Chris broussard speaks on the importance of dating black women


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
I didn't watch because I don't want to use data lol but my only comments are that nearly every black woman I know over 35 is married. Fat, dark, tall, thin, pretty, average, unattractive, submissive, dominant, white collar, pink collar, etc.

Black women should be picky but we need to be picky about the right things. I feel like some bw place too much emphasis on how a man looks, and his swag, as opposed to qualities that matter much more.
One thing I can say about ww and lw and even Asian women, they will overlook how a man looks.... I see it all.the time. Attractive ww, lw, aw, are with unattractive or pudgy men of there own race. They get wived. They don't emphasize physical as much. I know not every bw does, because the majority of the bw that I know that are married are with average looking brehs, but what I'm saying is that some of us aren't placing importance on the right stuff.
I also been noticed that ww and other races of women are more assertive when it comes to men... they have no issue approaching, asking men for numbers, etc. I don't believe we do this very much, and in some ways I can see how it might work against us when it comes to the dating world.
But it should be acknowledged that bm overall do seem to have more aversion to marriage than other groups, and that they take longer to marry and commit. It places bw in an a disadvantage because there aren't as many commitment minded men as it exists in other races.

And while I do believe the IR thing is overinflated, I'm at the park right now with my son, and I just saw a teenage boy who is black, with a chubby unattractive white girl... he was actually an attractive breh. Now looks shouldn't be all that matters,but I can say since most of the kids out here go to the same schools, his school has a lot of young black girls, attractive too, and since young boys tend to be visual and place more emphasis on looks, its always a strange sight to see younger black brehs that are actually attractive with basic or chubby women
... this is the second young breh I've seen today in this relationship(the other breh I saw earlier today was tall and attractive with a short, fat spongebob looking Mexican chick)...
If my son ever brings home an unattractive pawg I'm going to go roast him senseless.

that's one thing we got work on. If your gonna wench or pawg and you have a lot going for yourself please can we have more standards in who we choose the way these beckies and Brad's do? Beckies will get a breh that's an upgrade, whether it's a breh that's more attractive or one that makes a lot of money. Brad's will too... just saying.
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Ni**as Still Weird - Me
Apr 12, 2017
I didn't watch because I don't want to use data lol but my only comments are that nearly every black woman I know over 35 is married. Fat, dark, tall, thin, pretty, average, unattractive, submissive, dominant, white collar, pink collar, etc.

75 percent of all black women are married by the time they're 35.


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
I didn't watch because I don't want to use data lol but my only comments are that nearly every black woman I know over 35 is married. Fat, dark, tall, thin, pretty, average, unattractive, submissive, dominant, white collar, pink collar, etc.

Black women should be picky but we need to be picky about the right things. I feel like some bw place too much emphasis on how a man looks, and his swag, as opposed to qualities that matter much more.
One thing I can say about ww and lw and even Asian women, they will overlook how a man looks.... I see it all.the time. Attractive ww, lw, aw, are with unattractive or pudgy men of there own race. They get wived. They don't emphasize physical as much. I know not every bw does, because the majority of the bw that I know that are married are with average looking brehs, but what I'm saying is that some of us aren't placing importance on the right stuff.
I also been noticed that ww and other races of women are more assertive when it comes to men... they have no issue approaching, asking men for numbers, etc. I don't believe we do this very much, and in some ways I can see how it might work against us when it comes to the dating world.
But it should be acknowledged that bm overall do seem to have more aversion to marriage than other groups, and that they take longer to marry and commit. It places bw in an a disadvantage because there aren't as many commitment minded men as it exists in other races.

And while I do believe the IR thing is overinflated, I'm at the park right now with my son, and I just saw a teenage boy who is black, with a chubby unattractive white girl... he was actually an attractive breh. Now looks shouldn't be all that matters,but I can say since most of the kids out here go to the same schools, his school has a lot of young black girls, attractive too, and since young boys tend to be visual and place more emphasis on looks, its always a strange sight to see younger black brehs that are actually attractive with basic or chubby women
... this is the second young breh I've seen today in this relationship(the other breh I saw earlier today was tall and attractive with a short, fat spongebob looking Mexican chick)...
If my son ever brings home an attractive pawg I'm going to go roast him senseless.

that's one thing we got work on. If your gonna wench or pawg and you have a lot going for yourself please can we have more standards in who we choose the way these beckies and Brad's do? Beckies will either get a breh that's an upgrade. Brad's will too... just saying.

I think a lot of black women overlook the looks department as well but I will agree that black women do place an emphasis on swag because ugly dudes with swag can bag any women they want.

