Charges dropped against Bill Cosby

Chip Skylark

Jan 2, 2014
Gerardo saw this coming 3 years ago...

Wait? How many women were unproven?

this is what I really want to know. How many women straight up lied? How many had bogus claims? How many agreed that he offered and they took the pills? Cause people keep claiming he said he raped this women but I have yet to find any documents stating that he actually said this in court

I saw thr list of accusations but was any of this proven
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May 20, 2012
Yeah it is so fukking sad getting on hereand seeing these men cape for him. This man admitted to spiking these drinks. I hate this forum when it comes to shyt like this. We need to hold our own accountable. There are alot of innocent black men who have been framed and charged with shyt they did not do. Those are absolute facts. Bill Cosby is not one of those people and the moral gymnastics yall are out here pulling is disgraceful. Bending over backwards for a man that raped hundreds of women, women that could've been your mother, for the real old heads,, women that could've been your daughter. Discounting all of them and their pain just because he's a black man going to jail. Even people in the industry knew what the fukk was going on. He is not innocent, he got off on a technicality. He pulled the same shyt that rich white men have gotten off on, but it don't make it right. Not at all.

It was not a technicality. You just do not understand the concept of due process. The court said they violated Cosby's right of due process which means the right to have a fair trial within the scope of the law. If they had to break the law to get a conviction then the conviction cannot stand hence why it was thrown out. He is completely innocent and exonerated.

Under a fair trial within the scope of the law they would not have been able to convict Mr Cosby. That's actually the reason the prosecutor made the deal the first time to force Cosby to give a deposition. There was no evidence, just he said she said and all Cosby had to do was not say anything. However, he could not plead the fifth and remain silent if there was no threat of criminal charges. Cosby took the deal cause any celebrity or person in the same situation would have too to make the story go away. The Deposition was supposed to be sealed, No chance of criminal charges, and here is the kicker... He did not have to admit guilt or innocence of anything. Just tell his side of the story in a civil case which he did. All he admitted to was giving the woman drugs and that she willingly took them with full knowledge and consent. She also admitted she willingly took the drugs( which was actually benedryl). He never admitted to doing anything with anyone without their consent.

Now years later they take a sealed deposition made for a specific reason and specific civil case, illegally unseal it and use it out of context as the backbone to bolster a bunch of unrelated unfounded accusations and a new criminal case from the same settled civil case when they knew they couldn't use it in a criminal case cause of the context in which it was given and deal made.

If a cop stops you for speeding and says if you sign a statement to admit you were not paying attention to the speed limit (And not admit you were actually speeding) We will let you off with a warning. Years later they come back and say we are gonna charge you for speeding and use the statement you signed to get off on a warning as the evidence. Not only that, they now find 10 people who don't like you from your past that have been in your car at some point and they all say they saw you drive sometimes without paying attention.. And as evidence of their baseless claims they use the same statement you signed admitting that you were not paying attention that one time when you wanted to get off with a warning. That's essentially how they railroaded Cosby. The trial was inherently unfair so it was rightfully overturned.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
People always say this and ignore the cases of the people who did come forward early on.

The earliest allegation against Bill Cosby dates back to December 1965: in 2005, Kristina Ruehli came forward as Jane Doe #12 in the Andrea Constand case and alleged that Cosby had drugged and assaulted her at that time in his Beverly Hills home.

Of course more victims come forward when it becomes clear they aren't alone.

According to the list posted above the first reported of misconduct was from Joan Tarshish in the "1980s." Of all of the many allegations listed only 10 were reported before 2014. Of those 10, about half were reported in 2005, during another period of spotlight on Cosby's alleged misbehavior. There's no pattern of his crimes being reported throughout the 60s, 70s, and 80s when most were alleged to happen.
May 18, 2012
Yeah it is so fukking sad getting on hereand seeing these men cape for him. This man admitted to spiking these drinks. I hate this forum when it comes to shyt like this. We need to hold our own accountable. There are alot of innocent black men who have been framed and charged with shyt they did not do. Those are absolute facts. Bill Cosby is not one of those people and the moral gymnastics yall are out here pulling is disgraceful. Bending over backwards for a man that raped hundreds of women, women that could've been your mother, for the real old heads,, women that could've been your daughter. Discounting all of them and their pain just because he's a black man going to jail. Even people in the industry knew what the fukk was going on. He is not innocent, he got off on a technicality. He pulled the same shyt that rich white men have gotten off on, but it don't make it right. Not at all.
That’s a lie. He never admitted to such a thing.
May 18, 2012
@Leavingtheecstasy where there's smoke, there's fire. :francis:






Have these accusations been proven using due process beyond reasonable doubt? If not, all of this is just talk.