Chris broussard speaks on the importance of dating black women

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Some brehs just like women outside of their race more. Same for sistas. I used to go in on it but I stopped because it's their decision. For me, I married a beautiful BW and I made the best decision ever but I want everyone to make what they feel is the best decision ever for them. For some, that's being single.


Oct 17, 2015
Okay...there's merit to what your saying. One because BW's marriage rates aren't as bleak as he made them appear and because there has to be some accountability from women in why a portion of them are not married. With that being said there's alot of validity to what he's saying and especially when you point to BM in metropolitain areas. California BM for example, they have the reputation they have for a reason. I've seen the women complaining. Thes women are BEAUTIFUL, they are smart and successful and have publicly declared they want a BLACK FAMILY and a BLACK MAN. But yet they have problems dating. This is the same in any area not overwhelmingly Black and even in those areas then you deal with issues like colorism which is a whole nother topic. Point being is they ain't making up this shyt. Also the whole "I don't need a man" shyt is 1)conditioning by white media and feminism, and 2)a reaction to the very real fact that they are the only community of women who for a large part of time HAD to do everything. It wasn't our fault and it wasn't there fault but the fact remains that a large section of our women were raised by single mothers who had to be independent and raised their daughters to be that way right or wrong. Asian women, Hispanic women, White women have had their men provide for them and support them historically in ways our women have not.

I'm not saying it was always that way or that it's that way now but that reality and history doesn't get erased overnight. It also doesn't help that as a society we only highlight the worst of BM and the nikkas that lust over anything non-black. Perception becomes reality at that point and thats how narratives get created.

metropolitan BM still mostly choose BW. Cali nikkas(LA specifically) is the anamoly where there is more than average BM in IR ships than any other place.

@Poitier had a thread on this, in IR marriage LA nikkas were the only one above the avg of 18% by a good margin(they were in the 30s) others were either at, slightly above, or below it.

and despite that most BM in LA, are with BW.

Plus many of those BW, are women looking and talking about a small pool of BM that we have covered on here that they are referring to., while ignoring the other brothas paying them attention.

Damn !!! 28 percent of sisters would only get married

It’s a wrapped

Ain't no "wrapped" Black people, in general, are not marrying.
Black men have low rates to.

There is. The issue with the 85% stat is most of them are old af. In the younger generations, we have a massive issue
We only have a issue with lack of marriage.

nikkas ain't marrying nonblack women either. BM in general aint marrying much.

But mostly everyone despite race is like this

It is what it is

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Big ups to folks who see how overblown this whole thing is. To everybody else life must suck to just seek out shyt to be pissed about.

If we see 2 dudes in the nfl with a white woman we'll overlook the 2765 other ones with a black woman so we can claim it's an epidemic.:gucci:Tell me I'm lying.:hubie:

They don't even have to be married to the women. If those 2 are just fukking the women it's an epidemic. Where I'm from that's dikk watching and a subtle form of jealousy.:manny:

Let folks fukk and marry as they please. Unless you wanna be in their shoes you shouldn't lose sleep over how they choose to walk.:martin:

Obsessing over shyt like this is why it's hard to take so called woke folks seriously. It's trivial petty insecure foolishness.:what:


May 26, 2012
Actually thats what its about a lot of times. The money the famous person makes, how attractive they are and the image it shows.

So for example I always harped on how people were literally angry when Usher married the older dark skin sister with kids.

In their eyes she was not pretty enough nor did she have the education or class to be with usher. All that black love talk went out the window.

Or even Jay Z and Beyonce. All that talk of black love went out the window cause they felt Jay Z wasn't handsome enough to be with beyonce.

But let Jay Z have married a white woman and all of a sudden we would have heard how this was a disservice to the black community. You know with all that wealth going into white hands.

If you truly pro black marriage then you are happy when black folks get married. But most folks who bytch online about black folks not marrying or interracial marriages aren't really pro black marriage. They pro bitter and pro want to bytch online and cry.

Damn you said it all



Dec 27, 2017

Black men who think like the above are misplacing their anger. Many of these benefits that they believe black women are getting so much of are largely benefitted by white women. Yet I don’t see them turn on white women like they do black women when the topic comes up. Nor talk of white women white privilege for access.

Second; black men are not loyal to one another. You go to a lot of these conferences/meetings and community development program, they are largely absent. And many black men who work on these fields can vouch that women especially black women are far more present.

