Captain America: Civil War (Official Thread)


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Since Cap and Bucky are soldiers, they systematically broke Iron Man down by breaking down his suit. Cap told Tony in the first Avengers movie he's nothing without that suit. One Tony kicked Bucky in the face Cap went into beast mode and could of killed him easy with the same shield his daddy made for him. Good thing Cap regained his composure. He got that heart and the will to win even when his back is against the wall. Even Tony's own computer was telling him that he messed up now.

:ufdup::salute:to TEAM CAP
i loved that shyt :pachaha:


May 2, 2012
I had the exact same problems with this that I did bvs.

Villain was as trash as lex.

Characters just shoehorned in for no reason other than to look cool.

The end with iron man losing it even after he knew zemos big plan was to turn them against each other. Dude literally just told them he was gonna make tem fight each other and iron man fell right into his hands. Just as bad as batman not killing superman because he said his mom's name.

The insignificant death of the king of wakanda, that only seemed to matter to black panther even though the most powerful ruler just got killed.

It was a better action movie than bvs if you turn your brain off, but the plot has the same problems.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
i've seen all of the Marvel Movies and I gotta say that Winter Soldier is still my favorite because it reflected the history of the real life Project Paperclip
and told the story of how Nazis infiltrated the highest ranks of American Government and Military.

Civil war was really good in my opinion if for no other reason i am totally impressed how the managed to get so many character into the movie and not make a mess out of it.
the gave everyone their screen time and did them all justice.

seeing Spider-Man with the rest was a dream come true and Black Panther was impressive all around.

great movie.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
GTFO. He knew Stark for like a few years; Bucky had his back since he was little. But if you want to talk about loyalty then I have to wonder why Stark's daddy had Cap's serum in his trunk? Where was he really going with that and why did they know he would be traveling with it at the time? And why did he immediately recognize Bucky when he was about to die? "Sgt. Barnes...." He didn't even look surprised to see Bucky, like he already knew he was alive. Maybe because he knew what the fukk they had been doing to him...hmmm. And It's pretty strange the same vibranium that Stark's daddy used for Cap's shield turns up in Zola's hands and on Bucky's arm. Not even going to get into Stark experimenting on the Tessarect cube and creating Ultron, and the whole mess that the Sokovia Accords were named for. He didn't owe that man nothing.

I'm still Team Cap but he was a snake in the film.

Tony spent the whole movie looking out for him (and Bucky by extension) and getting him out of trouble with General Ross who had no problems sending him to prison and then putting a kill order on him. He was going to get Bucky transferred to the U.S instead of Wakanda too where they would treat him. Tony then even went against the accords when he thought Steve was in imminent danger then he got that bombshell :mjcry:

Howard Stark also idolised Cap too which is why Tony said he didn't deserve the shield, Cap knew it too which is why he dropped it.

I would have killed both of them :yeshrug:


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
I'm still Team Cap but he was a snake in the film.

Tony spent the whole movie looking out for him (and Bucky by extension) and getting him out of trouble with General Ross who had no problems sending him to prison and then putting a kill order on him. He was going to get Bucky transferred to the U.S instead of Wakanda too where they would treat him. Tony then even went against the accords when he thought Steve was in imminent danger then he got that bombshell :mjcry:

Howard Stark also idolised Cap too which is why Tony said he didn't deserve the shield, Cap knew it too which is why he dropped it.

I would have killed both of them :yeshrug:, no. Tony Stark is the snake in this film. First, he hasn't really showed any kind of guilt or concern about "being kept in check" until now. It's been over a year since Sokovia but it takes Alfre Woodard hitting him in the chest with a picture of her dead son for him to start feeling guilty. So then joins forces with the Secretary of State to make the Accords a reality, and then proceeds to break the very rules he established and is using to arrest his friends under by. Let's count them out:

1. He wouldn't have to get Steve and Bucky out of trouble if he hadn't been in such a rush to sign the Accords. The Accords establish the law that got everyone in trouble. Like Sam said, it was only a matter of time before they would be used to lowball them like common criminals. This is why Tony is shady. No one on the team was really given time to discuss parameters, conditions, caveats to the document. But he expects them to all just sign it in blind faith, overnight? That's ridiculous. He claims he's trying to keep the Avengers together by having everyone sign the Accords, but he doesn't offer any room for real discussion or negotiation for those on the fence. This is all about what Tony wants and feels is right. Clint is right, he thinks he can predict the future and knows what's best for everyone. He didn't even really have the majority's consent/support. Vision doesn't count as a separate opinion on this issue because Vision is really Tony's baby.

