#CarnellGang we got another one! @4d 6f 6e 65 79 was right AA's be more patriotic! We built this!

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Hold on...so in this thread...Caribbean slave descendants have no formal of PTSD/suffering from slavery therefore their opinions on black people in America are invalid? :gucci:
No one said that. Everyone who is a victim of white supremacy has an opinion. The issue here is should only DoS get reparations and AA. The answer to this question is yes. In Jamicia, if reparations was giving to Jamrock DoS, it should not go to Haitians, Cubans or Dominicans.


Sep 25, 2012

Your usage of c00n is not culturally correct
The term c00n is Afram in origin and in its primary usage. Aframs in code with its nuances can call even whites and asians c00ns if they're "c00ning" to their respective culture groups
And play around with the term
But in no way can an afram who primarily or even ONLY cares about other Aframs in light of foreign blacks can be considered a c00n
Recognizing the fact that we need cultural unity amongst aframs and only aframs is not c00ning

What @Diasporan Royalty and others are trying to simply say is
Before you embark on the road trip of pan africanism
Make sure your own tires are good. Check your engine. Make sure if you need to; that your oil is changed. Make sure your E-Z pass is good. Have toll money just in case
In general make sure your shyt is good and up to date before you do anything else. Which in this case is having a cultural unified front, not perfect...but stronger than what we have right now
This doesnt include a diaspora

Why would we include a "diaspora" in this
When we have blacks in new york who dont know who the gullah or the geechie is
Whose uncultured, gives there children 20 dollars to buy a box of popeyes or Kansas fried chicken as that is the epitome of there knowledge when it comes to AA/black" Food
Whose chitlins is categorized as slave food to them and would be a luxury if it had a french or italian name attached to it. Not knowing that tripe is sold worldwide
The uncultured self ethering any semblance of pure Afram culture

Blacks from upnorth slandering the south. Not knowing that in the black/afram context it boils down to Coded anti-afram rhetoric
A cultural ethnic/nationalist push is absolutely necessary
Those were just trivial tongue and cheek examples. It goes much deeper
Alot of inhouse deficiencies can be attributed to lack of cultural awareness/intelligence. With culture being defined by historical context

This Will have aframs hitting the reset button every generation. Instead of moving like a peoples that have been here in bulk for 398 years

Extremely dangerous going forward as the united states becomes more ethnically diverse in and out of diaspora context

Ethnic europeans were shunned at first from W.A.S.P White America. The original irish and the italians told future generations to drop those funny accents and awkward broken english
shyt on blacks as a means of favor to the WASP collective and because it was the AMERICAN thing to do
And you'll be a full fledged White American with a "cool story bro" tale of how your great grandfather came to america on a boat from italy with two pennies and a nickel and opened up a pizza shop in lower manhattan

Completely different dynamic than whats going on with the black-diaspora dynamic. To where its not even worth mentioning:mjlol:

Despite all of that they are still targeting a specific ethnic group, that being us. They know who they're blacks is and whose the foreign funny accent blacks are
I've seen this countless times in person

We need to be on code and on point from an etnic standpoint point blank period

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God

Your usage of c00n is not culturally correct
The term c00n is Afram in origin and in its primary usage. Aframs in code with its nuances can call even whites and asians c00ns if they're "c00ning" to their respective culture groups
And play around with the term
But in no way can an afram who primarily or even ONLY cares about other Aframs in light of foreign blacks can be considered a c00n
Recognizing the fact that we need cultural unity amongst aframs and only aframs is not c00ning

What @Diasporan Royalty and others are trying to simply say is
Before you embark on the road trip of pan africanism
Make sure your own tires are good. Check your engine. Make sure if you need to; that your oil is changed. Make sure your E-Z pass is good. Have toll money just in case
In general make sure your shyt is good and up to date before you do anything else. Which in this case is having a cultural unified front, not perfect...but stronger than what we have right now
This doesnt include a diaspora

Why would we include a "diaspora" in this
When we have blacks in new york who dont know who the gullah or the geechie is
Whose uncultured, gives there children 20 dollars to buy a box of popeyes or Kansas fried chicken as that is the epitome of there knowledge when it comes to AA/black" Food
Whose chitlins is categorized as slave food to them and would be a luxury if it had a french or italian name attached to it. Not knowing that tripe is sold worldwide
The uncultured self ethering any semblance of pure Afram culture

Blacks from upnorth slandering the south. Not knowing that in the black/afram context it boils down to Coded anti-afram rhetoric
A cultural ethnic/nationalist push is absolutely necessary
Those were just trivial tongue and cheek examples. It goes much deeper
Alot of inhouse deficiencies can be attributed to lack of cultural awareness/intelligence. With culture being defined by historical context

This Will have aframs hitting the reset button every generation. Instead of moving like a peoples that have been here in bulk for 398 years

Extremely dangerous going forward as the united states becomes more ethnically diverse in and out of diaspora context

