Seen the movie twice and it's by far one of the best superhero movies I've seen in a while.
It's right up there with The Dark Knight and Rami's Spider-Man 2.
The way they introduced Black Panther and Spidey was smart and perfect. Especially with Spidey. You already know how he got his powers and u already know the process he is going through up to that point before Tony recruits him. They didn't do a lot and they didn't do too little with his appearance, it was just right.
Black Panther was black excellence personified

He wasn't with the bullshyt in no way. He wanted Bucky's fade by any means. Had the

through out the entire film.
The airport fight scene was fun. Punchlines through out the entire shyt and it made me
The final battle tho?
Like seriously could you REALLY blame Stark for reacting how he did?
When the video started playing you literally see the

emoji form in Bucky's face cuz he knew what was about to happen.
But the most painful line in that movie came from RDJ when Cap was like:
Cap: "This isn't gonna solve anything

Stark: "I don't care....he killed my mom

Other then that..the Russo brothers did EVERY thing right with this film and made me excited for the rest of the Phase 3 films.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has done EVERYTHING right when it comes to their movies and TV shows. We are living in a era where we see a ensemble cast of superheroes on a yearly basis. And it isn't just a bunch of bullshyt they put together like BvS.
ALL the characters mean something and they make sure that the viewer connects to them in some way shape or form. And I love how they building up to one big movie where there will be a huge royal rumble like film where EVERYBODY will be in it to save the universe
Marvel got the juice and DC is just late for the party