2. He puts Wanda under house arrest without any due process or representation. Doesn't even tell anyone else on the team he's doing that until it slips out in his conversation with Steve

3. He recruits Peter/Spiderman, an under-aged high school student, to join his team without consulting Ross or a UN panel. Not only does Peter not have a passport, but he's putting a U.S. minor in a battle where he can get shot or blasted to hell.

4.Even before the reveal about his parents, he willfully ignores the fact that Bucky was brainwashed by the same government agencies that he wants Steve to blindly trust.

5. His AI is still programmed to sneak him information that is priviledged and designed to inform his next move. Why would Tony's AI be communicating that the UN psychologist is dead and then run scans of the airport that he was supposed to be picked up at? Isn't that the job of the UN now? He hasn't stop doing his oversight/investigator thing because has no intention of surrendering complete control to the UN.

6. He blatantly lied to Ross to go investigate the Zemo issue and find Steve, even though Ross told him that they weren't going to pursue that thread.

7. I know he's angry and blinded by rage, but at the very end he doesn't even contact the UN panel to get Zemo, or Bucky. He takes things into his own hands, something the Accords are squarely against.

Tony doesn't even respect the Accords. He only want to look like he's doing something respectable to absolve his guilt, and in the process he gets his team arrested and ends up looking like a hypocrite.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
57,315, no. Tony Stark is the snake in this film. First, he hasn't really showed any kind of guilt or concern about "being kept in check" until now. It's been over a year since Sokovia but it takes Alfre Woodard hitting him in the chest with a picture of her dead son for him to start feeling guilty. So then joins forces with the Secretary of State to make the Accords a reality, and then proceeds to break the very rules he established and is using to arrest his friends under by. Let's count them out:

He did all that to protect Cap and you know it :martin:

1. He wouldn't have to get Steve and Bucky out of trouble if he hadn't been in such a rush to sign the Accords. The Accords establish the law that got everyone in trouble. Like Sam said, it was only a matter of time before they would be used to lowball them like common criminals. This is why Tony is shady. No one on the team was really given time to discuss parameters, conditions, caveats to the document. But he expects them to all just sign it in blind faith, overnight? That's ridiculous. He claims he's trying to keep the Avengers together by having everyone sign the Accords, but he doesn't offer any room for real discussion or negotiation for those on the fence. This is all about what Tony wants and feels is right. Clint is right, he thinks he can predict the future and knows what's best for everyone. He didn't even really have the majority's consent/support. Vision doesn't count as a separate opinion on this issue because Vision is really Tony's baby.

Captain America was protecting a wanted fugitive/terrorist wanted in connection with a terrorist attack. He interfered with a legal government sanctioned attempt to capture the perpetrator, that's called aiding and abetting. He should have been imprisoned right after that but Stark got him off.

2. He puts Wanda under house arrest without any due process or representation. Doesn't even tell anyone else on the team he's doing that until it slips out in his conversation with Steve

She can't control her powers, it was for her own safety and others. She had just blown up a building :snoop:. Would you want Bruce Banner walking near a school after he just had just "Hulked out" and trashed a city?

3. He recruits Peter/Spiderman, an under-aged high school student, to join his team without consulting Ross or a UN panel. Not only does Peter not have a passport, but he's putting a U.S. minor in a battle where he can get shot or blasted to hell.

General Ross said he was going to send commando's after Steve, Bucky and Sam with orders to kill if engaged, Spider-Man sounds like a much better and safer alternative don't you think? Once again done to protect Cap.

4.Even before the reveal about his parents, he willfully ignores the fact that Bucky was brainwashed by the same government agencies that he wants Steve to blindly trust.

He was going to get Bucky transferred to the US and a psych ward for treatment instead of a prison.

5. His AI is still programmed to sneak him information that is priviledged and designed to inform his next move. Why would Tony's AI be communicating that the UN psychologist is dead and then run scans of the airport that he was supposed to be picked up at? Isn't that the job of the UN now? He hasn't stop doing his oversight/investigator thing because has no intention of surrendering complete control to the UN.

Accords tell them when and where they can get involved and mobilise to act in another country. It doesn't prohibit being sourced information about things.

6. He blatantly lied to Ross to go investigate the Zemo issue and find Steve, even though Ross told him that they weren't going to pursue that thread.

To protect Cap as he thought he was in imminent danger. He went against what he signed to save him.

