And he's always talking about how he'd kill you if yall ever met in real life and shyt.Yep... I been peeped that too--I know exactly who your talking about(it's philmonroe) right? He's in every thread that pertains to colorism, or IR relationships... Every single one. But swears he's never dated a WW, and doesn't practice colorism. Yet he gets irate in these threads and goes off on anyone that says what they exactly see happening. His go to response is always "no one talks like this offline" to any male posters who dares to speak on their observations about colorism or IR dating, if doesn't relate to his. And these are the main topics he'll comment on(IR relationships, and Colorism) I'm surprised no one else has noticed this too, and called it out. shyt, I have him on ignore, but even I knew who you were talking about, because like I said, he's often in these threads, making the same comment... That tells me everything I need to know about him, he probably dates WW, or wants to, trust.
You know what they say, hit dogs holler.