Captain America: Civil War (Official Thread)


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Staff member
May 2, 2012
yea, crossbones helped start it off, but it was him saying 'bucky' and capt freezing up cause of the emotional tie, that allowed him to set the bomb off, which was used to help introduce the accords...if he doesnt freeze up, that explosion cant be used against them, the accords probably dont get written cause the UN wouldnt have gotten together....cause that was put together mostly cause of the wakandians dying...

also, even after they caught bucky, capt was still gonna sign the accords to help him wasnt until tony talked about SW and capt figured they'd do the same to bucky that he changed his mind...

the rest of them werent thinking about the accords (ant-man, spidey, SW, bp, WS, etc.) when they fell on whatever team they did...they went off their ties to either cap or tony....hawkeye and falcon always ride for capt..ant-man rode for falcon, so he rode for capt....war machine, vision, spidey rode for tony...bp just wanted WS, so he was on team tony by default....basically, it had nothing to do with the accords....

...seriously, i know you trying to make it seem like the accords played a big part in the movie, but they can take the accords out and the movie still moves along how it did without missing a beat...cause the driving factor for the movie wasnt the accords, it was capt's feelings for bucky...that was always the dividing point of the team...capt wanted to catch and help him; cause he still views him as a friend.....while others dont, they wanted to catch and kill/imprison him, cause they view him as a criminal...


Without the accords the full Avengers are after Bucky. The sole reason they fractured into teams is because Ross told Tony to catch The Winter Soldier and bring in Cap.

No accords = no Ross.

Nor would they even need people like Antman or Spider-Man, because there is no teams to balance out.

So I'm :what: at "it would be the same movie without it". A good 3/4 of the movie would have to be rewritten because there's no internal beef. Not on the level of what we seen.

You seriously think something like the airport fight would happen if half the team wasn't outlaws by that point?

And the accords were going to happen eventually with or without the incident with Crossbones. The woman approached Tony because of "Age Of Ultron". The highlight reel Ross showed, The Avengers leveled large portions of 3 separate cities. The Wakandan shyt just made it happen sooner.



Jul 16, 2013

Without the accords the full Avengers are after Bucky. The sole reason they fractured into teams is because Ross told Tony to catch The Winter Soldier and bring in Cap.

No accords = no Ross.

Nor would they even need people like Antman or Spider-Man, because there is no teams to balance out.

So I'm :what: at "it would be the same movie without it". A good 3/4 of the movie would have to be rewritten because there's no internal beef. Not on the level of what we seen.

You seriously think something like the airport fight would happen if half the team wasn't outlaws by that point?

And the accords were going to happen eventually with or without the incident with Crossbones. The woman approached Tony because of "Age Of Ultron". The highlight reel Ross showed, The Avengers leveled large portions of 3 separate cities. The Wakandan shyt just made it happen sooner.


not true...the full avengers were never after was always capt and falcon, they had been after him for the last 2 years....

the accords werent even in play yet when the avengers went after bucky...the day they were supposed to get signed, the bombing happened...everyone was chasing after bucky like an hour later cause he was seen as an international criminal, not cause of the accords...only reason capt was brought in was cause he was helping bucky not get at that point, he was just breaking the law helping a criminal avoid arrest, so the accords still didnt matter...even after they arrested bucky, capt still had a chance to sign the accords (the 2 pens)....which he was gonna do to help bucky, but changed his mind after finding out about SW...

no need to make the face cause the movie wouldnt have to be re-written...the dividing factor was capt's feelings, not the while he was looking at bucky as a friend in need of help, others were looking at him as an international criminal for washington, dc and whatever other they couldve used any reason to have a UN meeting, have bucky be blamed, and the the movie still goes on like it did...cause people still wouldve picked sides based on whom they were cool with/agendas....

that's the thing: the airport scene still happens even without the accords cause they still wouldve been looked at as criminals for helping bucky...they were aiding and abetting an international criminal...seriously, think about that for a sec...bucky was probably #1 on the most wanted list and you had capt & falcon helping him avoid think there wouldnt be a divide? come on now...

like you said, the crossbones event helped speed the accords up...ross used it in his presentation and as a reason why they needed it....and i like how you say 'wakandian shyt made it happen sooner' like that wasnt a big part of the plot/ was probably the wakandians that got the UN together to get the shyt passed...seriously, it's a reason why t'chaka was speaking first at the meeting...they were driving that shyt cause they wanted justice for their dead people....

...i know you trying, but the accords were a secondary thing in this movie, never a driving force...the movie could have been the same if they were never introduced and bucky still was blamed for some're see next time you see it....


Jul 16, 2013
Oh what happened in that scene where BP is fighting winter soldier without his suit and it look like he was holding his arm with telekinesis from his ring or wuteva

the ring interacted with WS's arm because of what it was made of...that's all that was...

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent


The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Another thing, people watching this on bootleg are wilding. I don't knock bootlegs usually but I seen this shyt in IMAX 3D and it was beautiful. The airport fight was filmed specifically for IMAX 3D and you can tell.

