I don't think you do understand the "generational pain".
If you did, I think you'd be a lot more sympathetic to your Igbo ex.
Even funnier when "generational trauma" is a popular talking point in some circles as well.
Bbbbbbut there are over 100,000 Chinese adult men working in Africa.
Nigerians made Chinese a Chief in their town.
That's just some symbolic reward for contributing to a village. It's ceremonial at best and you get your name on some listing. It's not a big deal. There is formal and informal designations and that one was a locally only recognized informal designation. I doubt his name would show up on the formally recognized lists.
No cape but it seems like a hitpiece on China more than anything. China is racist but I doubt anything they're saying is any worse than the stuff you'd read on 4cac or st0rmfr0nt. Hell youtube was a haven for racist trolls until recently. And anyone remember coalfax?
Probably but the article tells no lies. Yet the thread has turned into an African/black bashing fest. The very same person whining about blacks being docile is contributing to the very same white supremacy she complains about. It's really something.
I dated both an Igbo and Xhosa man, the way they talk about other African ethnic groups. Damn made you think they were talking about the monster from the Thing. Yet both men would happily talk well and nice to non blacks.
A lot of that is mostly talk. They'll say all that shyt but will still work with and have positive interactions with those very same groups they are "mad" at.
In any case, Africans aren't docile. Historically or even now. Lacking in organization? Sure. I would say that is the main issue they have. The lack of organization at worst leads to a lack of prioritization leading to many of the issues we have now.
That said, you're not going to bring anyone around by calling them docile, while ignoring the issues they've gone through or calling those things excuses. Doing so will just make them do the same thing back at you. Africans and blacks as a whole should work together but insulting them into compliance is one of the stupidest ways of trying to make that happen. That'll never work.