Black women are far more receptive to black male development program than black men who should advocate it themselves. Many black women are made to feel like they take up too much space in black male advocacy or are self serving as is. Now if they focus on solely on women and earn what they fought for, these same men then accuse these women for being divisive and only advocating for black women and feminism breaking the black family.

Also I am always perturbed when black men compare themselves to their female counterparts on topics where they can’t compare. But get annoyed when the same is done to them. There is a lot of selfishness and self-interest and lack of empathy or seeing the other side.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
metropolitan BM still mostly choose BW. Cali nikkas(LA specifically) is the anamoly where there is more than average BM in IR ships than any other place.

@Poitier had a thread on this, in IR marriage LA nikkas were the only one above the avg of 18% by a good margin(they were in the 30s) others were either at, slightly above, or below it.

and despite that most BM in LA, are with BW.

Plus many of those BW, are women looking and talking about a small pool of BM that we have covered on here that they are referring to., while ignoring the other brothas paying them attention.

Ain't no "wrapped" Black people, in general, are not marrying.
Black men have low rates to.

We only have a issue with lack of marriage.

nikkas ain't marrying nonblack women either. BM in general aint marrying much.

But mostly everyone despite race is like this

It is what it is
That's the problem. Now that said, you need money to get married. We don't got much. But I would like for more of us who do to do so.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
shyt is disrespectful to speak to black women like that, like they some retarded child that needs special attention like its an obligation to date a black woman

get this ronaldo ray ass nikka the fukk outta here, this nikka a c*nt hair away from being a cac
When people pandering it’s okay to speak like that but any other time slot of those same women will be bytching on some I’m grown talk. That’s why it’s hard to take some women seriously because they are too finicky.


Mar 11, 2015
lol powerful post that went hard body in a few directions

1. there is no reciprocity with that whole black queen swag because they view themselves as being superior to us. they're the queens and we're the knights, servants, loyal subjects and court jesters. sure we may get a tongue in cheek "i found my king yall!!!" IG post when they get engaged or something.. but you'll NEVER see a group of black women on facebook attack some misandrist black male bashing sista talmbout some "you better not disrespect the black king! don't you love your father?!?" lmao hell naw, that's us nikkas with the kinte cloth capes on spittin that queen bullshyt, very one sided affair. and when we look deeper to figure out why it's because modern day black culture is heavily informed by gloria steinem & the 2nd wave feminist gynocracy. shout out to dorothy pitman hughes, alice walker, shirley chisholm, pam grier and them new hoes like janelle monae who worship the ground that white bytch walks on. it's sad

2. a year ago when meghan markle got married black women lost their collective minds. now sure all women love the idea of a royal wedding with the pageantry, flowers, fashion and all that other good shyt. but black women were on some other shyt talmbout it's a proud day for black women waving poms poms and wearing foam #1 fingers. HUH?

meghan markle with prince harry = beautiful black woman and mother of the earth

meghan markle with idris elba = light skin half breed bytch who ain't a real black woman


The image of the black woman has been so denigrated by black men,that they are happy to see one of them uplifted to the status of Princess by any means neccessary.Which is sad on their part and should sadden you. Just look at how you nikkas shyt on Russell Wilson who uplifts his woman,is it hard for you to imagine black women could feel that black men see them as undeserving of being uplifted? Why aren't black men praising Russell Wilson?or at least not saying anything? Black men are making it loud and clear that a black man can only get praised when he is being "hard on ho's". Many of you are quick to come out with the salutes then. I get when it was new and we thought maybe she was playing him,but they've been together for a while now and they are married.

When are black men going to stop crying about what black women are doing and lead?and then wonder why we aren't considered kings. Black women can't make us kings,we can only make them queens by being kings. I think even in the royal family a queen can't marry a regular man and make him a king,its the same principal. Quite frankly it aint alot of kings out here. And certainly don't think I'm saying its alot of queens,I would say currently 65-70% of black women fall into the "unclaimables" category.When we talk about marriage/righteous attachment I would the number goes up to 85-95% that don't fit the bill in their current state. So if that 28% number was true,I would say 18% of those black men are in for a world of hurt.
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Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
The image of the black woman has been so denigrated by black men,that they are happy to see one of them uplifted to the status of Princess by any means neccessary.Which is sad on their part and should sadden you. Just look at how you nikkas shyt on Russell Wilson who uplifts his woman,is it hard for you to imagine black women could feel that black men see them as undeserving of being uplifted? Why aren't black men praising Russell Wilson?or at least not saying anything? Black men are making it loud and clear that a black man can only get praised when he is being "hard on ho's". Many of you are quick to come out with the salutes then. I get when it was new and we thought maybe she was playing him,but they've been together for a while now and they are married.

