
Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
Lmao at the ad hominems. What Charles Manson did or didnt do in his personal life doesn't take anything away from the validity of his statement. We need to get away from this emotional line of thinking where we throw the baby out with the bathwater anytime someone upsets us.

He was absolutely right. George Washington carver was one of the greatest inventors alive. He didn't need white validation. Even now they only give him credit for peanut butter. We never have and still don't need to be in this white society. Even if we lived in literal jungles, left alone in less than 100 years that former jungle would be the flyest place on earth. White people need us as the permanent underclass here to make capitalism work (who else are they going to capitalize off).

The faster we realize this system is poison to us and divest ourselfs of it, the better it will be for us as a people. This is literally a game that wasn't designed for us to win.
Damn right I'm going to throw ad hominems but I only reserve them for people that I think are deserving of it. :mjgrin: You are looking for ways to make what he said seem logical. I can't believe we are even trying to associate logic with one that is criminally insane right now. :mindblown: IMO, you aren't realizing he isn't suggesting there would ever be a contemporary Africa. His knowledge of black history, particularly African history, is incredibly low if we are going off of what he said in the video. This idiot thinks BLACK people come from jungles, he isn't even aware of the topography of Africa and you are taking him seriously.


May 7, 2012
Lmao at the ad hominems. What Charles Manson did or didnt do in his personal life doesn't take anything away from the validity of his statement. We need to get away from this emotional line of thinking where we throw the baby out with the bathwater anytime someone upsets us.

He was absolutely right. George Washington carver was one of the greatest inventors alive. He didn't need white validation. Even now they only give him credit for peanut butter. We never have and still don't need to be in this white society. Even if we lived in literal jungles, left alone in less than 100 years that former jungle would be the flyest place on earth. White people need us as the permanent underclass here to make capitalism work (who else are they going to capitalize off).

The faster we realize this system is poison to us and divest ourselfs of it, the better it will be for us as a people. This is literally a game that wasn't designed for us to win.

They know the capabilities we have, what do you think school gifted programs are about? They pluck our best and brightest and surround them with white people for the duration of their education so they can't connect. I was plucked out of classes with my friends (black kids) at 8 years old. If it wasn't for me having a child early, putting off school and getting a taste of what white people really think about a nikka when they can't use you, I'd probably be one of the guys telling you racism isn't that bad, as I lounge with my white wife working a $100k a year job and swimming in personal debt.

How many truly great men like Carver would we have if we never "integrated" and started feeding our children to the beast..


May 7, 2012
Damn right I'm going to throw ad hominems but I only reserve them for people that I think are deserving of it. :mjgrin: You are looking for ways to make what he said seem logical. I can't believe we are even trying to associate logic with one that is criminally insane right now. :mindblown: IMO, you aren't realizing he isn't suggesting there would ever be a contemporary Africa. His knowledge of black history, particularly African history, is incredibly low if we are going off of what he said in the video. This idiot thinks BLACK people come from jungles, he isn't even aware of the topography of Africa and you are taking him seriously.

How do you know what he was thinking? You do realize that the only reason it took Africa so long to "modernize" is because white people kept stirring the pot. Propping up dictators and playing Africans against each other while they stole the resources.


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
They know the capabilities we have, what do you think school gifted programs are about? They pluck our best and brightest and surround them with white people for the duration of their education so they can't connect. I was plucked out of classes with my friends (black kids) at 8 years old. If it wasn't for me having a child early, putting off school and getting a taste of what white people really think about a nikka when they can't use you, I'd probably be one of the guys telling you racism isn't that bad, as I lounge with my white wife working a $100k a year job and swimming in personal debt.

How many truly great men like Carver would we have if we never "integrated" and started feeding our children to the beast..
Going to assume you meant to quote me. I was in gifted programs early on and tested into a lot of AP courses, I'm far from gifted and I know for sure I'm not smart, I was just better than the state average in LA which isn't hard at all. If anything, putting me in those situations made it easier for me to pickup on subtle racism because that is what was thrown at me while I was in those classes full of passive aggressive and racist southern white people. I don't consider Manson a smart man at all, he is a fast talker and was probably incredibly charismatic at the time he managed to gain a following. I'm getting the same passive aggressive and racist vibes from him in that video and knowing his history, I'm sure I am not too far off.

How do you know what he was thinking? You do realize that the only reason it took Africa so long to "modernize" is because white people kept stirring the pot. Propping up dictators and playing Africans against each other while they stole the resources.