And to answer your statement about black women approach vs other women I think it’s because black women have a traditionalist mindset while other women are moving forward.

It’s 2019 and some black women are still yelling “If a man doesn’t approach me, I don’t want him” or “If a man isn’t paying all the bills in the house” I don’t want him,

I’ve noticed that these tiny things aren’t even spoken about from women of other races. I grew up in an area with South Asians and Jews and many south Asian women I know just want a man they like and a man who is as intelligent or successful as them. Basically a man they can introduce to their parents.

Nothing more and nothing else.

I see attractive non black women with lame ass dudes daily especially when I use to do Uber picking them up.

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
Dudes sound like Common because they trying to virtue signal and crapping on his old boo Serena don’t really get no play like hating on guys. Even most girls if we were to clown Serena would say we some broke boy haters but in reverse we all types of names. I’ve never hated on Serena or anybody that dates IR because I’m not a believer of black wealth going to white hands by who someone marries. I guess technically that’s the case but what about Diddy or Hov how is their “black love” money helping me? That’s why that logic don’t fly for me. I don’t take a lot people serious on this issue and a few others because they aren’t consistent. If you’re consistent I may disagree but at least your consistent and I can never fault that

that whole "wealth leaves the black community" swag is faulty because will & jada ain't spending money in the black community are they? where they live, shop, eat & spend money are all in white dominated spaces. and until we build and maintain our own infrastructure so shall it remain. but aye that's neither here nor there cuz sistas only use that bullshyt as an afrocentric shaming tactic against black men. they ain't never woke when it comes to sistas dating outside the race though

michael b. jordan on a yacht with a white girl = self hating sell out!

naomi campbell on a yacht with a white guy = you go girl!

Dec 19, 2017
white broads do the choosing

notoriously aggressive hunters they go hard with the service

they catch dudes especially athletes that ain't seen much ain't been nowhere.........from the jump if you a athlete getting private education on scholarship to ball you got pinktoes baking cookies & doing laundry

ha lame ass nikkas don't be knowing nothing but that snow because that's who been giving them the best service from the first moment they balls drop


Facts. Some brehs can navigate like LeBron but it's hard to pass up snow bunnies if they just drop it at your feet. Especially for an 18 year old young man full of testosterone. Dudes get used to that and then struggle during relationships when their wife isn't catering to them 100% at all times.

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
Black men who think like the above are misplacing their anger. Many of these benefits that they believe black women are getting so much of are largely benefitted by white women. Yet I don’t see them turn on white women like they do black women when the topic comes up. Nor talk of white women white privilege for access.

Second; black men are not loyal to one another. You go to a lot of these conferences/meetings and community development program, they are largely absent. And many black men who work on these fields can vouch that women especially black women are far more present.

Black women are far more receptive to black male development program than black men who should advocate it themselves. Many black women are made to feel like they take up too much space in black male advocacy or are self serving as is. Now if they focus on solely on women and earn what they fought for, these same men then accuse these women for being divisive and only advocating for black women and feminism breaking the black family.

Also I am always perturbed when black men compare themselves to their female counterparts on topics where they can’t compare. But get annoyed when the same is done to them. There is a lot of selfishness and self-interest and lack of empathy or seeing the other side.

this white woman deflection is amusing to me. now i dig that affirmative action was never really about us black folks and for the white woman primarily... but the black woman was and has always been given opportunities by the white male power structure not afforded to black men, yet yall try to hit the god with this intersectionality nonsense. and speaking of white bytches who exactly joined up with them post civil rights acts 1964? wasn't us

lol @ male development, we know what that means yall. pretty much the same thing it always means, traditional masculine responsibility devoid of traditional male leadership. pseudo-patriarchy to matriarchal specificities. build the ship and let us run it. holla at me when we talk about real manhood & leadership training for black boys


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
Facts. Some brehs can navigate like LeBron but it's hard to pass up snow bunnies if they just drop it at your feet. Especially for an 18 year old young man full of testosterone. Dudes get used to that and then struggle during relationships when their wife isn't catering to them 100% at all times.
bron was never put through that whitewashing process & even still on the low bron been caught in the snow.........they doing all the extras they tricking off & putting in work nikkas get to feel the way these baddies do when those pinktoes is saying have it your way ha*


Dec 27, 2017
this white woman deflection is amusing to me. now i dig that affirmative action was never really about us black folks and for the white woman primarily... but the black woman was and has always been given opportunities by the white male power structure not afforded to black men, yet yall try to hit the god with this intersectionality nonsense. and speaking of white bytches who exactly joined up with them post civil rights acts 1964? wasn't us

lol @ male development, we know what that means yall. pretty much the same thing it always means, traditional masculine responsibility devoid of traditional male leadership. pseudo-patriarchy to matriarchal specificities. build the ship and let us run it. holla at me when we talk about real manhood & leadership training for black boys

Like I said, many women want men to take the lead, some men in these fields take the lead. The reality is there is a huge void becaus many men who have the capacity to lead are self interested individuals. The conversation will go a lot of further, when some black men acknowledge that there are a lot of selfish men in the community and black women do not solely hold black men back.

