Captain America: Civil War (Official Thread)


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
This movie had no forced love story dragging it down. Pepper Potts, Jane Foster and Lois Lane have ruined all those franchises. Cap pushed up on Agent Carter's neice and kept the story moving along

That kiss felt very forced. The only thing that saved it was how Sam and Bucky reacted.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Very, Very Solid Entry. Really enjoyed it guys. Of course like everyone has said, Black Panther made an amazing entrance and litterally stole the movie. I was torn on how he handled the villian though because his entire motivation was getting Bucky but he was hard body reguarldess. Chadwick finally got out of those Bio-pics (Not Really, he's Thurgood Marshall next, lol) and showed his range, love his performance. I also loved how in command he was and it felt like he was Cap and Iron Man's equals unlike Falcon and Warmachine who are both still sidekick status but I felt their roles were better in this. With that said all the brothas got shine in this movie. Crossbones and Zemo were both weak villians as Marvel proves once again there villians are just not up to par. With that said I kind of give this movie a pass on the Villian because it wasn't really about that, it was more about the Avengers fighting themselves.

The action seqeunces were on point and the airport fight was off the chain. For a 2 1/2 hour movie it didn't really drag at all as the action was paced well. Spidey was cool, The action scenes were on point but felt his introduction and character was kind of rushed into the story. It was liike boom were in Queens and he's already Spiderman. It's good we aren't getting a 1 trillionth orgin story but this film becomes his introduction. But he really fit in the movie and it was good seeing him fighting with the Marvel Family on screen. As for the performance, the kid had a lot of personality, yes he was childish and very kiddy but I think they are going for a really young Spidey so I understand that.

Marisa Tomei is a very good actess but as Aunt May I don't know, I guess I'm not use to seeing a youthful Aunt May. Now I see why Tony will be in Spider-man because of the chemistry they had. My biggest beef was the movie wasn't fully a Captain America Movie. The film litterally picks up from the events of "Ultron" and the consequences from the original "Avengers" Film. It was litterally Avengers 2.5 thus being more an "Infinity War" Prequel. The main Cap storyline is his resistance and the Bucky Relationship. I understood Cap's stance just not his caping or Bucky, lol. The film was also a Black Panther Prequel and a Spider-man Reboot. Even the post credits scenes proves this as they focused on Black Panther and Spidey.

Vision, Scarlett Witch and Hawkeye didn't do much. Ant-man kind of stole the show a little with his personality. I know this was about Cap V Tony but I felt Tony was too central to this plot. It's suppose to be Cap's movie. Down to the suprise ending Tony dominiated the story, the plot and the entire conflict. One could argue this was also "Iron Man 4".Scar Joe, My baby. She is just too bad. Love her and Marvel is dropping the ball as a solo Black Widow movie should of been on the table. She's just a bada$$ in everyway. Overall this solidifies that Cap has the Best Marvel Trilogy. Iron Man 2 and 3 had major problems. Thor 3 can't save that trilogy. With that said this was definitely an Avengers film that sets up future films in the universe. Overall I left the theater impressed. It wasn't the 2nd coming and there were several of plot holes but it did it's job and I was invested in all the characters. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is turning into an "Episodic" like style were all the stories so connecting so well. I give it a B and it's most def a Top 5 Marvel film easy.

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May 12, 2012
This movie had no forced love story dragging it down. Pepper Potts, Jane Foster and Lois Lane have ruined all those franchises. Cap pushed up on Agent Carter's neice and kept the story moving along
love stories bog down approximiately 95% of movies, yet every fukkin movie needs them. it's stupid and feels like archaic thinking to me. like you said, you could easily imply it or just rush through it instead of devoting giant subplots to relationship shyt in everything.

A movie has a ticking time bomb, guy is on world saving mission... and time out... we need a 6 minute scene with his girlfriend so this actress can get a meaty part. and back to the world saving mission. just fukkin use subtext and imply the man is driven by his love for his wife, don't force it down our throats.

