#CarnellGang we got another one! @4d 6f 6e 65 79 was right AA's be more patriotic! We built this!


African American
Apr 19, 2015
Bro 'nem
I'm not angry at all. You don't get angry at stupidity but it's impossible to respect from folk who should know better. You shouldn't be this stupid.

And that's something that needs to change, not be perpetuated. A big reason that blacks are losing is because we insist on dividing ourselves with this stupid ass tribalism. Whites have use and exploited those silly divisions against us for centuries.
These same cacs that diss Jews have no problem with working with them and pushing their agenda. When money gets involved, tribalism is irrelevant. This symbolic Kumbaya shyt is unattainable and for the birds. AA's ain't nobodies mule, not even other blacks. This pan Africanism bullshyt is just as unattainable as "world peace".

Legit pipedream nonsense. Let's discuss business, not fairytale shyt that had zero chance of happening. Tribalism is huge in Africa, always has been and always will be (Regardless of if a unified Africa happens or not, that it'll be a Business, economic and political thing, not some Kumbaya "one love, one black my brother" thing). That's reality. Let's focus on things that are actually achievable and attainable, a large group of humans with different backgrounds uniting on any issue outside of business is just fukking lol :mjlol:. Let's get back to the real world please:mjlol:


African American
Apr 19, 2015
Bro 'nem
nikka on some


Type shyt:laff:


May 1, 2012
These same cacs that diss Jews have no problem with working with them and pushing their agenda. When money gets involved, tribalism is irrelevant. This symbolic Kumbaya shyt is unattainable and for the birds. AA's ain't nobodies mule, not even other blacks. This pan Africanism bullshyt is just as unattainable as "world peace".
The fukk are you talking about? I haven't said a thing about a symbolic kumbaya relationship between all people classified as black. I've said that blacks putting tribalism above racial unity is detrimental to our cause and it makes us susceptible to being taken advantage of by non blacks. Whites don't have this problem because they don't put tribalism or ethnocentrism over racial unity.

Legit pipedream nonsense. Let's discuss business, not fairytale shyt that had zero chance of happening. Tribalism is huge in Africa, always has been and always will be (Regardless of if a unified Africa happens or not, that it'll be a Business, economic and political thing, not some Kumbaya "one love, one black my brother" thing). That's reality. Let's focus on things that are actually achievable and attainable, a large group of humans with different backgrounds uniting on any issue outside of business is just fukking lol :mjlol:. Let's get back to the real world please:mjlol:
Unity amongst AAs is about as attainable as world peace. This #AAgang bullshyt you lames are trolling with is a fairytale/pipe dream. There's little to unity amongst AAs and the c00n ratio is high as fukk. There's no way I'd align myself with a random group of AAs without vetting them even tho I'm an an AA too. I vet all blacks the same and it has nothing to do with where you're from. We need all the unity amongst non c00n blacks as we can get however we can get it.

I've been talking business the whole time dummy. Good business can't be done between sides that see theirselves as separate groups who are both prioritizing themselves over the other. That's a recipe for bad business where the side with the most leverage/power will take advantage of the other side. That's also a recipe to put groups of blacks in direct competition with other groups of blacks which breeds division and contempt. You people are stupid as fukk. We don't need to be competing against each other we need to be working together. "Yea we can work with you other blacks but as long as y'all know we see ourselves as our own tribe and we'll be prioritizing our tribe over you and yours". Idiots.

Im black, fukk a "African American". That's some c00n shyt Jesse Jackson made a thing.
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Sep 25, 2012
The fukk are you talking about? I haven't said a thing about a symbolic kumbaya relationship between all people classified as black. I've said that blacks putting tribalism above racial unity is detrimental to our cause and it makes us susceptible to being taken advantage of by non blacks. Whites don't have this problem because they don't put tribalism or ethnocentrism over racial unity.

Unity amongst AAs is about as attainable as world peace. This #AAgang bullshyt you lames are trolling with is a fairytale/pipe dream. There's little to unity amongst AAs and the c00n ratio is high as fukk. There's no way I'd align myself with a random group of AAs without vetting them even tho I'm an an AA too. I vet all blacks the same and it has nothing to do with where you're from. We need all the unity amongst non c00n blacks as we can get however we can get it.