Not once have I said a pseudo matriarchy which does not exist. It’s a failed patriarchy. But let me humor you, build the ship... the conversation should be had with men. Why should I as a woman call you for something you should already be looking solutions for....


old boy

Oct 25, 2017
I didn't watch because I don't want to use data lol but my only comments are that nearly every black woman I know over 35 is married. Fat, dark, tall, thin, pretty, average, unattractive, submissive, dominant, white collar, pink collar, etc.

Black women should be picky but we need to be picky about the right things. I feel like some bw place too much emphasis on how a man looks, and his swag, as opposed to qualities that matter much more.
One thing I can say about ww and lw and even Asian women, they will overlook how a man looks.... I see it all.the time. Attractive ww, lw, aw, are with unattractive or pudgy men of there own race. They get wived. They don't emphasize physical as much. I know not every bw does, because the majority of the bw that I know that are married are with average looking brehs, but what I'm saying is that some of us aren't placing importance on the right stuff.
I also been noticed that ww and other races of women are more assertive when it comes to men... they have no issue approaching, asking men for numbers, etc. I don't believe we do this very much, and in some ways I can see how it might work against us when it comes to the dating world.
But it should be acknowledged that bm overall do seem to have more aversion to marriage than other groups, and that they take longer to marry and commit. It places bw in an a disadvantage because there aren't as many commitment minded men as it exists in other races.

And while I do believe the IR thing is overinflated, I'm at the park right now with my son, and I just saw a teenage boy who is black, with a chubby unattractive white girl... he was actually an attractive breh. Now looks shouldn't be all that matters,but I can say since most of the kids out here go to the same schools, his school has a lot of young black girls, attractive too, and since young boys tend to be visual and place more emphasis on looks, its always a strange sight to see younger black brehs that are actually attractive with basic or chubby women
... this is the second young breh I've seen today in this relationship(the other breh I saw earlier today was tall and attractive with a short, fat spongebob looking Mexican chick)...
If my son ever brings home an unattractive pawg I'm going to go roast him senseless.

that's one thing we got work on. If your gonna wench or pawg and you have a lot going for yourself please can we have more standards in who we choose the way these beckies and Brad's do? Beckies will get a breh that's an upgrade, whether it's a breh that's more attractive or one that makes a lot of money. Brad's will too... just saying.

marriage isn't as important to brothers as other races of men because the act itself is a patriarchal construct. you see only women are validated by marriage, screaming with their girlfriends as they jump up and down showing the ring and say OMG! OMG! OMG! over and over. to all men marriage is an institution rooted in building, maintaining and continuing our legacy. what reward is there for black men to marry black matriarchs who don't believe in male leadership or legacy building? the black men who usually do opt for marriage are the on point simps like julius from everybody hates chris. keep your head down, work hard, provide for your family, be held accountable if anything goes awry..... but no matter what happens rochelle is boss who makes the big decisions

i actually don't think black women place too much emphasis on looks at all, at least not more so than any other race of woman. and i'm not about to start throwing shots at sistas for being more attracted to trevante rhodes than they are donald glover, if it makes their p*ssys wet i ain't mad. tall, big hands, nice smile, facial symmetry, athletic to muscular body is what all women want most. and even better if it comes with money, charisma, kindness, intelligence & strong masculinity. i think the problem lies with sistas expecting the benefits of patriarchy while maintaining a matriarchal community led by women. smart nikkas peep game and opt out

as far as nikkas with fat white bytches, listen let's clear this up once and for all. nikkas ain't dating yaya decosta only to hop the fence to get with chrissy metz regardless if they're handsome or not. before he got with chrissy he was fukkin with gabourey sidibe because don't nobody chubby chase more than the black man. white men are legit confused as to how we have all these arrogant fat black women in our community because the fat white bytches ain't runnin around stuntin and callin themselves big & sexy. the fat white girl peeps this and runs behind the black man. she'll literally worship the ground he walks on. i've noticed a similar swag with real petite no booty black women too, they'll fukk around with white guys because a woman is finna go where she's valued most
Dec 5, 2017
A lot of it is demographics as well:ld:

White/Latina females are the majority in a lot of areas so of course the chances of one finding you appealing is higher:ehh:

I haven’t dealt with young black females en masse since 2012 :yeshrug:
Same with a lot of my friends. Out of sight, out of mind


Dec 27, 2017
Actually @old boy men were equally validated by marriage historically. It’s not a coincidence that many groups that have had thei family units broken down over centuries and treated like property view marriage like you do.