When are black men going to stop crying about what black women are doing and lead?and then wonder why we aren't considered kings. Black women can't make us kings,we can only make them queens by being kings. I think even in the royal family a queen can't marry a regular man and make him a king,its the same principal. Quite frankly it aint alot of kings out here. And certainly don't think I'm saying its alot of queens,I would say currently 65-70% of black women fall into the "unclaimables" category.When we talk about marriage/righteous attachment I would the number goes up to 85-95% that don't fit the bill in their current state. So if that 28% number was true,I would say 18% of those black men are in for a world of hurt.
Your trolling makes you mix up your own "arguments".

"Black men need to uplift their women" :hula: "95% of Black women are not marriage worthy"


Mar 11, 2015
Your trolling makes you mix up your own "arguments".

"Black men need to uplift their women" :hula: "95% of Black women are not marriage worthy"

Not really contradicting at all unless you think marriage=uplifting. Unless black men uplift ourselves and our women,there will continue to be not many black women worthy of marrying. The number isn't any better vice versa either btw. If there aren't black women worthy of marrying,that falls squarely on the shoulders of black men. So yes,black men need to uplift our women into back into marriage material. By reversing the assimilation programming of the European,we have to reverse our own programming first to do this.

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
The image of the black woman has been so denigrated by black men,that they are happy to see one of them uplifted to the status of Princess by any means neccessary.Which is sad on their part and should sadden you. Just look at how you nikkas shyt on Russell Wilson who uplifts his woman,is it hard for you to imagine black women could feel that black men see them as undeserving of being uplifted? Why aren't black men praising Russell Wilson?or at least not saying anything? Black men are making it loud and clear that a black man can only get praised when he is being "hard on ho's". Many of you are quick to come out with the salutes then. I get when it was new and we thought maybe she was playing him,but they've been together for a while now and they are married.

When are black men going to stop crying about what black women are doing and lead?and then wonder why we aren't considered kings. Black women can't make us kings,we can only make them queens by being kings. I think even in the royal family a queen can't marry a regular man and make him a king,its the same principal. Quite frankly it aint alot of kings out here. And certainly don't think I'm saying its alot of queens,I would say currently 65-70% of black women fall into the "unclaimables" category.When we talk about marriage/righteous attachment I would the number goes up to 85-95% that don't fit the bill in their current state. So if that 28% number was true,I would say 18% of those black men are in for a world of hurt.

this post goes completely off topic in regards to broussard's comments. and my responses would probably be way too long to address everything but here we go:

1. black women got hype for prince harry because they gain aesthetic validation by way of white male interest and has nothing to do with us denigrating them. if leonardo decaprio came out tomorrow and announced his engagement to naturi naughton BLACK WOMEN WOULD GO APE shyt. lol i can break this down even further in a lengthy detailed post with hella receipts but i'll move on after saying this... i notice you didn't address them crowning meghan markle a black woman because you know it's suspect. does that bytch have a kitchen? has she ever had new growth? lol hell naw, her mama Doria Ragland no doubt but not meghan, look up racial ambiguity in the dictionary and her picture is right there next to black sista rashida jones and black soul brother rapper logic. lmao they kill me mayne....

2. russell wilson gets shyt on because the ciaras of our community have babies by the dysfunctional nikka, realize they made a big mistake after the baby's born, and then look for the on point simp to clean up their mess. russell is an obviously good brother with respect and decency but that isn't the issue, it's the simpage that nikkas clown. LOL @ him waiting to fukk her until marriage when the molly percocet nikka from the east atlanta traphouse busted all up in it raw without waiting a week. again, i can take this a lot further so i'll just move on.....

3. stop it with we only applaud nikkas who's hard on hoes nonsense. will & jada, denzel & pauletta, hov & beyonce are all thoroughly respected by black men. cut it out

4. nikka if i didn't know better i'd think this was a black woman typing this nonsense. when are we going to lead? oh so we finna act like our women want male leadership now huh lol. jesus christ bruh. again, whole other topic and i can really go in if you'd like....

5. and when are nikkas gonna stop with this kings and queens nonsense. "make us kings...." make them queens..." is our self esteem so low that we constantly have to inject royalty into the fray in order to make ourselves feel important or worthy? we can't ALL come from some damn kings and queens in africa man, because who were the loyal subjects, cooks, maids and labor intensive to maintain the royal african infrastructure? ain't no black woman my damn queen but she can be my sista or my lady.....