play the cowboys, because we might have every one of his routes be deep and end up throwing the ball to someone else.

Ironically, we have the opposite problem with Butler, who damn near every time he is the second or 3rd receiver in the game, he gets a target.:mjlol:

I know people legit peeped how T Rex really did roll his ankle and hobbled off to the sideline, got replaced by Butler, who obviously got a target and made that diving catch soon as he came into the game, and the poof, T Rex was back and magically nothing was wrong with his ankle and he caught everything and had one of the better games of his career:mjlol:

We ran a play out of 5 wide, Dez and Zeke on one side, and we threw a screen to Zeke:grippingafrancis:...Would have much preferred for it to be the other way around:grippingafrancis:

I also don't like how we run the ball virtually every time on first down...and since the other teams knows this they just sub in their best run over the course of the game we going to have 12 to 20 plays were we are playing against the others teams best possible defense for the situation....cause our coaching staff is all about beating your man and not trying to out scheme anyone...

Meanwhile, in Green Bay, Seatlle is in a perpetual state of :baldhuh: cause they have no fukking clue what Rodgers is going to do on first down...

I'm going to stop cause I am already starting to wonder how Garrett is going to lose us a playoff game with horrendous coaching...again :yeahok:

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
I just thought about one play during the game that was deigned to be a screen on the right side. Dez was lined up on the left and it looked like man coverage. Dak looked at the screen and wanted to go to Dez but I think Dez took the play off, he was still at the LOS. Dak got sacked but it would have been the perfect "go get it" situation :laugh:

What I'm hearing is Dez once again didn't pay attention to the audible. Just like he didn't pay attention to the audible in last year playoffs game that led to the interception. :snoop:

He has been in the league how long now? And still can't get focus in a football game after all of these years. :mindblown:
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