Marriage has always been more than a ring and validation of woman’s ability to attract a spouse. But also a validation of a standing that a man has an authority.

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
Like I said, many women want men to take the lead, some men in these fields take the lead. The reality is there is a huge void becaus many men who have the capacity to lead are self interested individuals. The conversation will go a lot of further, when some black men acknowledge that there are a lot of selfish men in the community and black women do not solely hold black men back.

Not once have I said a pseudo matriarchy which does not exist. It’s a failed patriarchy. But let me humor you, build the ship... the conversation should be had with men. Why should I as a woman call you for something you should already be looking solutions for....

lol nah black women do not wanna be submissive, i'm gonna need a link or an online article showing black women crying out for black male leadership. and i'm glad you bolded that part.... does our womanist matriarchal community create male builders? nope. it creates on point simps & street nikkas and neither is fit to lead or build like other races of men

why does the korean male differ from the black male in terms of building & leadership? well look no further than the male-female dynamics in his community


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
that whole "wealth leaves the black community" swag is faulty because will & jada ain't spending money in the black community are they? where they live, shop, eat & spend money are all in white dominated spaces. and until we build and maintain our own infrastructure so shall it remain. but aye that's neither here nor there cuz sistas only use that bullshyt as an afrocentric shaming tactic against black men. they ain't never woke when it comes to sistas dating outside the race though

michael b. jordan on a yacht with a white girl = self hating sell out!

naomi campbell on a yacht with a white guy = you go girl!

This is exactly my point and the other thing that is wild to me is more guys at least online parroting this mainly female pov. Hell we don’t even have to mention rich folks what has most peoples next door neighbors did for their “black wealth” since that’s some big thing people talk about. I support black people when I can but this black wealth talk is bs. Get your own wealth and you then don’t have to worry about who so and so messing with.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
marriage isn't as important to brothers as other races of men because the act itself is a patriarchal construct. you see only women are validated by marriage, screaming with their girlfriends as they jump up and down showing the ring and say OMG! OMG! OMG! over and over. to all men marriage is an institution rooted in building, maintaining and continuing our legacy. what reward is there for black men to marry black matriarchs who don't believe in male leadership or legacy building? the black men who usually do opt for marriage are the on point simps like julius from everybody hates chris. keep your head down, work hard, provide for your family, be held accountable if anything goes awry..... but no matter what happens rochelle is boss who makes the big decisions

i actually don't think black women place too much emphasis on looks at all, at least not more so than any other race of woman. and i'm not about to start throwing shots at sistas for being more attracted to trevante rhodes than they are donald glover, if it makes their p*ssys wet i ain't mad. tall, big hands, nice smile, facial symmetry, athletic to muscular body is what all women want most. and even better if it comes with money, charisma, kindness, intelligence & strong masculinity. i think the problem lies with sistas expecting the benefits of patriarchy while maintaining a matriarchal community led by women. smart nikkas peep game and opt out

as far as nikkas with fat white bytches, listen let's clear this up once and for all. nikkas ain't dating yaya decosta only to hop the fence to get with chrissy metz regardless if they're handsome or not. before he got with chrissy he was fukkin with gabourey sidibe because don't nobody chubby chase more than the black man. white men are legit confused as to how we have all these arrogant fat black women in our community because the fat white bytches ain't runnin around stuntin and callin themselves big & sexy. the fat white girl peeps this and runs behind the black man. she'll literally worship the ground he walks on. i've noticed a similar swag with real petite no booty black women too, they'll fukk around with white guys because a woman is finna go where she's valued most
I never got the whole Idris Alba fukking with fat white jawns but turning down Halle Berry in her prime. I need receipts and of a good looking dude too. These chicks play dumb and get some random they wouldn’t even talk to to validate their bs claims. I want to see all the MBJ type dudes who are fukking with fat white women and not doing the same with black women. Hell that don’t even really happen with regular working people like us but now I’m supposed to think this is something that happens often with rich famous folks? Who folks think they fooling out here?