The first question you proposed in this post negates most of what you have said in this thread. It is my entire point, why are we are we looking for logic from the words of a criminally insane man? lol And modern != contemporary. Manson is talking about the state of blacks before modern and contemporary Africa and he isn't even right about that. Africans were not plucked from jungles during the slave trade. Listen man, I get your point but stop defending what Manson said and stop trying to twist his words into something that makes sense. Can we not agree that Manson is a legit racist and what he was saying in the video was a backhanded compliment?


May 7, 2012
Going to assume you meant to quote me. I was in gifted programs early on and tested into a lot of AP courses, I'm far from gifted and I know for sure I'm not smart, I was just better than the state average in LA which isn't hard at all. If anything, putting me in those situations made it easier for me to pickup on subtle racism because that is what was thrown at me while I was in those classes full of passive aggressive and racist southern white people. I don't consider Manson a smart man at all, he is a fast talker and was probably incredibly charismatic at the time he managed to gain a following. I'm getting the same passive aggressive and racist vibes from him in that video and knowing his history, I'm sure I am not too far off.

The first question you proposed in this post negates most of what you have said in this thread. It is my entire point, why are we are we looking for logic from the words of a criminally insane man? lol And modern != contemporary. Manson is talking about the state of blacks before modern and contemporary Africa and he isn't even right about that. Africans were not plucked from jungles during the slave trade. Listen man, I get your point but stop defending what Manson said and stop trying to twist his words into something that makes sense. Can we not agree that Manson is a legit racist and what he was saying in the video was a backhanded compliment?

You keep attacking Manson. Idgaf bout Charles Manson. Like zero fukks. But in THIS instance he's right. Black people would be infinitely better off without the manipulation of white people. That goes for us, Africans, aborigines, and whatever other black people. I'm sorry the source bothers you but the quote is still true. We were once gods on earth and through many years of violence, divide and conquer, and psychological torture we've been reduced to mere men


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
You keep attacking Manson. Idgaf bout Charles Manson. Like zero fukks. But in THIS instance he's right. Black people would be infinitely better off without the manipulation of white people. That goes for us, Africans, aborigines, and whatever other black people. I'm sorry the source bothers you but the quote is still true. We were once gods on earth and through many years of violence, divide and conquer, and psychological torture we've been reduced to mere men
There are countries in Africa that are doing just fine right now. lol You think I'm solely attacking Manson, I am attacking him and anyone that finds anything to agree with him on in that video. I also don't understand the meaning of "gods" at this point, you should explain what you mean by that.


May 7, 2012
There are countries in Africa that are doing just fine right now. lol You think I'm solely attacking Manson, I am attacking him and anyone that finds anything to agree with him on in that video. I also don't understand the meaning of "gods" at this point, you should explain what you mean by that.

We were the fathers of civilization. Even in our present weakened state we still influence society and drive trends. Were the most physically impressive specimens on earth. It took centuries of miseducation to blunt our intellectual prowess and even still we innovate. In our purest, unmolested, state of being we were like gods on earth

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Man, why do y'all even post this fukk'n bih made troll's bullshyt.
He wanted to start a race war and thought he was clever.
All because he would expose a truth his race is narcissistically about while also being the same type of narcissist.

He did the same type of I want people to think I am grand shyt about the truth of Jesus's depictions in a white world.
All because he wanted to make it seem like he was some savior because of the connection to the white Jesus being the image of a real serial killer.

fukk this clown,.....
Stop posting his dumb shyt.

Art Barr


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
20,840 do know about Helter Skeltor
Apparently most don't. lol I think that is what I should have posted the entire plan from the start instead of just summarizing it. It would have gave insight into the crazed racist mind of Manson and it would have been easier to show these people why I and many others in this thread can see he is just throwing out a backhanded compliment. It isn't even subtle racism, he is being flat out racist and people are harping on the words "gods" and "smart" and assuming he is being genuine.


May 7, 2012
There are countries in Africa that are doing just fine right now. lol You think I'm solely attacking Manson, I am attacking him and anyone that finds anything to agree with him on in that video. I also don't understand the meaning of "gods" at this point, you should explain what you mean by that.

We were the fathers of civilization. We were the first teachers, scientists, and explorers. We're the most impressive physical specimens on earth. It took centuries of miseducation to blunt our intellectual prowess. As such a small % of america, we drive the culture. We bend reality to our will. In our pure, unmolested form we're like gods among men...


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
Here is a summary of Helter Skeltor, summed up in a testimony given by one of his followers:

Direct examination by Vincent Bugliosi:

"During your association with Charles Manson, did he frequently discuss Helter Skelter with you?"


"He used the word 'Helter Skelter' constantly?"

