#CarnellGang we got another one! @4d 6f 6e 65 79 was right AA's be more patriotic! We built this!


Sep 25, 2012
Black is the ethnicity that I claim. If you're asking if I'm a descendant of slaves brought to America from Africa, the answer is yes. Now what? You cats are always looking for easy ways out of debates with these weak ass ad hominems

Black is not an ethnicity that you CLAIM. Black as an ethnic identifier is largely defined by afram cultural identity in the modern age. If aframs didnt make an attempt to unify under cultural identity in the 1960's and 70's you wouldnt be claiming black as an ethnic identifier today.How is this an ad hominem, cats just simply asked you a valid question

If someone was to check me for my identity on a topic like this... First of all i would be embarrassed because it means i was moving in such a way to where a fellow afram would question me in the first place. Your being asked off the sheer stupidity of being a grown afram man whose checking other afram men for putting afram culture first

You're a coward because you insist on being dishonest while refusing to acknowledge the truth. My position here contradicts your position. I don't agree with the bold and I think that mentality is c00n shyt. What you're promoting in bold is tribalism and I've clearly explained why I'm completely against that. You can word it or dress it up however you want and I'm still not going to agree with you. Your mentality breeds division and you're so lacking in integrity that you can't even be honest about it. "We ain't being divisive, we just saying that it's AAs over everything".

No your the real coward you cant even see whats right in front of you. Your completeley against it because u have no real knowledge of afram culture or context. You would rather Aframs be in a ZOMBIE like state completely devoid of cultural context. Under your regime we would be the REGULAR blacks or the generic black americans with no sense of culture mean while the rest of the diaspora laughs at us

What the fukk is "African American culture" anyway? Slavery? As stolen Africans in America we've been robbed of our true culture. We're prisoners of war in this country. All you AAs in this thread are named after slave masters just like I am. We don't even know who we truly are. We've been divorced from everything. Our land, languages, religions, food, ect. If AAs do have a culture the shyt is dysfunctional. Our food(soul food) is unhealthy and much of our music is poisonous. Our family structure is broken and the worst part about all of this is that we're currently headed in the wrong direction. We're a gay friendly matriarchal community that's weak, dysfunctional, vulnerable, and completely dependent on white society to survive. I don't see that as worthy of being promoted.
African american was suposed to be a place holder definition for those who spent centuries in america
We havent been robbed of true culture we have 398 years of culture building in the united states
I know who i truly AM. I am a second generation new yorker whose lineage traces back to south carolina and north carolina. Speak for yourself
Our music is basically the template of all modern music afram or not
Our food is looked at as comfort traditional american food


May 1, 2012
Our billionaires and celebrities barely help our own, but build schools, provide scholarships and invest in businesses for black people in other countries. See Robert Smith and Oprah for examples. As far as feminists are concerned, you have way more in common with a feminist than I. Feminists hate their own people, and judging from your posts, you apparently do too.
You prove my point. This is all about you c00ns wanting to be first in line in the event that people start giving hand outs.

Look dummy, my position here is that you all are being divisive. Trying to justify why you're being divisive doesn't disprove my position here. Obviously you idiots think that you're justified in being divisive and promoting tribalism, so stop denying it.

I'm the only one in this thread saying that black people should put their race first over everything else, and try to work together to empower ourselves. But I hate my people? You're clearly an idiot evident by the fact that you had to edit this simple stupid post 20 mins later. :heh: at struggling to find something to say and still not saying shyt.

Black is not an ethnicity that you CLAIM. Black as an ethnic identifier is largely defined by afram cultural identity in the modern age. If aframs didnt make an attempt to unify under cultural identity in the 1960's and 70's you wouldnt be claiming black as an ethnic identifier today.How is this an ad hominem, cats just simply asked you a valid question
You don't tell me what I can claim. Black is not an ethnic identifier. All dark skinned people of African descent are classified as black in this world by non blacks. These crackers don't give a fukk about our ethnicities outside of using it against us to keep us divided, weak, and easier to use/manipulate against ourselves. I've literally pointed this fact out over and over and your stupid ass hasn't addressed it yet. Why don't you address the fact that whites have used this tribalism that you people are promoting in this thread, against black people for centuries?

If someone was to check me for my identity on a topic like this... First of all i would be embarrassed because it means i was moving in such a way to where a fellow afram would question me in the first place. Your being asked off the sheer stupidity of being a grown afram man whose checking other afram men for putting afram culture first
Well that's just because you're stupid and luckily I'm not you.

Learn the difference between "your" and "you're" btw. It's clearly not just a typo because you make this mistake in every post. It just adds insult to injury because it makes you look even more stupid. Your arguments are dumb enough.

An ad hominem is when you attack the person instead of their argument and that's exactly what you all are doing. You all desperately want to say "you only saying this cause you not AA". It's the same thing when I'm shytting on the "mixed people aint black" idiots. They immediately accuse me of having a white wife and mixed kids because they can't deal with my argument for why it's silly to draw a line between mixed and black. This is what you rely on because you lack intelligence. Save the psychology and make a better argument.