I've been talking business the whole time dummy. Good business can't be done between sides that see theirselves as separate groups who are both prioritizing themselves over the other. That's a recipe for bad business where the side with the most leverage/power will take advantage of the other side. That's also a recipe to put groups of blacks in direct competition with other groups of blacks which breeds division and contempt. You people are stupid as fukk. We don't need to be competing against each other we need to be working together. "Yea we can work with you other blacks but as long as y'all know we see ourselves as our own tribe and we'll be prioritizing our tribe over you and yours". Idiots.

Im black, fukk a "African American". That's some c00n shyt Jesse Jackson made a thing.

Your missing the point. Ur mentioning diasporans, with no mention that the rest of the diaspora takes into account their individual ethnic cultures
All im saying is that Aframs need to do the same and strengthen our cultural union

Everyone in the diaspora and in the world takes pride in an ethnic identity.

Saying Aframs need to drop their ethnic identity in exchange for a racial macro scale Black identity is stupid and foolish
And like ive said in my last post, its gonna fukk blacks over in an increasingly ethnically diverse america

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
You ugly no life having bytch you average 25 posts a day on here. I don't care where you've been, you clearly don't have a life. There's no one better at this ad hominem game so I can damn sure take it if you can.

LMAO! The irony with the bolded. You've been bleeding all over this thread these past PAGES just because AAs wanna acknowledging our unique heritage. Now thats NOT having a life!


May 1, 2012
Your missing the point. Ur mentioning diasporans, with no mention that the rest of the diaspora takes into account their individual ethnic cultures
All im saying is that Aframs need to do the same and strengthen our cultural union

Everyone in the diaspora and in the world takes pride in an ethnic identity.

Saying Aframs need to drop their ethnic identity in exchange for a racial macro scale Black identity is stupid and foolish
And like ive said in my last post, its gonna fukk blacks over in an increasingly ethnically diverse america
I'm not missing the point. The problem is that you all are too cowardly and dishonest to stand behind your real point. The real point here is to promote this #AAgang stuff then when I check y'all illustrating how silly and divisive that is, y'all lie and deny being divisive. At first it was "we need to be ethnocentric" but now it's "all we saying is AAs need to strengthen our cultural union". We can't even have a real debate because y'all are too weak to be honest about what you're actually saying.

You're also lying about what I've said and my position. I didn't say that AAs should drop their ethnic ID, I said that we're black first and being ethnocentric or putting ethnicity above race is detrimental and will only breed division. Africans who put their ethnicity over race are wrong too. My point here is that this tribalism that y'all are perpetuating out of hurt feelings and insecurity, is a major reason that whites have been able to exploit us as a race. That is what has already fukked us for centuries.


Sep 25, 2012
Black. Why?
Your all over the place with this
Stop being a coward and answer his question. Where are ya people from
I'm not missing the point. The problem is that you all are too cowardly and dishonest to stand behind your real point. The real point here is to promote this #AAgang stuff then when I check y'all illustrating how silly and divisive that is, y'all lie and deny being divisive. At first it was "we need to be ethnocentric" but now it's "all we saying is AAs need to strengthen our cultural union". We can't even have a real debate because y'all are too weak to be honest about what you're actually saying.

You're also lying about what I've said and my position. I didn't say that AAs should drop their ethnic ID, I said that we're black first and being ethnocentric or putting ethnicity above race is detrimental and will only breed division. Africans who put their ethnicity over race are wrong too. My point here is that this tribalism that y'all are perpetuating out of hurt feelings and insecurity, is a major reason that whites have been able to exploit us as a race. That is what has already fukked us for centuries.

You are mising the point. Theres literally no conflict of interest between your point and mine
Im a coward because i have the ability to see whats right in front of me:what: No i am being very honest about this i can only stand by what i've personally posted
African Americans promoting Afram culture or placing aframs first is the most logical and adult approach to this. Is saying aframs need to strengthen our cultural union not a true statement?

