c00nmedian Trevor Noah Tap Dances For Cacs By Taking Shot at Black Americans’ Claim to Homeland


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
@Hybrinetics...what happened breh...all that shyt talk and caping for this mutt didn't save ya huh?:russ:

Lame ass.......


May 17, 2013
Trevor barely knows the cultural nuances of America. If he did, he certainly didn't act like he did. Again, he juxtaposed AA's pride in African Ancestry, with a West Indians pride in their nationality over their ancestry. Clearly he doesn't know or acknowledge that the reason some AA's choose ancestry over nationality is, because they were robbed of their own nation, language, heritage, etc.

Haitians, Jamaicans, Bajans, Antiguans, Bahamians and most Africans have their own culture and hybrid languages, and their own gov't run by Blacks. AA's have their own unique culture that has had global influence, they still grew up under the doctrines of White Supremacy in a predominantly White country.

And some AA's cope with that, by clinging to some sort of sub-Saharan African culture. Why Africans like Noah, don't understand this, or purposefully try not to understand this, who knows. Why they try to push AA's out of this frame of mind? Who knows. I know the minute that AA's decide to consider that anything other Blacks do that was borrowed form AA's is appropriation, than Black foreigners wouldn't feel to happy about that.
What you need to do is learn from Haitians and Jamaicans and embrace your own culture. I could have sworn you lot did the way you defend your country any time I start talking shyt about it.

NO african nation has a flag that looked like this.

Any time I ask people to come to the continent and stop crying about racism "Man fukk that our ancestors built this land, fukk moving back to africa" apparently there is pride there, I wouldn't hold on to what you don't know and embrace what you do know, and that is whats going on over there, not here. You have 1 home, not 2. Roots are one thing, but what we see above is the actual tree. Your tree is america. Don't be ashamed of your flag and your past, is long over with, look to make a positive representation in your country and strive to be respected in it. Look forward not backward, your future is there, not here.

When we get our shyt together in the next 30 years, you're more than welcome to visit though. :smile:
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Nov 25, 2014
Can Africans or people of African descent be European? Idris Elba, Tony Parker etc?

citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a member of a country. A person may have multiple citizenships and a person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be stateless.


Feb 2, 2016
If you are black amd you were born in America. U are not African. Everybody came from Africa but your not calling whites European Africans. Nor Asians Asiatic African.

Peoole who were born in Africa are Africans period. African American is a slight to black American people anyway. Nothing wrong with just being black. Amd nothing wrong with taking ownership of our heritage either. And our heritage in America as fukked up as it begun is one of the most idolized heritages in the world. Why not embrace that? Why do we have to take claims over some shyt we know nothing about.

I hate when cats start rocking dashikis talking all mother land bullshyt. I can accept we have deep roots in Africa and that we need to learn more about where our ancestors come from. But to take claim kver the whole continent just because of our skin color. That shyt is retarded. Like blacks didnt migrate to Asia, Australia, and North/South America before slavery exsisted. Its a fools way of thinking and a real disgrace to our lineage as a people.
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The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
If you are black amd you were born in America. U are not African. Everybody came from Africa but your not calling whites European Africans. Nor Asians Asiatic African.

Peoole who were born in Africa are Africans period. African American is a slight to black American people anyway. Nothing wrong with just being black. Amd nothing wrong with taking ownership of our heritage either. And our heritage in America as fukked up as it begun is one of the most idolized heritages in the world. Why not embrace that? Why do we have to take claims over some shyt we know nothing about.

I hate when cats start rocking dashikis talking all mother land bullshyt. I can accept we have deep roots in Africa and that we need to learn more about where our ancestors come from. But to take claim kver the whole continent just because of our skin color. That shyt is retarded. Like blacks didnt migrate to Asia, Australia, and North/South America before slavery exsisted. Its a fools way of thinking and a real disgrace to our lineage as a people.
I am African.

Eat a dikk.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
If you are black amd you were born in America. U are not African. Everybody came from Africa but your not calling whites European Africans. Nor Asians Asiatic African.

Peoole who were born in Africa are Africans period. African American is a slight to black American people anyway. Nothing wrong with just being black. Amd nothing wrong with taking ownership of our heritage either. And our heritage in America as fukked up as it begun is one of the most idolized heritages in the world. Why not embrace that? Why do we have to take claims over some shyt we know nothing about.

I hate when cats start rocking dashikis talking all mother land bullshyt. I can accept we have deep roots in Africa and that we need to learn more about where our ancestors come from. But to take claim kver the whole continent just because of our skin color. That shyt is retarded. Like blacks didnt migrate to Asia, Australia, and North/South America before slavery exsisted. Its a fools way of thinking and a real disgrace to our lineage as a people.

Most dumbest shyt i've read in my life. Sign off the internet for life...........