"I wouldn't go so far as to say constantly. He did not say, 'Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter.' But he did quite a bit, yes, it seemed to be the main topic."

On How Helter Skelter Would Start

"There would be some atrocious murders; that some of the spades from Watts would come up into the Bel-Air and Beverly Hills district and just really wipe some people out, just cut bodies up and smear blood and write things on the wall in blood, and cut little boys up and make parents watch. So, in retaliation-this would scare; in other words, all the other white people would be afraid that this would happen to them, so out of their fear they would go into the ghetto and just start shooting black people like crazy. But all they would shoot would be the garbage man and Uncle Toms, and all the ones that were with Whitey in the first place. And underneath it all, the Black Muslims would-he would know that it was coming down."

"Helter Skelter was coming down?"

"Yes. So, after Whitey goes in the ghettoes and shoots all the Uncle Toms, then the Black Muslims come out and appeal to the people by saying, 'Look what you have done to my people.' And this would split Whitey down the middle, between all the hippies and the liberals and all the up-tight piggies. This would split them in the middle and a big civil war would start and really split them up in all these different factions, and they would just kill each other off in the meantime through their war. And after they killed each other off, then there would be a few of them left who supposedly won."

"A few of who left?"

"A few white people left who supposedly won. Then the Black Muslims would come out of hiding and wipe them all out."

"Wipe the white people out?"

"Yes. By sneaking around and slitting their throats."

"Did Charlie say anything about where he and the Family would be during this Helter Skelter?"

"Yes. When we was [sic] in the desert the first time, Charlie used to walk around in the desert and say-you see, there are places where water would come up to the top of the ground and then it would go down and there wouldn't be no more water, and then it would come up again and go down again. He would look at that and say, 'There has got to be a hole somewhere, somewhere here, a big old lake.' And it just really got far out, that there was a hole underneath there somewhere where you could drive a speedboat across it, a big underground city. Then we started from the 'Revolution 9' song on the Beatles album which was interpreted by Charlie to mean the Revelation 9. So-"

"The last book of the New Testament?"

"Just the book of Revelation and the song would be 'Revelations 9: So, in this book it says, there is a part about, in Revelations 9, it talks of the bottomless pit. Then later on, I believe it is in 10."

"Revelation 10?"

"Yes. It talks about there will be a city where there will be no sun and there will be no moon."

"Manson spoke about this?"

"Yes, many times. That there would be a city of gold, but there would be no life, and there would be a tree there that bears twelve different kinds of fruit that changed every month. And this was interpreted to mean-this was the hole down under Death Valley."

"Did he talk about the twelve tribes of Israel?"

"Yes. That was in there, too. It was supposed to get back to the 144,000 people. The Family was to grow to this number."

"The twelve tribes of Israel being 144,000 people?"


"And Manson said that the Family would eventually increase to 144,000 people?"


"Did he say when this would take place?"

"Oh, yes. See, it was all happening simultaneously. In other words, as we are making the music and it is drawing all the young love to the desert, the Family increases in ranks, and at the same time this sets off Helter Skelter. So then the Family finds the hole in the meantime and gets down in the hole and lives there until the whole thing comes down."

"Until Helter Skelter comes down?"


"Did he say who would win this Helter Skelter?"

"The karma would have completely reversed, meaning that the black men would be on top and the white race would be wiped out; there would be none except for the Family."

"Except for Manson and the Family?"


"Did he say what the black man would do once he was all by himself?"

"Well, according to Charlie, he would clean up the mess, just like he always has done. He is supposed to be the servant, see. He will clean up the mess that he made, that the white man made, and build the world back up a little bit, build the cities back up, but then he wouldn't know what to do with it, he couldn't handle it."

"Blackie couldn't handle it?"

"Yes, and this is when the Family would come out of the hole, and being that he would have completed the white man's karma, then he would no longer have this vicious want to kill."

"When you say 'he,' you mean Blackie?"

"Blackie then would come to Charlie and say, you know, 'I did my thing, I killed them all and, you know, I am tired of killing now. It is all over.' And Charlie would scratch his fuzzy head and kick him in the butt and tell him to go pick the cotton and go be a good ******, and he would live happily ever after."

Testimony of Paul Watkins in the Charles Manson Trial


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
The Dogon don't live in the Jungle. They live in the Sahel. The Coli has a lot of fukking dumb posters.

Making one error hardly makes me "dumb". Thanks for the reference. There were definitely tribes that moved to the jungle for survival purposes. My entire point is that black people should not embrace the negative connotation of the "jungle". Thanks for adding to the discussion.
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