There is no debate. Its simple, we're going to have to take care of our own first. Period The rest of the diaspora will do the same. We cant even do what you suggest without doing this

The notion that we can all come together under the notion of shared "blackness" has been something deeply embedded in our culture in the first place. Even with opposition coming from the diaspora on this. We've been placing pan africanism in our criteria since the late 1800's. Saying you are AA first doesnt negate the fact that you are black


May 1, 2012
Your all over the place with this
Stop being a coward and answer his question. Where are ya people from
Black is the ethnicity that I claim. If you're asking if I'm a descendant of slaves brought to America from Africa, the answer is yes. Now what? You cats are always looking for easy ways out of debates with these weak ass ad hominems.

You are mising the point. Theres literally no conflict of interest between your point and mine
Im a coward because i have the ability to see whats right in front of me:what: No i am being very honest about this i can only stand by what i've personally posted
African Americans promoting Afram culture or placing aframs first is the most logical and adult approach to this.
You're a coward because you insist on being dishonest while refusing to acknowledge the truth. My position here contradicts your position. I don't agree with the bold and I think that mentality is c00n shyt. What you're promoting in bold is tribalism and I've clearly explained why I'm completely against that. You can word it or dress it up however you want and I'm still not going to agree with you. Your mentality breeds division and you're so lacking in integrity that you can't even be honest about it. "We ain't being divisive, we just saying that it's AAs over everything".

Is saying aframs need to strengthen our cultural union not a true statement?
No we need to strengthen our racial union.

What the fukk is "African American culture" anyway? Slavery? As stolen Africans in America we've been robbed of our true culture. We're prisoners of war in this country. All you AAs in this thread are named after slave masters just like I am. We don't even know who we truly are. We've been divorced from everything. Our land, languages, religions, food, ect. If AAs do have a culture the shyt is dysfunctional. Our food(soul food) is unhealthy and much of our music is poisonous. Our family structure is broken and the worst part about all of this is that we're currently headed in the wrong direction. We're a gay friendly matriarchal community that's weak, dysfunctional, vulnerable, and completely dependent on white society to survive. I don't see that as worthy of being promoted.

There is no debate. Its simple, we're going to have to take care of our own first. Period The rest of the diaspora will do the same. We cant even do what you suggest without doing this
You aren't being divisive tho right? Who is "our own"? We're all black dude. I'm for black empowerment. fukk a "African American" empowerment. That's c00n shyt. You cats can't even agree on who's black in amerikkka. We could sit here arguing for hours over who is and isn't black.

Drop the tribalism and wake up. Ethnocentrism isn't oppressing us, racism is. The only thing that I've suggested in this thread is that we drop the tribalism and unite to achieve the goal of black empowerment. That doesn't mean that all blacks have to come together hold hands and sing kumbaya. That doesn't mean that you can't take pride in being a black amerikkkan if that's what you want to do(o think that's silly but whatever). Im simply saying that we should put our race first and work to empower those in our race.

You weak low self esteem having people have just gotten your feelings hurt by some Africans who either looked down on you or rejected you, and this #AAgang shyt makes you feel better. That's all this shyt is about. Hurt feelings. "Them Africans are saying fukk us so it's fukk them too". You all act like children.

The notion that we can all come together under the notion of shared "blackness" has been something deeply embedded in our culture in the first place. Even with opposition coming from the diaspora on this. We've been placing pan africanism in our criteria since the late 1800's. Saying you are AA first doesnt negate the fact that you are black
Saying you are something before black is c00n shyt. It doesn't matter what it is. Black feminists who put their gender before their blackness are c00ns. Black Christians/Muslims/Jews who put their religion before their blackness are c00ns. It's the same with you all in this thread. Y'all putting ethnicity or amerikkkaness before your blackness makes you c00ns. You're black first and all that other shyt comes after. No excuses or exceptions.
Love the awakening. Our people have been made to believe we have to put other groups before ourselves, but that's finally changing.
When and how have we as black Americans put any other blck ethnicity above our own? One example. You dudes sound about as delusional as black feminists.
Apr 7, 2014
When and how have we as black Americans put any other blck ethnicity above our own? One example. You dudes sound about as delusional as black feminists.
Our billionaires and celebrities barely help our own, but build schools, provide scholarships and invest in businesses for black people in other countries. See Robert Smith and Oprah for examples. As far as feminists are concerned, you have way more in common with a feminist than I. Feminists hate their own people, and judging from your posts, you apparently do too.
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