Now me and my son LOVE some Marvel Avengers LEGOS! Probably our favorite game not named Mario Kart for wii u.
But i just thought about something...
How come they dont make the games for the heroes no more like how they used to do back in the day?
Marvel and DC.
fukk is up with that?
Its a lot of things.
The film licensing, Ever since marvel been trying to downplay the X-Men, their games have suffered because they didn't want include them in games and they know fans would riot.
Also Marvel also came to some dumb conclusion that kids these days have such small attention span they they could stay focused on long arcing storylines in cartoons which indirectly affected their approach to games. (hence why all we had was marvel infinity and the Lego games and all those weak cookie cutter cartoons like ultimate spiderman, agents of smash, etc.)
Also Marvel in general thought mobile games was the way to go until recently.
And they also had that Marvel mmo on pc which was zzzzzzzz.
However I have hope Marvel will get their head out there ass and get shyt popping.
They released a statement earlier in 2016 that they planned on taking games more seriously and the new PS4 exclusive spiderman and marvel vs Capcom infinite shows signs of that.
There is absolutely no reason why we shouldnt have a banging 4 player co-op game featuring the Avengers for PS4/XB1.
The reason I'm so intuned to this issue is because X-Men Legends and MUA were some of my favorite games of all time and it's a damn shame we haven't had anything even close to that in 10 years.