Drew Wonder
Best Marvel movie ever.
It was good. I give it a 7.5 or 8, but I'm a hard critic.
I'm interested to see what @Ziggiy thinks of Black Panther's portrayal.
So let's talk Black Panther
I think okay not amazing but that can be corrected in his own solo film. Spider-man definitely took some of his screen time
I just got back from seeing it, a good movie, but I had some minor issues with it. The Score Gawd Henry Jackman slipped in this one, the music didn't have much memorable themes really. His Winter Soldier work way better. As someone said, and I definitely agree with after watching the movie some of the scenes looked better in the trailers and the TV spots compared to the shots they kept in the movie. BP and Spider-man, Winter Soldier, Falcon did their thing. My theater was packed too. Definitely have to see it again in a few weeks. Oh yeah Winter Soldier still my favorite Marvel movie, but this was still a good film.
is the final fight good?
Whats up with the Black Panther slander. Thats the main reason I want to watch the movie.
Until recently I've heard he's been the best part of the movie. I
Marissa Tomei
Tony basically blackmailed Spiderman into the Avengers saying "or would you rather I continue my chat with your pretty aunt"
I may see it Friday and Saturday.
Real test is to see if the movie improves on a rewatch (or at least maintains)
Not gonna lie but I was slightly disappointed with the way BP was used in this. It felt like he didn't do much of merit in his airport battle especially. His father's death was also rushed as hell. Chadwick did a solid job as far as acting goes but eh. My audience was excited when he first showed but it felt like they stopped caring as the film progressed. I would say Spider-man had the stronger debut because he did more in his sequences. They madr him look really good in his short time.