No your(gotdamn bruh:hhh:) the real coward you cant even see whats right in front of you. Your completeley against it because u have no real knowledge of afram culture or context. You would rather Aframs be in a ZOMBIE like state completely devoid of cultural context. Under your regime we would be the REGULAR blacks or the generic black americans with no sense of culture mean while the rest of the diaspora laughs at us
Again, the reason that you have to attack me is because you don't have an intelligent argument to support your position. You try to personally attack and discredit me because you can't discredit my argument. If you actually had a strong position your argument would be all about why it would be beneficial for us to start putting our status as amerikkkans before our race. We're not even real Americans because we don't have true rights as Americans.

African american was suposed to be a place holder definition for those who spent centuries in america
We havent been robbed of true culture we have 398 years of culture building in the united states
I know who i truly AM. I am a second generation new yorker whose lineage traces back to south carolina and north carolina. Speak for yourself
Our music is basically the template of all modern music afram or not
Our food is looked at as comfort traditional american food
This is sad as fukk. You're literally taking pride in being a slave and the slave plantations that your family comes from. You're named after a slave master. Yes you have been completely robbed of your true culture. You speak the white man's language, you eat the white man's food, you've adopted the white man's value system, you pray to the white man's
God, and you live as a second class citizen in the white man's country. That's you're culture as an AA. You're Toby. Embracing the legacy of slavery and the culture of white supremacy that we've been directly subjected to for the last 400 years is fake pride and everybody knows it. This thread is the direst result of a lack of self esteem and obvious self hate issues. You cats are trying to cope but you're going about it in the wrong way.


May 1, 2012
@Gravity you really need to spend your time convincing Continental Africans of their blackness

Us African Americans are very aware that we're all black
No, you need to take Dr. Khalid out of your avi because you clearly don't truly respect him or what he was all about. Khalid would never cosign you and this wack c00n ass thread. Muhammad was a huge pan Africanist and always promoted African and so-called African American unity. Did you even know about the alternative African holiday that Dr. Muhammad created for thanksgiving?

“Africans living in America have a deep yearning to connect with our natural African selves,” said Dr. Muhammad, who is also the convener of New York’s now annual Million Youth March and the nemesis of `First-amendment assailant’ New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

Muhammad said that Africans in America have an innate leaning towards their African heritage. “Whether it is from the guys on the corner pouring a little liquor for their homies – which comes is in fact from pouring libation; or whether it is the wearing of African garments; the wearing of our hair in its natural state or even just going to a drumming circle or African dance class – these are all indications, that even if we do not consciously recognize it–that we have a memory and an inclination towards our real African selves.”

Incorporating spirituality, ritual, ceremony and symbology from Africa, Gye Nyame is celebrated every year on the third Thursday of November.

“It is a fundamental contention of Kawaida philosophy that our culture is our unique way of being human in the world,” said Karenga. “It gives us identity purpose and direction and the capacity to speak our own special truth to the world and make our own unique contribution to societal and human history.”

He continued, “Holidays as a central cultural expression, provide, an essential, even indispensable, framework for our cultural self-presentation to the world of African peoples.”

Muhammad told TBWT that Gye Nyame, is a celebration designed for Africans all over the Diaspora to give thanks for life, love and promise. Although a yearlong celebration, which can be brought into every day life by way of acknowledging the God you pray to, Gye Nyame was created as an alternative to the American Thanksgiving Day.

Like I said, you cats aren't serious. You're just insecure low self esteem having clowns who like to troll. You cats are runnin around here frontin to yourselves. How are you going to have Khalid Muhammad in your avi while running around here talking down on pan africanism with this #AAgang nonsense? Khalid and Farrakahn would curse all you c00ns out for talking like this. You people should have yvette Carnell and her ilk in your avis because those are the kind of people who truly represent you.
May 26, 2012
No, you need to take Dr. Khalid out of your avi because you clearly don't truly respect him or what he was all about. Khalid would never cosign you and this wack c00n ass thread. Muhammad was a huge pan Africanist and always promoted African and so-called African American unity. Did you even know about the alternative African holiday that Dr. Muhammad created for thanksgiving?

“Africans living in America have a deep yearning to connect with our natural African selves,” said Dr. Muhammad, who is also the convener of New York’s now annual Million Youth March and the nemesis of `First-amendment assailant’ New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

Muhammad said that Africans in America have an innate leaning towards their African heritage. “Whether it is from the guys on the corner pouring a little liquor for their homies – which comes is in fact from pouring libation; or whether it is the wearing of African garments; the wearing of our hair in its natural state or even just going to a drumming circle or African dance class – these are all indications, that even if we do not consciously recognize it–that we have a memory and an inclination towards our real African selves.”

Incorporating spirituality, ritual, ceremony and symbology from Africa, Gye Nyame is celebrated every year on the third Thursday of November.