Ethnic europeans were shunned at first from W.A.S.P White America. The original irish and the italians told future generations to drop those funny accents and awkward broken english
shyt on blacks as a means of favor to the WASP collective and because it was the AMERICAN thing to do
And you'll be a full fledged White American with a "cool story bro" tale of how your great grandfather came to america on a boat from italy with two pennies and a nickel and opened up a pizza shop in lower manhattan

Completely different dynamic than whats going on with the black-diaspora dynamic. To where its not even worth mentioning:mjlol:

Despite all of that they are still targeting a specific ethnic group, that being us. They know who they're blacks is and whose the foreign funny accent blacks are
I've seen this countless times in person

We need to be on code and on point from an etnic standpoint point blank period
It's tough to compare immigrants from Europe to immigrants from the diaspora. Those Europeans still got some form of reparations from the US government. No one I know from the diaspora ever got that, hell Blacks never got nothing for an extended period of time.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
How come other's don't welcome AA's like we welcome them?
If you go to their country, we are far more welcomed then others from the diaspora but Blacks don't really travel much outside of cruises. This is one of the bigger issues of Pan Africanism. Most Africans never been to America and vice versa.

As for immigrants, most of them no matter the country know that you come to America to get money. Everyone knows whites here have it. Truth be told, a part of this is what Yvette said, there needs to be an awareness of the Black struggle on all fronts and not just Martin Luther king Jr. That said, Blacks have the most fukked up idea of what an African or Caribbean is. All live in huts and kill lions or they smoke weed all day and listen to reggae. Seriously, the average Black person sounds like a white supremacists when discussing other Blacks and some times treat them like the white supremacists would. You can say the lack of awareness or appreciation is a two way street.

Most Blacks think nothing of the diaspora and most Africans and Caribbean really don't want to be bothered by Black issues unless it's uncontrollable like racism.

We got to be honest on both sides. This newfound respect of ancient Africa and Caribbean countries is a new thing. This shyt didn't exist 10 years ago.


May 1, 2012
you didn't post the definition I highlighted.

Considering YOUR OWN culture as more important TO YOU/YOUR GROUP isn't the same as thinking your own culture is better than other's
Why are you full of shyt? I posted the first definition of the word or how it's usually defined, and the point was to show that ethnocentrism means division. You're arguing semantics. "Well it don't have to mean that we think our group is superior, it can also mean that we just think our group is more important". Whether you're saying that you think "your group" is more important or superior, the point is you're dividing/separating your group from the rest. Y'all are saying that AAs should see themselves as a separate group or tribe from other blacks. Own that and stop denying it. We can't even have a legit debate over our difference of opinion because you all are too cowardly and dishonest to actually own your position. "We ain't talking about division". Yes you all are talking about division. #AAGgang "If white daddy do start handing out reparations we should be the only ones to get them". That's literally all this thread is about. Being first in line for potential white reparations which are never coming.

It's just amazing to me how c00ns will make every excuse in the book for why black people cant come together and empower ourselves like whites and Asians have. It's a historical fact that non blacks have exploited the divisions amongst blacks to subjugate all blacks. This has happened time and time again throughout history and it's undeniable. Tribalism has done nothing but hurt us. Yet, here we have a thread where people are justifying being divisive perpetuating the same self defeating mentalities that have led to us being in the position we're in. We've seen it over and over where non blacks create tensions/beefs between two different groups of blacks just to play both sides against each other for their own benefit. When are you clowns going to get hip to game?

fukk tribalism. We should be united based on mindset and intent, not divided based on location and ethnicity. If you're a black person who understands white supremacy and is willing to work to empower yourself along with other blacks without willfully perpetuating white supremacy, then I accept you regardless of where you're from.

You cats are embarrassing.

What @Diasporan Royalty and others are trying to simply say is
Save the c00n-splaining. These cats have spoken for themselves.

"It's #AAgang............but we ain't being divisive".



Sep 25, 2012
If you go to their country, we are far more welcomed then others from the diaspora but Blacks don't really travel much outside of cruises. This is one of the bigger issues of Pan Africanism. Most Africans never been to America and vice versa.

As for immigrants, most of them no matter the country know that you come to America to get money. Everyone knows whites here have it. Truth be told, a part of this is what Yvette said, there needs to be an awareness of the Black struggle on all fronts and not just Martin Luther king Jr. That said, Blacks have the most fukked up idea of what an African or Caribbean is. All live in huts and kill lions or they smoke weed all day and listen to reggae. Seriously, the average Black person sounds like a white supremacists when discussing other Blacks and some times treat them like the white supremacists would. You can say the lack of awareness or appreciation is a two way street.

Most Blacks think nothing of the diaspora and most Africans and Caribbean really don't want to be bothered by Black issues unless it's uncontrollable like racism.

We got to be honest on both sides. This newfound respect of ancient Africa and Caribbean countries is a new thing. This shyt didn't exist 10 years ago.


May 1, 2012
:yawn: save the tough talk geeks.

Whites love dumb c00ns like you all here tho. Y'all do their job for them. You all prove the idea that white supremacy still exists because non whites help maintain it to be true.
