i love how people think it wont happen
10 years ago this was the best selling cell phone out was a bar nokia and a motorala razr both with wap browsers
these graphics were considered good
blockbuster wsa still around and kicking
netflix was shipping out dvds and streaming was almost nill to many.
videogame consoles havent even been around fro 50 years, it can be killed off at any time.
hell 10 years ago how many people had a tablet? computers and laptops used to cost thousands and thousands of dollars now you can build a pc that plays top of he line games for cheap, you can buy a top of the line laptop for cheap, you can buy a great tablet for 100 bucks (bought my kindle fire 2 hd for 49 dollars)
i agree wholeheartedly with this thread, things are changing rapidly, it may not be 2016 but a day is coming soon when folks wont justify 500 dollar consoles and 70 dollar games