7. I know he's angry and blinded by rage, but at the very end he doesn't even contact the UN panel to get Zemo, or Bucky. He takes things into his own hands, something the Accords are squarely against.

To protect Cap :martin:.

Tony doesn't even respect the Accords. He only want to look like he's doing something respectable to absolve his guilt, and in the process he gets his team arrested and ends up looking like a hypocrite.

He respected it, but had to go against it to protect Steve who was intent on rebelling against it


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town

You keep saying he was doing all of this to protect Cap, but he wouldn't have to if there were no Accords to break.

And his AI was programmed to feed him information that had nothing to do with combat/protection, which is why he learned about the psychologist's death in the first place.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ, no. Tony Stark is the snake in this film. First, he hasn't really showed any kind of guilt or concern about "being kept in check" until now. It's been over a year since Sokovia but it takes Alfre Woodard hitting him in the chest with a picture of her dead son for him to start feeling guilty. So then joins forces with the Secretary of State to make the Accords a reality, and then proceeds to break the very rules he established and is using to arrest his friends under by. Let's count them out:

He did all that to protect Cap and you know it :martin:

1. He wouldn't have to get Steve and Bucky out of trouble if he hadn't been in such a rush to sign the Accords. The Accords establish the law that got everyone in trouble. Like Sam said, it was only a matter of time before they would be used to lowball them like common criminals. This is why Tony is shady. No one on the team was really given time to discuss parameters, conditions, caveats to the document. But he expects them to all just sign it in blind faith, overnight? That's ridiculous. He claims he's trying to keep the Avengers together by having everyone sign the Accords, but he doesn't offer any room for real discussion or negotiation for those on the fence. This is all about what Tony wants and feels is right. Clint is right, he thinks he can predict the future and knows what's best for everyone. He didn't even really have the majority's consent/support. Vision doesn't count as a separate opinion on this issue because Vision is really Tony's baby.

Captain America was protecting a wanted fugitive/terrorist wanted in connection with a terrorist attack. He interfered with a legal government sanctioned attempt to capture the perpetrator, that's called aiding and abetting. He should have been imprisoned right after that but Stark got him off.

2. He puts Wanda under house arrest without any due process or representation. Doesn't even tell anyone else on the team he's doing that until it slips out in his conversation with Steve

She can't control her powers, it was for her own safety and others. She had just blown up a building :snoop:. Would you want Bruce Banner walking near a school after he just had just "Hulked out" and trashed a city?

3. He recruits Peter/Spiderman, an under-aged high school student, to join his team without consulting Ross or a UN panel. Not only does Peter not have a passport, but he's putting a U.S. minor in a battle where he can get shot or blasted to hell.

General Ross said he was going to send commando's after Steve, Bucky and Sam with orders to kill if engaged, Spider-Man sounds like a much better and safer alternative don't you think? Once again done to protect Cap.

4.Even before the reveal about his parents, he willfully ignores the fact that Bucky was brainwashed by the same government agencies that he wants Steve to blindly trust.

He was going to get Bucky transferred to the US and a psych ward for treatment instead of a prison.

5. His AI is still programmed to sneak him information that is priviledged and designed to inform his next move. Why would Tony's AI be communicating that the UN psychologist is dead and then run scans of the airport that he was supposed to be picked up at? Isn't that the job of the UN now? He hasn't stop doing his oversight/investigator thing because has no intention of surrendering complete control to the UN.

Accords tell them when and where they can get involved and mobilise to act in another country. It doesn't prohibit being sourced information about things.

6. He blatantly lied to Ross to go investigate the Zemo issue and find Steve, even though Ross told him that they weren't going to pursue that thread.

To protect Cap as he thought he was in imminent danger. He went against what he signed to save him.

7. I know he's angry and blinded by rage, but at the very end he doesn't even contact the UN panel to get Zemo, or Bucky. He takes things into his own hands, something the Accords are squarely against.

To protect Cap :martin:.

Tony doesn't even respect the Accords. He only want to look like he's doing something respectable to absolve his guilt, and in the process he gets his team arrested and ends up looking like a hypocrite.

He respected it, but had to go against it to protect Steve who was intent on rebelling against it

Considering all that, do you see the very irony in Tony's stance then in regards to Steve's very stance as well?


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Gotta single this out specifically.

Tony was trying to kill Bucky. Cap and Bucky was just trying to subdue him. So of course Ironman was winning, he wasn't holding back.


Tony was indeed trying to kill Bucky, but even while trying to kill him... Tony was still holding back.
He's always holding back... until you hear these two words:
