here is a rticle from last year
and an unnamed source claims Malaak is “very controlling and demanding”.
Chris Rock may be a comedian, but the current state of his 16-year-marriage is no laughing matter – because the actor and his wife, Malaak Compton-Rock, have called it quits!
“Tony poked fun at his brother’s divorce during one of his acts,” an audience member tells Star. “He said, ‘I’m not supposed to tell y’all this, but Chris is getting a divorce. I’m so happy because now we can get p*ssy together. I didn’t like her anyway.’”
Sources say Rock, 48, grew tired of having to answer to 44-year-old Malaak.
“There have been many arguments behind closed doors… Malaak is very controlling and demanding.”

I must be the only black man -or person in the non-rural U.S.- that grew up in a household where the man(my father) was and is the captain of the ship. Western men have become spineless cowards; however, when thinking about the situation in its entirety, I can't blame them. Western Society trains men to put all value in pleasing women the moment they start preschool.