“It is a fundamental contention of Kawaida philosophy that our culture is our unique way of being human in the world,” said Karenga. “It gives us identity purpose and direction and the capacity to speak our own special truth to the world and make our own unique contribution to societal and human history.”

He continued, “Holidays as a central cultural expression, provide, an essential, even indispensable, framework for our cultural self-presentation to the world of African peoples.”

Muhammad told TBWT that Gye Nyame, is a celebration designed for Africans all over the Diaspora to give thanks for life, love and promise. Although a yearlong celebration, which can be brought into every day life by way of acknowledging the God you pray to, Gye Nyame was created as an alternative to the American Thanksgiving Day.

Like I said, you cats aren't serious. You're just insecure low self esteem having clowns who like to troll. You cats are runnin around here frontin to yourselves. How are you going to have Khalid Muhammad in your avi while running around here talking down on pan africanism with #AAgang nonsense? Khalid and farrakahn would curse all you c00ns out. Replace with cats like yvette Carnell and her ilk because those are the kind of people who truly represent you.

Breh... I support pan-africanism

But I can't be a pan-africanist without the Africans :pachaha;

Go talk to the Africans.


May 1, 2012
Breh... I support pan-africanism

But I can't be a pan-africanist without the Africans :pachaha;

Go talk to the Africans.
If you support pan africanism then why aren't you joining me in checking these cats for talking down on it? Why aren't you speaking out against this "we need to be ethnocentric #AAgang" nonsense? This isn't a thread of Africans saying that they see themselves separate from AAs and that they put their ethnicity before their race. This thread contradicts pan africanism and you haven't said shyt in opposition. You're also all throughout that other divisive ass "AA vs African" thread participating in the division.
Apr 7, 2014
You prove my point. This is all about you c00ns wanting to be first in line in the event that people start giving hand outs.

Look dummy, my position here is that you all are being divisive. Trying to justify why you're being divisive doesn't disprove my position here. Obviously you idiots think that you're justified in being divisive and promoting tribalism, so stop denying it.

I'm the only one in this thread saying that black people should put their race first over everything else, and try to work together to empower ourselves. But I hate my people? You're clearly an idiot evident by the fact that you had to edit this simple stupid post 20 mins later. :heh: at struggling to find something to say and still not saying shyt.
People all over the world put their ethnic group first, that's just the way it is. You can't understand that because you have no ethnic pride and hate who you are. Go join an African forum, or better yet go move to Africa, if you want to make a connection with them.
May 26, 2012
If you support pan africanism then why aren't you joining me in checking these cats for talking down on it? Why aren't you speaking out against this "we need to be ethnocentric #AAgang" nonsense? This isn't a thread of Africans saying that they see themselves separate from AAs and that they put their ethnicity before their race. This thread contradicts pan africanism and you haven't said shyt in opposition. You're also all throughout that other divisive ass "AA vs African" thread participating in the division.

You just gonna ignore the fact that AFRICANS don't wanna support pan-africanism?

Go talk to the Africans.


May 1, 2012
You just gonna ignore the fact that AFRICANS don't wanna support pan-africanism?

Go talk to the Africans.
The Africans who put their ethnicity above race and don't want to support pan africanism are c00ns just like the people in this thread. A c00n is a c00n. Any black person who attempts to put something before their race is a c00n, It doesn't matter what it is. All Africans aren't like that just like all AAs aren't like the people in this thread. Instead using the c00ns of our people to justify promoting division and self hate, you should focus on uniting on the non c00ns who get it.
People all over the world put their ethnic group first, that's just the way it is. You can't understand that because you have no ethnic pride and hate who you are. Go join an African forum, or better yet go move to Africa, if you want to make a connection with them.
@Raymond Burrr ^^^This is the kind of person that threads like this speak to. This is the kind of person that you're cosigning here.

Once again @BlackAmerican, whites don't put their ethnicity before their race and that's why they're dominant right now. Not only are you ignorant you're dishonest.
Apr 7, 2014
You just gonna ignore the fact that AFRICANS don't wanna support pan-africanism?

Go talk to the Africans.
You have nations within Africa who don't like each other, as well as tribes/ethnic groups within those nations who don't like each other.Anyone who observes what goes on in the continent can see this.
May 26, 2012
The Africans who put their ethnicity above race and don't want to support pan africanism are c00ns just like the people in this thread. A c00n is a c00n. Any black person who attempts to put something before their race is a c00n, It doesn't matter what it is. All Africans aren't like that just like all AAs aren't like the people in this thread. Instead using the c00ns of our people to justify promoting division and self hate, you should focus on uniting on the non c00ns who get it.

@Raymond Burrr ^^^This is the kind of person that threads like this speak to. This is the kind of person that you're cosigning here.

Once again @BlackAmerican, whites don't put their ethnicity before their race and that's why they're dominant right now. Not only are you ignorant you're dishonest.

I'm black first.