... but you know, women need to see themselves as a major part of every single movie now, and they can't just be damsels in destress, and the Bechtal Test or whatever the fukk it's called... and wait, hold up, why not just make the main character homosexual? there needs to be more gay love on screen...



Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
Hawkeye and Ant Man felt rushed in and weren't given much of an explanation on why they were willing to get involved in the fight but I can't complain.
I think Hawkeye caught wind of Scarlet Witch being held prisoner in her own apartment and felt he had to step in. Hawkeye probably has a soft spot for Wanda and feels the need to protect her because her brother sacrificed his life to save Hawkeye.

Ant-Man was just a Captain America stan, and was excited and flattered that Cap offered him the opportunity to help him. "Here's your shield Captain America! :krs:"
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All Star
Jun 6, 2012
Very, Very Solid Entry. Really enjoyed it guys. Of course like everyone has said, Black Panther made an amazing entrance. I was torn on how he handled the villian though because his entire motivation was getting B but he was hard body. Chadwick finally got out of those Bio-pics (Not Really, he's Thurgood Marshall next, lol) and showed his range. I love how in command he was and it felt like he was Cap and Iron Man's equals unlike Falcon and Warmachine who are both still sidekick status. With that said all the brothas got shine in this movie. Crossbones and Zemo were both weak villians as Marvel proves once again there villians are just not up to par. With that said I kind of give this movie a pass on the Villian because it wasn't really about that, it was more about the Avengers fighting themselves.

The action seqeunces were on point and the airport fight was off the chain. Spidey was cool but felt his introduction and character was kind of rushed into the story. But the kid had a lot of personality, yes he was childish and very kiddy but I think they are going for a really young Spidey so I understand that. Marisa Tomei is a very good actess but as Aunt May I don't know, I guess I'm not use to seeing a youthful Aunt May. Now I see why Tony will be in Spider-man because of the chemistry they had. My biggest beef was the movie wasn't a Captain America Movie. It was litterally Avengers 2.5, Black Panther Prequel and a Spider-man Reboot. Even the post credits scenes proves this as they focused on Black Panther and Spidey. Vision, Scarlett Witch and Hawkeye didn't do much. Ant-man kind of stole the show a little with his personality. I felt Tony was too central to this plot. It's suppose to be Cap's movie but Tony dominiated the story, the plot and the entire conflict. One could argue this was also "Iron Man 4".

Scar Joe, My baby. She is just too bad. Love her and Marvel is dropping the ball as a solo Black Widow movie should of been on the table. She's just a bada$$ in everyway. Overall this solidifies that Cap has the Best Marvel Trilogy. Iron Man 2 and 3 had major problems. Thor 3 can't save that trilogy. With that said this was definitely an Avengers film that sets up future films in the universe. Overall I left the theater impressed. It wasn't the 2nd coming and there were several of plot holes but it did it's job and I was invested in all the characters. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is turning into an "Episodic" like style were all the stories so connecting so well. I give it a B and it's most def a Top 5 Marvel film easy.


Marvel said they are committed to a Black Widow solo movie now.

I posted thread about It.‘committing’-to-a-black-widow-solo-movie.425770/

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
True indeed...wonder how they gonna pull that off when you bring thor and the hulk back in with the current roster + guardians of the galaxy + dr strange + wasp for the last 2 avengers movies


the same way them flims like Avatar, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and etc are filmed..... with all these numerous side and small character with the little scenes taking up space.... but instead of having all these small no name *Soldier 4, Street girl" type cast.... just give all the parts to all the actors.

Not to mention its gonna split into 2 movies so some will have a stronger role in one movie and others with have stronger role in the other.:ld:

Black Bolt

Dec 26, 2015
Saw this earlier, can't believe how good it was.
They NAILED Black Panther/T'Challa
Why kill T'Chakka tho?
They NAILED Spidey
I can't even be mad at the tiny flaws cos that'd be pedantic, that ticked so mny boxes for me, BasedFiege:bow:
Imma say it, Captain America Trilogy >>>>>>> Nola's Batman Trilogy and I don't think it's all that close tbh