bourgeoisie tall freak
so you gonna ignore everything I just said to drop some 20 year old Eminem verse who clearly had mommy problems. You think that compares to the movement that's going on now?
That's cool keep that same ideology and see how far that will take you and everyone else that follows the "I don't need a man" mentality.
what you said before that non-sense victim olympics bs basically agreed with my post. you have a preference for your daughter to have someone in her life to make it easier. that sounds like a desire, not a need.

now typical for someone who has no logical point go to single woman scare tactics "you are going to be single" ooooh so scary!

also, that eminem song was posted more so to show it's not really a race issue as you tried to throw in on top of other rhetoric, feminism basically started with white women and im sure they have plenty of anthems too. i could have easily posted a hundred songs from the "bytches aint shyt" era that still persists today, but that's stating the obvious and some others in the thread have already pointed it out

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