Except you are and you know damn well that a lot of people view this website. That's a whole ass lie. As I said before, you will never insult anyone into compliance. If anything, you want people who are actually docile so they'll listen to your bullshyt, but they aren't actually docile, so it is not working.We’re on an obscure website on the Internet , I’m not trying to do any of that nonsense.
Again, this is a thread where the chinese are being racist and you've turned it into an African bashing thread, and now pivoting into a black male bashing thread. All in the name of "helping". fukking amazing shyt. No white racists needed when you're here it seems.

Kind of hard to keep it alive when people like you act like it has no bearing and dismiss it every step of the way. Also, historical context shows much of the work is an ongoing process and shapes how people move forward, hence why I mentioned the issue of prioritization.And y’all better stop bringing up historical this and that because for that to mean anything it has to be kept alive by its descendants.
That said, what exactly do you want done, realistically? Because all too often, when people like you are pitching a fit like this, you want someone to run outside and start killing non-blacks randomly instead of an actual solution and somehow think name-calling will make things happen instead of those tyhings happening on their own and you being excluded from that later on. What exactly do you want done, realistically?
You don't want better. No suggestions, just mischaracterizations and butchered and stolen talking points from divestors and white supremacists. A person who actually wants well would actually know and acknowledge good work done in Africa and try to see how more of that could be done instead of acting like nothing can be done and that random whining is going to somehow fix it. The very nature of docility is doing nothing and expecting everything or the very least, taking the worst kind of action and thinking it means something, like whining on an internet forum that you declare no one sees.That’s rich coming from you, imagine wanting better for the people you descent from and tired of them being the world’s punching bag. The compliance and docility I see coming from the men here, tells me that the future will be very bleak.
And everyone, peep the genderization. What she wants to do is call us "conquered men" like a certain group loves to do.