I mean if you passed a link I wouldn't be mad tho
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Master Baker
May 1, 2012
1. This wasn't no captain america movie, ironman carried this shyt followed by the avengers, captain America simply got a big arc

2. Capt is a faq, a lot of caping for Bucky :sas1: don't ask don't tell :sas2:
2B. Capt dead ass wrong for that shyt :wow: #TeamTony

3. Spider-Man stole the show, I'm not into spidey that much and hated him after the wack ass early 00 movies, but if this is who is cast for the next movie, I'm there. He was super charismatic and captured the nerdy kid do gooder slightly in above his head perfectly.

4. Aside from batman and x men, i don't know much about these heroes outside of what is given in the movies. That said, the coli done put 2 on 10 with black panther, I get it, he's a black super hero, but that movie didn't leave me hyped to see a black panther movie outside of his skin color. Real shyt :yeshrug: I'm ready for infinity war and spider man above anything else

5. I'm a little tired of the marvel formula, quippy (often cheesy) one-liner galore :yawn:

6. Overall i enjoyed it, but these movies are becoming cumbersome with the increasing number of heroes..,which leads me to -- fukk NO MARVEL DOES NOT NEED XMEN BACK. Xmen is a clusterfukk on their own due to the number of mutants in their universe, god I'd hate to see them shoe horned into the MCU, and even if they are left to their own world, I'd hate Marvel to muck xmen up even more by trying to introduce too many mutants

7. One of you nerds explain to me how marvel got to keep scarlet witch?
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I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
explain to me how marvel got to keep scarlet witch?

It isn't a matter of keeping her, as they never lost her. She is liscensed to Fox, but Marvel still owns her. So if the terms of the liscensing agreement are not for exclusivity in a medium (such as film) or if they work out a deal for her/spidey, etc that is acceptable to both Fox then they are free to do whatever they want with her.

Traditionally she is an Avenger not an X-Man. She just happens to be a mutant. But she isn't an X-Man... and Fox is done pushing the Brotherhood of Evil Mutant arc (which is the only way she fits into their stories) so Fox has little use for her... unless they want to do the House of M/Decemation arc where she depowers everyone, but I doubt that. So she was collecting dust at Fox but a key piece of the West Coast Avengers.


From The Eastside with Love
Nov 21, 2012
Thoughts Regarding The Depiction Of Black Heroism As Portrayed In Captain America:Civil War

Written by: Ziggiy

“Hiiipower: the three i’s represent heart, honor and respect. That’s how we carry ourselves in the world, period. Hiiipower, it basically is the simplest form of representing just being above all the madness, all the bullshyt. No matter what the world is going through, you’re always going to keep your dignity and carry yourself with this manner that it don’t phase you. Whatever you think negative is in your life. Overcoming that and still having that self-respect.

everybody raise three fingers in the air, the sky is falling the wind is calling, stand for something or die in the morning”

Kendrick Lamar

The concept of black heroism in mainstream American cinema has had a long, complex, and rather disappointing history. Often times, the “token” character of color within the genre of superhero films exists to serve one of two purposes, that to serve as comic relief or the “good friend” (servant) of the main protagonist on his/her path towards victory. 1998’s Blade, starring Wesley Snipes helped to establish a cunning, determined, and undeniably masculine and capable black hero within a world where only he possesses the capabilities to defeat vampiric entities hell bent on conquering the world. That film went onto gross more than $131.2 million worldwide, at the time considered a huge financial success, and spawning two more sequels. Ten years later, Will Smith’s Hancock; about a troubled amnesiac superhero struggling to rediscover his own sense of valor, grossed more than $620 million worldwide. These two examples could serve as proof that there is indeed an audience for black protagonists as leading material within the superhero/fantasy genre, and yet when Marvel Studios began laying the groundwork to birth their most popular comic properties into a full fledged cinematic universe, it would apparently take 7 years, 11 films, and over 9.3 BILLION DOLLARS in grosses before Kevin Feige (Studio Chief Of Marvel Films) and Disney decided it was time for Black protagonists to graduate from side-kick to lead. So when it was announced that Black Panther, the first Black superhero to debut in mainstream comics back in 1966, was to be featured prominently not only in Marvel’s 12th cinematic outing, Captain America: Civil War; but also star in his OWN forthcoming solo film, it was met with an outcry of jubilance….and also trepidation. This was not the first time a major Hollywood studio (Disney) had introduced a bonafide black “lead” character into the mythos of an enormously popular franchise, only to portray that character as an emasculated coward whose entire existence served to highlight the strengths of his white counterparts. And with that in mind, the less said about Star Wars: The Force Awakens Finn, the better.

To read more:

Arcs Of Excellence – Captain America Civil War Depiction of Black Heroism – FTESWL
Arcs Of Excellence – Captain America Civil War Depiction of Black Heroism

:salute: @Ziggiy